Status: On hiatus until I get more inspiration. Comments can motive me. :). Sorry guys <3

Connection With Another World

The man of my dreams

After that night when I searched for the person, I developed some sort of cold. The house staff were over protective over me, so I couldn’t break free to roam the streets again. I was so close to finding out who it was, unless I just imagined someone watching me. The connection was strong, but there was no one there. One face kept coming up in my dreams, or nightmares.

My dreams were perfect, where my nightmares were terrifying. The same face, with piercing jade eyes, also stared a main role in them. They felt so real from time to time, and I normally woke up screaming. My most vivid nightmare was when he revealed some teeth to me, and sunk them into my neck. The pain felt almost too real when it paralysed me from waking up. When I had a chance to wake up, I put it down to watching ‘Interview with a vampire’ before I went to sleep. My dreams often involved romance, but yet again, the teeth showed through his beaming smile. I had to shake my head to get the thoughts out; he was the gentlest person with me in my dreams. I sighed heavily, and a maid ran up to me.

“Is there anything you like done, Miss?” The maid spoke politely to me. She was very beautiful if I must say so.
“How is your home life?” I asked with curiosity, before realising I was being impolite, “I’m sorry, I don’t know your name. Oh, and just call me River from now on.” I smiled at the beautiful maid standing in front of me.
“It’s okay, I can’t really say its normal, but we’re coping well.” The maid returned my smile, with confusion floating around her voice, “My name is Maria.”
I looked deeply at her; she would have been beautiful, if she didn’t struggle so much. The bags under her eyes were heavy, like she never had a good night sleep in ages. “How many jobs do you hold?” I asked graciously, waiting patiently for her reply.
She shuttered before her throat allowed her get her answer out of her mouth, “I hold 3 jobs, including this one.” She frowned and looked away in embarrassment. I smiled at her, assuring her I’ll be 2 minutes.

I ran up to my parents’ bedroom, looking carefully in the hallway just in case someone was watching. I snuck in and ran to their wardrobe. I knew they kept money hidden away in here, not that they need any of it. I grabbed so many £100 bills and ran back downstairs to the living room where Maria was waiting for my return. I lowered my head down to her ear and whispered, “Take the night off” and presented her with the money from my parent’s bedroom. Her eyes lit up like it was Christmas day for a little child.
“Oh! Thank you!” She said gratefully, embracing me into a tight hug, only backing off realising her actions. I laughed and smiled at her as she hurried outside the door.

After eating my dinner and giving my praises to the chef, I walked up to my bedroom to put on some casual wear again. I waited around, reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I realised time just before it stuck on 2 in the morning. I rushed out of my bedroom carefully, and exited the front door, since Maria wasn’t on guard.

It was a clear night, the stars perfectly lined up the dark blue sky, as if they were like crystals. Every house I walked past was in darkness, and I smiled. I couldn’t hear the cries this night, but I felt like I was getting closer. I heard bars full of laughter passing through many local streets, and seen some drunken fools staggering out of the doors. Suddenly, I felt something strange, like something was following me.

I hurried my steps quicker, only to hear the steps following behind do the same. As soon as I turned around the corner, I looked behind me and started to run. Suddenly, I fell from my feet to the floor, which was painful. I looked around me and saw him.

His jaded eyes looked at me pleadingly, like we known each other from somewhere. His skin was as pale as anything I seen; he could have easily been a crystal in the sky if he was that far away. His brown hair floated peacefully in the wind, blowing away from his eyes to make his vision more clearly. He extended a hand to help me raise myself up, which I took advantage off. He smiled with his white teeth showing, which happened to astonish me, until I saw them. The face in my dreams was complete with fangs.

For a second, I stared fearful in his eyes, which felt was a lifetime, before screaming. I backed up from him and I could see he was disgusted either in himself or me. I murmured to myself, “It’s just a dream, it’s just a dream,” but then I heard his voice.
“It’s not a dream.” He whispered to me, with silkiness covered his voice. He spook so smoothly it had to be unreal; even his looks were unbelievable beautiful. I found myself staring at his skin, just thinking of it as a crystal still. I backed away from him, before turning my back to him so I could run.

I ran past some corners, before resting against a fence lowering myself to the floor. Was I being foolish? I wanted to know what’s been keeping me up, and the connection with him was so strong I felt it was him. I shook my head, I was being plain stupid. Something pulled me though; back to the place I met him. I walked slowly to the spot and whispered, “Where are you?” but I had no answer back. I began picturing his face again. His jaded eyes were full of sorrow and pain, just as I expected them to be. I had an urge to stroke his face, to say everything’s alright. No matter how crazy I was acting, I wanted to see him again. I never felt so alive in my life.
“Please come back” I ended up whispering again, I knew I was just talking to myself. Did I really think he would show up from nowhere?

I had a whimper in the wind, which sounded like his voice “I can’t. I mustn’t.” I shook my head when I heard this comment, how could I run when I was drawn to him? We were like opposite magnets in my eyes, attracting to each other. In my mind, that statement sounded silly, but I couldn’t help but wondering where he is, and all I know is that I want to be closer; I want those answers. I wanted to see more of him, if he is really the one making the cries and why, and most importantly, why me?

I felt his eyes onto me, even though I couldn’t see him. “Please come back” I found myself saying again, with more confidence in my voice. I waited around, but no answer from him. I started walking back to my house, not my home. I didn’t know why, but it felt like home didn’t exist no more. Everything I want was so far from touching, but yet it seemed possible. As soon as I reached my house, I ran to my bedroom quietly, only to stare outside the window.
“Please come back” I managed to whisper, yet again. I felt myself as a broken record, but what more can I say? ‘Hi, my name is River. I feel a strong connection to you. What are you?’ I laughed at that introduction. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, and tonight was only the beginning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heh =].
My least liked chapter, but ohwell... just seemed quite depressing.
Hope you liked! Don't forget to comment on it please =]