Americas Pastime Can Bring More Than Fans

Strike One

I was about to jump out of the car. The muggy, Seattle weather was getting to me. The traffic was unbearable and I can only wait for the accidents to clear.

I was on my way to a stadium to watch the game of the year, as they called it. The stadium was home to the Angels baseball team. They were versing the Yankees. I'm originally from New York so I'm excited.

I do realize that the Angels are from California, and thats why my Aunt is letting me stay down there for a few weeks.

I looked around and I felt the warm summer sun beam down on me. I sighed while trying to keep my composure. I hated traffic with a burning passion.

It was finally clearing up as I made my way through lanes. Within a half an hour, I saw part of a circular building. I couldn't help but to smile to myself. This wasn't my first game of coarse, I had lost count years ago.

But it was indeed my first time at the Angels stadium. And I have some really good seats.
Seven rows from the visiting teams box. Thats damn close.

Its basically almost like the V.I.P section. I have no clue how my Aunt could afford this.
After paying my fee for parking I was finally making my way through the crowd of fans.

I adjusted my Angels cap after giving my tickets to a staff member, who then lead me to my seat. I took out my glove and got myself comfortable.

I have a glove because of those nasty foul balls. Hey, you never know! And yes I am on a softball team.

We are called the Hurricanes. And I must say, we are pretty good. I listened to the chatter of fans and watched as some of the players were stretching and warming up their arms.

I felt a presence of someone sitting next to me. I turned to see who I would be cheering with for this game.

I hope its not another old man. Oh gosh. Bad times at that Met game.
I cocked my head to the side to see five men in my row. Filling it up.

I was next to a man with black hair with purple sideburns and snake bites. He had his nose pierced and glowing green eyes and sparked with amusement.

I can tell he was a big fan because of his team jersey,hat,glove...and well. You catch my drift. And he was pretty attractive along with who I believed were his friends.

The next man was like a tank! He had aviators on, a lip ring, and dark brown almost black hair. He was very muscular. Not someone to mess with.

Then there was a man who had longish black hair. He was also huge. He had a nose ring and a fedora on.

Now there was a very tall looking man who wore a black jacket and a piercing on his chin and upper ear.

And lastly there was a small man who looked around my height. Blond hair with brown patches. Beautiful brown eyes. Of them all, he was the most appealing.

"Hey there I'm Zack. But you can call me Zacky." The man with the most Angels gear on said as he extended his hand.

"Hi Zacky, I'm Kaylee. You can make up a nickname if you like. I see your a big fan eh?" I chuckled. I gladly shook his hand while he nodded quickly.

"Yes I am. And this is Matt,Brian,Jimmy, and Johnny." He pointed to all the men.

"Hello!" I yelled a little over the noise and I leaned over to wave.
I herd a few hellos and I went back to my conversation with Zacky.

Before I knew it, the game had started and the Yankees were up to bat. The Angels pitcher was doing wonderful. But they just couldn't keep up to Mastui's wicked batting skills. I was cheering for both teams so I earned a few looks from dedicated fans. But Zack and I were going crazy. We would both spazz out when a home-run or a good play was made.

The rest of the guys were either staring in awe of the players or laughing at us.

It was the 7th inning stretch and I was playing 20 questions with all the guys.

"Okay so Kaylee, do you play any sports?" Zack asked.

"Yep! I play softball myself." I giggled as Zacky hugged me.

"Your my bestest friend!!!"

"Ha ha fine by me."

"Who are your favorite bands?" This was from Jimmy.

"Eh...I have allot really but uh..I'd have to say. The Misfits,My Chemical Romance, Anthrax, Pantera,Iron Maiden,Metalica,Green Day, and The Used." I grinned at the guys' expressions.

Thats when I was tackled by Zack. It hurts let me tell ya'.

"What the hell!?" I screeched.

"Zack is a huge Misfits fan. You just entitled yourself to get married." Brian chuckled.
Zack stuck his tongue out then I received a nicer huge from Matt.

"Don't worry not yet at least. And yes, you are now my best friend too." He giggled. Yes indeed he giggled.

This will definitely be a good game. I inwardly smirked.
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some facts in here are true! and sorry for a sucky beginning.

good? bad? sucky? never update again?
please comment and let me know