I Could Always Make You Smile

Isn't It About Time?

I stared at Blaise’s newly soaked shirt and sighed. “I’m so sorry, about everything.” I whispered. “I really didn’t mean to make things so complicated.”

“I kind of figured as much.”

He gave me another hug, allowing us to stay in that position once again. “This isn’t fair, for you I mean. You’ve been my friend since forever and I did this to you.” He chuckled, causing me to look up at him quizzically. “Are you laughing at your own expense?”

He shrugged. “Well I know how you can repay me.” He acquainted, a coy smirk dancing along his pristine visage.

“And what would that be?”

“Let’s see shall we? You’ve been with me, but only for a short while. And in that short time you’ve been dreaming of Thomas. I say that’s pretty bad.”

I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut. “I know how horrible the situation was, how am I supposed to repay you?”

“I don’t have a date for the dance.” He clued me in.

My eyes went wide as did my mouth. “Blaise, no, I can’t. You heard what I said in the library.”

“Oh come on Malia, you can’t be serious.”

“Yes I am!” I shouted, snatching away from his grasp. “Blaise…”

“Malia, I understand that this is complicated, but it’s worth it. I at least I believe so.”

“That’s just it; we both have to believe it. This isn’t all about you Blaise, why can’t you just accept the fact that I’m not ready for a relationship.”

“Are you sure that’s truly it?”

I hesitated. “…why wouldn’t it be?”

“I think that you’re just afraid. You’re finally getting something you’ve wanted and you don’t know how to handle it.”

“That’s not true!”

“Than tell me what it is!”

“I don’t know okay!?” He let out a frustrated sigh.

“No it’s not okay. You have to feel something.” I shook my head, tears falling swiftly. Blaise enclosed his arms around my waist. “I hate seeing you cry, especially when I caused it, but we can’t keep playing this game.”

“I know and I really do want to tell you.”

“Malia please tell me, I desperately need to know. Please just tell me, what are you feeling?”

I promptly placed my head on Blaise’s chest and snaked my arms around his stomach. I opened my mouth a slither and whispered, “love.”