Status: On hiatus until I get more inspiration. Comments can motive me. :). Sorry guys <3

Connection With Another World

Now's my chance

I was literally giving myself a headache now. The cries were not stronger, nor worser, but in my mind I made them much worse than what they seemed like. I wish I could get them out of my head, I wished that phrase “Out of sight, out of mind” worked as I never seen the person making the cries, which made me curious. I wasn’t angry that I heard them but the cries kept me up at night resulting in many sleepless nights. What could they be crying about? Why has no one heard the cries before, not even my parents who slept across the hall to me?

My mind started to flicker to different things, and the most reasonable one I could imagine was an admirer. Hoping to get my attention outside my bedroom window, but I had so many unanswered questions; such like why were they so far away, why couldn’t no one but me could hear them, why me. I didn’t consider myself pretty, although I did have an advantage to be with my parents’ status around the town. But I wasn’t pretty enough to have a cue of admirers, but there was something; money. Just like Dane did, just like anyone did; I was alone. My mother would be my best friend, but I kept a lot of secrets, secrets that I want no one to hear, or see.

I walked over to my large window which overlooked the city. If it was night time, I would have felt so much better, because the city lights were amazing, enough to brighten up my mood. Plus, I would hear that voice. I made a promise looking at the city that tonight I would listen. Tonight I would find out more about these cries. Tonight I wanted to know who it was. I smiled to myself, the first one that was genuine since my lack of sleep. I even let out a little chuckle, and then I knew I would nap now, so I would be awake at 2 in the morning. I reached for the blanket as I turned to my side, pulling it down. I undressed to my underwear, and then climbed under my cover to keep me warm.

I heard a thump on my door, “River? Honey, are you there?” Just then I managed to open one eye to see my door knob turn. “Oh.” My mother’s voice was disappointed, she knew I was sleeping.
I smiled as I started to open my eyes, “I’m awake” I yawned out the next sentence, “just about.” My mother just chuckled looking at me, she knew how tired I had been and she seen that I needed the nap, but she didn’t know the reason behind me.
“You’re dinner is just about ready.” She said stern, like she did everynight she collected me.
“Dinner?” I asked in disbelieve, I had 5 hours nap?
“Yes hun.”
“But, it’s not that dark!”
“Yes, but we’re having it early. You see..” She paused as she took her attention away from my eyes to the floor, “me and your father, we have to...” she took another deep breathe. I looked at her, she didn’t want me to scream and shout, whatever she may say next. “We’ve got to get out the city, for awhile. Your grandmother isn’t well, and we’re going to look after her. You’re old enough to stay here on your own if you want; I know how lonely you must get.” I sighed, thinking it was much worse. My gran was always getting ill, but something in my mother’s voice made it seem much worse than usual.
“Is she going die?” I asked quietly, not willing to hear one answer.
My mother broke out laughing, “Of course not silly!” She moved over to me, relaxed and comfortably. “Will you be able to stay here? We haven’t left you in the house by yourself this long before.” She assured me, but I smiled. I can get to know what’s been going round in my head. All those unasked questions I need to ask, and are able to get my answers to them on alone.
“No mother, I’ll stay in the house on myself. I’m sure the maid and other house keeping people will keep me entertained.” I spoke nicely, like a singing a love song.
She nodded before she rose to her feet. She bent down and kissed me on my forehead, “I’ll call when we’re on our way back, I love you River.”
“I love you too mother.” She smiled before leaving the room; I knew that meant she’s going away after dinner.

We had a peaceful meal. All we talked about was my parents leaving to go to the city. They seemed happy about it, and I was happy to stay on my own. When we finished, I kissed my parents on the cheeks to let them excuse theirselves from the table to leave.

I listened to the car down slams and pull off. I looked at the time and realised that my nap was worth it, I was going see who the cries were. I passed the time by cleaning my bedroom and organising it. I even organised our DVD collection in the bright red living room. The carpet on my skin was so soft, like it’s just been washed and cleaned. I got on my knees against the tall dark oak bookshelf where all our DVD collection hid behind the glass. I organised in A-Z, from their genres. Action was on top, and Romance was somewhere at the bottom. I imagined I’ll spend a lot of time on my knees whilst searching for DVDs; you can never have enough romance DVDs.

I looked up at the tall grandfather clock that stood on an angle in the opposite corner in the room, and it read 1 AM. I hurried back up to my bedroom and got changed in casual clothes again, just a pair of white combat pants with a plain black t-shirt top with a hoodie over the top of it. I remembered Dane got me this hoodie, the white one with stars all over it, but it seemed to keep me warm a lot.

I waited patiently. On the dot, the cries called out. I looked outside my window and all around but no one was to be seen for miles, but the cries were so much loud. This was it, I was really confused, but I tried to focus on the voice.

“Damn you! Why? You don’t even deserve to exist.” I heard the voice cry out, which sounded like a male. I couldn’t estimate on the age of the male though, I couldn’t focus that much. I ran out the stairs and out the front door to try find the source.

What was going happen to me when I searched for nothing? Or will it just be a dead end and I have to search again tomorrow? I wanted to meet the person so bad, I forgot it was raining. In the middle of the rain, my hoodie was no match and I was freezing; however I was going keep looking; I wasn’t going give up.
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Just done a little touch up. I should be start writing it properly after I do touch up to Chapters 3&4.