Status: On hiatus until I get more inspiration. Comments can motive me. :). Sorry guys <3

Connection With Another World

Heartbroken, and insane?

I ran into my room as quickly as I could. I couldn’t stay out there anymore. Why did he have to do that? And the worst thing is that my parents were right. They knew what exactly he was going to do. Use me. That’s what he did. I just kept thinking how much I was a fool when I kept saying ‘I love you’ and how much he would have been laughing behind my back. I didn’t shed a tear, maybe my inner feelings knew this was going happen. I sat against my bedroom door, banging my head of it softly to let the bad thoughts flow out of my mind.

To cut me off from my thoughts, I heard a knock on the door and a low female voice say: “River, honey, are you alright?”
I could tell it was my mother’s voice, just by the emotional in her voice. “Mother, you were right.” I sighed before letting my tongue slip out the words, “You were right about Dane.” I felt my mother smiling but then remembering about me.
“Honey, can I come in?” She asked with concern in her words. I used my arms to push against the floor to push me up. My long black hair fell in front of my shoulders as I went to go open the door. “Oh, honey!” My mother soon led me into a huge hug to comfort me. Just knowing how much she cared for me comforted me. For the first time today, I smiled honestly. I knew what I had to do.
“Mother, I’m going get dressed for dinner, I’m assuming it’s ready soon” I pulled back to look at my mother. She nodded and walked out of the room proudly as she knew I felt alright. I pulled open my large dark oak wardrobe as I browsed through my clothes.

I just felt a need to get out of my casual clothes. It just felt wrong wearing them. I decided I wanted to feel better, and people often say dress nicely to do so. I took a deep breath and took a knee-length silver dress, which was plain but the neckline made it worth buying. I tried it on, and I felt better already. I moved swiftly over to the mirror to see how it looked on me.

The colour seemed to make my big blue eyes stand out or maybe that they were freshly watered, although the water didn’t escape my eyes. The dress clung to my curves, enhancing my chest to make my waist look slimmer, and making my hips stand out. My legs looked longer also; I looked taller than a five foot person, although I knew that was an illusion.

I did a little twirl in the dress and I was completely happy with my choice, and the choice I was going make. I walked over to my dressing table and quick fixed my makeup before making my way to the door to go to the dining room.

I walked down the stairs to see that the food was set out and my parents were ready to eat. Both of their eyes fixed on to me walking down the stairs and I felt like a princess, getting all the attention when walking into a room. I smiled as our butler pulled out a chair for me, ready to sit down. She walked over to each place and soon opened up the silver lid on our trays to reveal our meal. “Mother, father?” I spoke up, knowing that this was the right decision, I hoped, “I know you were right, about Dane. He did use me for my status, but now,” I took a deep breath, directing my eyes to look at my food, “I want an arranged marriage. Then I know I won’t be used, and know that someone can love me just for me and I can love him easily.” I looked up to my parents who were just about to take a bite into their food.
“That’s a wonderful idea River!” My father spoke loudly and cheerfully, “I’m sorry about Dane, but I know you’ll be happy with who you’ll end up with. Marriage is a wonderful thing, just look at me and your mother; we entered this marriage not knowing a thing about each other and soon discovered that she was the most beautiful thing in the world.” My mother blushed as my father looked deeply into her eyes. I smiled, I wanted that. The love was powerful between them, and I was going do the same. We finished off our meal whilst I listened to them tell me about their day, since they knew I didn’t want to talk about mine.

I stood up and thanked for staff for a lovely well presented meal, and kissed my parents on the cheeks to say goodnight. It was only around 9pm, and I could not sleep knowing what thoughts would have been going through my mind so I decided to get changed in my comfy cotton pyjamas instead of my silk ones. I opened my journal and started writing about my day like I did every night, as I always felt writing down my feelings helped me see life for the good side, and not for the pain.

Tears fell into my journal as I couldn’t stop writing. The more I wrote, the more tears flowed down my cheek, but I didn’t feel like I was crying. By the time I felt tired, I climbed in my king-size bed and bought the silk covered blanket over the top of me. I managed just to see what time it was on my alarm clock before I was fully under my covers. It was 2am and I knew I had to get up early for a piano lesson. I tossed and turn as I heard someone crying all night, I didn’t know if I was dreaming or not, but the cries felt real. I listened to the melody of every cry that person made, not knowing the reason why. Before I knew it my mother was knocking on my door to wake me up for my piano lesson.

The day was just like any other, except the cries in my sleep were constantly on my mind. Who made the cries and why? I didn’t tell my parents about the night. The time came when I was going to bed again, and a part of me hoped to hear the cries again. Just like last night, about 2am the cries started. I knew this wasn’t a coincident. I felt the person’s pain, and I wanted to see who. I looked outside my window but there was no one in sight. Every night this occurred, the cries started 2am and finished before sunrise.
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Okay, this was started with my friend, Stephanie. But I missed it and I just touched up this chapter... as I will do up until Chapter 5.