You've Got Another Thing Coming

Chaper 6

Rose and I stepped into the reception hall with our arms linked tight. I was so nervous I felt like throwing up, or eating fifteen bars of chocolate, and still I had no idea what was to come.

A young boy at the age of about ten stood beside the entrance, and as soon as Rose lowered her gaze enough to acknowledge his presence he bowed before us and beckoned for us to follow him.
He guided us through small crowds of people which split like the boy was Moses, and sooner than desired we stopped before a large throne.

Immediately the boy fell to his knees and Rose mimicked his action. As she was still clinging to my arm I followed her movement, but landed rather ungracefully in a heap on the floor.
Quickly, I scrambled to my knees and readjusted my dress, my cheeks a burning red as a hearty laugh escaped from above my head.

I kept my head down, feeling far too embarrassed to ever think I was going to meet anyone’s eye after this, but a strong hand cupped my chin and I lifted my gaze in pure surprise.

What met me was a pair of deep brown eyes twinkling with humour, and a nose the size of Britain that seemed the most prominent feature in the thin, long face.
The King’s hair, for it was none other than he who had lift his scrawny butt from the throne to come down and have a closer look at my predicament, was pure silver. It clanged together as he moved, glistening like the metal it was in the well-lit reception hall.

“Cool hair!” I breathed, as usual not thinking before speaking.

The King laughed again and flipped his hair over his shoulder, making it thump heavily against his back, and he grunted at the impact.

“Yes, I find that it can come in handy when debts are to be paid”, he grinned charmingly and the creases around his eyes deepened noticeably. “Though, it’s a pain to cut. I have to change hairdresser every other year because they get so frustrated with me.”

I smiled tentatively and as the King held out his hand to assist me, I grabbed it and stood up carefully.

“Thank you, Mr. King”, I said politely and curtseyed, placing my hand on strategic spots on my dress and kept them there.

The King’s eyebrows almost collided with his forehead when he saw my gesture, and he stared at Rose, first in confusion and then in recognition.

“Rose!” he bellowed, spreading his arms out and grabbing her by her shoulders, lightly shaking her and patting her head. “It’s been far too long, my dear! The castle has not been the same since you left.” He embraced her quickly and then held her at arm’s length. “We all miss you terribly!”

Rose mumbled something unintelligible that almost, but not really, could never have been an apology.
The King went on, absorbed in his quandary to place my rugged self together with the ever-so-beautiful Rose, and even more absorbed in his rant.

“Your brother has been going out of his mind with worry about your health, which I suspect is perfectly fine?” he asked as if being sure that Rose was in fact healthy and not sick with some terminal illness.

Rose only nodded, and then bowed her head before her king:
“Your Royal Highness, allow me to introduce to You my friend and comrade Callie Johnson”, at this she held her hand towards me, indicating for everyone present that it was in fact I who was Callie Johnson and none other, even if they for some strange reason had stated so, which I found strikingly impossible.

“Hiya”, I smiled and gave a little wave. The King stared, bewildered at my behaviour, but kind none the less.
“Hiya”, he eventually replied and gave me the thumbs up. I began to question myself why I’d been so worried about. This was going smooth!

Rose, who had managed to ignore my act thus far, now grabbed a vice-like hold of my arm and forced me back down on my knees.
“Your Highness, my friend here has become a victim of a demon of nightmares.”
The entire hall gasped for breath at her disclosure. Rose went on:
“Said being also transformed her”, the entire hall gasped again at her revelation, “into a him.”

I could feel the burning stares from the spectators on my back, but what was worse, the electric goggle I was getting from the King made my brain feel like half-melted ice cream.

It was quiet for a while as the people took in the information.
The King inhaled deeply, and said: “Are you saying that this transvestite here,” he pointed at me, “is in fact a girl?”

Rose had her forehead now pressed against the thick carpet at the King’s feet. “Yes, my King”, she mumbled, her voice muffled against the fabric.

“And are you also saying that a demon of nightmares did this to him? Err, I mean, to her?” the King’s eyes grew more curious by the second.

“Yes, my King. The demon dressed up like me in an attempt to fool Ms Johnson,” that was me, “into thinking that she was safe and would have nothing to fear. Though, as You know, dear King” suck up, I thought, “human’s don’t believe that anything that happens in this world is true. Therefore, Ms Johnson did not recognise my figure. The demon then grabbed a hold of her and turned her into a boy. I managed to vanquish the demon, but I was too late to save my friend from its magic.”

There was a short pause as the King contemplated the information. But then there came a question that we all too often take for granted, but should be oh-so much more appreciated:


The entire hall held their breath. Everyone from the knights who guarded the King’s throne and the beautiful noble women with their extravagant dresses, to the small service boy who glided along the walls with trays of appetizers sharpened their ears and leaned slightly forward to be able to hear Rose’s explanation as to why something this incredible would actually occur.

Rose lifted her head from the carpet; slowly enough to make the entire hall look like someone multiplied the Tower of Pisa and dressed them up in dresses and funny hats.

“Dunno”, Rose answered honestly. “Maybe he was bored.”
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Ah, yes. The sixth chapter. There's a double meaning in that. *Wink wink*