Status: On hiatus until I get more inspiration. Comments can motive me. :). Sorry guys <3

Connection With Another World

I'm... what?

All week, the mystery male has been on my mind. His lovely jade eyes looked cold, more like heartbroken. Was he really a vampire? Or was I having a real dream again? I didn’t want to believe vampires were real in this world, but what would I know? All I ever knew, all I ever wanted was with Dane. Now, those days seemed long gone, like there were a million years beforehand, like I lived the memories and meaning in another life.

Today, my parents were coming home, after two weeks of leaving me by myself with the house maid. After nineteen years, I still don’t even know what my parents do. I knew they were important in some way, but they never talk about business in front of me. I wasn’t in despite need to know. Only my own future mattered to me, but I was still undecided about it. I heard the car door shut and I rushed to the window to see who it was. It was nice to see my mother and father smiling brightly, especially at each other. I walked to the door to greet my parents, like any other loyal daughter would.

“Oh, River!” My mother smiled vibrantly at me when she turned her heels to face me, “We had a wonderful time. You wouldn’t believe it!” I stared at her dumbfounded, how could they have a wonderful time when my grandmother was ill?

My father noticed the look on my face and smirked to himself. I turned to face him immediately; I wanted to know what was going on.
“River, we did not visit Annabel’s mother.” He broke his glare of me and looked softly into my mother’s eyes before darting back to mine, “We were at your fiancée’s house” My jaw flied opened. Had I missed something in my life? Since when was I engaged? Where is my ring to prove it? There was no way I could be engaged. My mother noticed my expression and jumped into the conversation.

“We wanted to find you a prince charming. Someone who was charming, good looking, humorous, good manners and someone to care for you, love you for whom you are.” My jaw widened now, these words sounded so familiar to me, why? “And we found him!” She took a deep breath after her sentence before revealing the name, “Hayden. Hayden Lance”

I was astonished. This happened very so quickly and the room began to spin. Maria, the maid, seen and quickly pulled a dining room chair behind me so I could sit down, she then rushed off to get me a glass of water. She placed the glass between my shaky hands, and if it wasn’t for Maria holding it with me, I would have dropped the glass. She forced my hands upwards and made me drink the water. My breathing pattern began to slow down after having the taste of mountain filtered water pass through my system. I was breathing regular now, with my parents’ worried eyes fixed on me.

“I’m okay.” I managed to whisper. “I’m okay.” I took deep breathes after that. Maria helped stand up before I motioned her away. I could stand by myself. It was just the rush of everything that made the room spin.

“Are you alright hunny?” My mother asked with concern in her voice. She looked at me sincerely, like she wished she hadn’t done this. I blinked heavily, and then I remembered why the words felt so clearly to me. There were in my diary, my one sacred possession that no one reads, the one thing that holds all my emotions and feelings in.
“You’ve read my diary?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow to her. “That was the one thing I had sacred!” I screamed at her, she slowly backed away from me.
“I’m sorry hunny. I just wanted you to be happy. I wanted to find the perfect man for you, so you won’t get hurt again!” Annabel reasoned with me calmly and I began to relax. I still couldn’t believe my own mother went behind my back.
“I can’t believe you did that mother... I trusted you.” I whimpered whilst I bowed my head south. I was trying to fight against the tears; it felt like the first time I cried in ages. I seen tears roll softly down my mother’s face as she knew she betrayed me. She reached out her hand to touch me but I pulled back. I was still in shock; I didn’t want her to touch me. “I’m going to my room.” I stated as I turned my heels.

I walked into my dark oak bedroom. Everything that was in it seemed so touched and violated when I scanned my bedroom; I knew my mother had heart in it, but I just didn’t get was why not talk to me first? I could have provided her with all the information she needed of my dream guy, something I thought we could talk about. Now, I feel like my own mother disliked talking to me about something deep and sacred. I always felt at ease talking to my mother, she was my best friend, but now I don’t feel like that. I felt like we had to start our relationship back up from the beginning. I still couldn’t get over the fact that she read my diary and lied to me! What type of mother is she?

