Whisper Sweet Nothings and Promise Me Love


Just as Lexie was beginning to close the diner, she saw Pete approaching. She sighed and checked her appearance very quickly in the mirror behind the counter and she went and unlocked the door for him. He stepped inside, looking very swish in his jeans and shirt that was open slightly at the neck. Lexie couldn't help feeling attracted to him. She smelt a slight hint of aftershave when he walked past her as she held the door open for him. He held out a cute white rose for her.

“Its fake, but hey the thoughts there and this way you can keep it for eternity,” He smiled at her as he walked over to a booth to sit in as she locked up the door, and pulled down the blinds so that no one would think the diner was open. She got clearing from her boss to allow Pete to sit with her for an hour after closing. They were allowed coffee, that was it the strict instructions she was given.

“So...?” Lexie said awkwardly sitting opposite him. “Do you want a coffee or anything?” This was the first real date she'd been on. It made her feel nervous and worried. Why bring a guy into her life when she had it all worked out?

The thing about Lexie was she had her perfect guy before. She had him, she loved him, she had been thrown out of her cosy home when she told her parents how she felt for him. He was her mother's work mate. He was 'out of bounds'.

He was almost 20 years older than her. He was a professional.

To her, he was amazing. To everyone else – he was sick. According to her parents, he 'groomed' her into thinking he loved her just to get the young 14 year old Lexie into bed.

She moved into his home, at the discretion of her family but word spread around school. She was ousted from her friends, she lost everyone. She was made out to be a slut. Everyone hated her.

They moved state but it didn't last long. He found an 18 year old intern at his new job and he fell in love as he told Lexie. He threw her out of their apartment when she was 16 and she never looked back. She ran, she ran from her, from all those hurt memories. She left for Chicago two weeks after her 16th birthday and she got a job and she saved up, camping on her sympathetic boss's floor for six months until he gave her the money for a years worth of rent on the tiny flat she has now. He was so nice to her and she could never repay him. He had a daughter her age, in the same position as Lexie found herself in but she was too proud to return home so he could help her. It made him happier hoping someone was as nice to his little girl as he had been to Lexie.

“Maybe a little later. Lets just talk for now. How old are you then?” He asked, he seemed truly interested in her. Mostly customers enquired but they never listened to her reply so she didn't bother giving any.

“18 in about 5months. How about you?” She replied, trying to avoid his eyes because she felt so nervous.

“19 and but inside I am still 6 years old.” He tried to joke. She chuckled feebly.

“Okay it was a rubbish joke. You always lived in Chicago?” She shook her head.

“I'm originally from Florida. I moved to Pittsburgh when I was 14 and a half. Then around 18months ago I moved here.” Lexie shrugged. “How about you?”

“Yeah I'm a Chicago boy. You've moved a lot. How come your parents decided to be move all across the country?” She sighed. She knew that question was coming but there was no way on the face of the earth that would have her answering it.

“I didn't move with them and no I don't want to talk about it.” Lexie said plainly.

“How about that coffee now?” She stood up and went and made her and Pete coffee each and brought them back to the table. They sat, warming their hands silently on their mugs before Pete broke the silence.

“How come you don't want to talk about?” Her head flew up so her eyes hit his. He gulped and looked down at his coffee. “Sorry I didn't realise it was such a touchy subject.”

“Enough about it now. You live with your parents?” She asked, bringing up his parents.

“Yep,” He smiled broadly. She felt a little jealous. She missed her daddy and mommy, she couldn't deny it. Yet she pushed her lonliness deep down inside of her. “Me, my mom, my dad, my younger brother and my younger sister. It's a fun household. They want to meet you.” She looked confused.

“Me? Why?” Pete laughed softly to himself.

“It's a little embarrassing, but I was so happy to get a date with you that it was all I would talk about when I got home!” She smiled despite herself. It made her pretty happy to think that he was singing her praises to his family. It was stirred up more emotions than she imagined it would. “Your blushing.” He mentioned and for the first time, she met his eyes softly. The spark was instant and she didn't feel that uncomfortable with it, surprisingly.

“Okay, this might be too forward and tell me. But my ideal date isn't sat in this diner. How about you come back to mine and meet my mom and dad, because trust me she'll hate me for not bringing you home and watch a film?” He asked quietly, looking a little worried.

“Oh, uhm, I'm not sure.” She stuttered.

“No, okay that's cool. Can I see you again though please?” She nodded shyly and he smiled slowly and happily.

“Sure, okay I'll see you again.” She said slowly smiling.

“Thank you.” He said, getting up and kissing her cheek. “I'll see you soon then.” He went to the door.

“Is that your idea of a date? You've only been here like half an hour?” She blurted out, shocked he wanted to leave quickly. It was hurtful that he was rushing to the door, like she was so undesirable that he didn't want to stick around any longer.

“I'm sorry Lexie, but like I said, my idea of a date isn't sat in a diner.” He shrugged.

“Okay, fine, bye then.” She said distantly, starting to clear up the mugs of coffee that they had.

“Don't be upset.” He said plainly, turning the key in the lock that she had left there, so she didn't lose it.

“I'm not.” She answered back, but it was too late he had left.

The one guy who had been even remotely interested in her in over two years, just walked out of the door. She sighed and wiped down the coffee machine. She might as well face it – he was never coming back now. That was it, one more guy in the world who thought her a complete and utter ugly cold bitch.
♠ ♠ ♠
I actually totally forgot about this story as I have been trying to sort out Uncle Good Riddance.
But wow, loving this one. Third person is very much easier to write in, and I love being able to describe Lexie as much as I can right now.
I love comments. Make me happy (;