I was battling with my mind and my heart, about should I trust my mother again. My heart finally won the battle as I dragged my body downstairs to see her watching a movie. I cleared my throat before she noticed my presence.
“Mother, I’m sorry I acted irrationally,” I began to speak sincerely. “I shouldn’t have gone off like that, I’m sorry” I added again before meeting my blue eyes with her honey brown eyes.
I noticed her smiling at me before she opened her mouth to speak, “It was unreasonably to read your diary and hook you up, and I’m sorry for that as well.”
I walked closer to her and we both embraced each other like this moment mattered the most to both of us.

My father walked in on us hugging, “River,” He spoke formally, breaking my hold on my mother, “Hayden will be coming for you tonight, to take you out for a meal.” He smiled, and he straightened out his jacket with his hands, “Put your favourite dress on.” I sighed so only I could hear, no matter how close I was to my mother. I hardly had the opportunity to wear one of the fancy dresses, so when I did wear one I felt really uncomfortable; however I was putting a smile on my parents’ faces, so at least I could give back something.

I tried to walk up the stairs gracefully, when my parents were watching, but I was still dragging myself. This was something I wasn’t looking forward to, but I brought it on myself. I changed into a stylish white dress that clung to my curves. It wasn’t too long, but it wasn’t short either. If anything, it made me look taller. I wrapped my artificial fur shawl around my shoulders and I was almost ready. I grabbed my tongs and put the plug on and switched them on. Just like it was right on cue, a maid came into my bedroom offering to do my hair for me.

It’s not like I couldn’t do my hair myself, but I really didn’t fancy doing my hair when I don’t want to go on a date. After the maid fixed up my hair and done my makeup, I was ready to go. I thanked the maid and walked out of my room. Once I walked down the stairs, I seen my mother and father already having dinner, and their eyes were fixed on me, but yet no one got up to greet me from the stairs. My parents didn’t utter a word, but they never took their eyes off me when I walked down the stairs, and around the table in the grand hall. I heard a car horn outside and I said goodbye to my parents subtly by a wave.

I opened the door to see a beautiful black Rolls Royce with an owner to match its beauty. He walked up the stairs to stand next to me, “Hello River, I’ve heard a lot about you” he smirked and I just stared at his beauty. Suddenly, a picture of the male in the night came to mind, and I couldn’t help but smile. “I’m Hayden, if you didn’t know.” He spoke loudly to snap me out of my thoughts. I just simply nodded.

He took my arm and linked it in with his to walk me round to the passenger seat in the car. He opened the car door like a proper gentleman and I still couldn’t get the image out of my head. I should have been scared, I should have ran as fast as I could; but I didn’t want to. I wanted to stay with him, dangerous or not. I don’t know what made me feel like that around him, or thinking about him, but I wanted to be closer to him.

I was too busy in thought of my mystery night male, that I didn’t notice Hayden started the car. Once I was snapped out of my thoughts, again, by Hayden’s voice, I finally noticed him. I wanted to get out the moving car, but I couldn’t. At this point, I didn’t know if I was seeing things because I wanted to. He stared at me deeply, giving me a look like “be careful”. Was he really a vampire and telling me being careful? What the hell does he know about me? I can take care of myself, I hope. I never really had to use self defence, but my parents insisted of learning it.

Soon we were at the restaurant and sitting down. I had to excuse myself to the bathroom, which was near the entrance and wasn’t in eye sight of where we were sitting. I looked outside the window before pushing the door open and I seen my mystery man again in an alley. I couldn’t help myself and walked out the restaurant to see him. To my surprise he didn’t disappear, he just stood there. I ran across the peaceful road and into the alley where he was standing.

We didn’t say a word to each other, but we just stared at each other until we were inches apart. I touched him, making sure he was real, and mumbled to myself, “It’s real.”

I was taken back; I didn’t expect him to be real, or him to even exist. I just thought I was going crazy, but I knew I wasn’t now. He replied back to me sharply, “It’s real” repeating my words to him.

We both made eye contact in silence before I asked him, “Are you really a vampire?”
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Woo! I'll update next week with Chapter 5 =] I love writing this again, although my re-visit wasn't so pleasent.
I need to work on my homework for creative writing. I made this character in class about a nurse who is scared of needles (that was my character) and now I have to make a scene with her. I'm actually thinking about posting my pieces of homework up here, but they're useless junk :D. I finally had the confidence to speak up in class after what - 12 weeks? That's only because my friend was like "read one of yours and I'll read mine" I was so nervous! I shuttered about 10 times and frooze on parts, ohgod.