Americas Pastime Can Bring More Than Fans

Strike Two

I was so hyper off the cracker jacks that I was having a drinking contest with Brian at the moment. With Sprite. It hurts when it comes out of your nose. I shuddered to myself once I had finished my drink.

I looked in Brian's direction to see him just finishing his drink. He noticed my sitting and his eye started twitching and his mouth hung open.

"She so owned you bro!" Jimmy screamed. I saw Matt just staring at my empty cup in awe.

I laughed and nodded proud. "You cheated. This..You...I...Your a...a...a" I cut him off.


"Well yeah but thats not what I..I.. Ow! What the hell!? " Johnny has slapped the back of his head.

"Your just mad because she can chug faster then you dude." Johnny stated mater o' factly. I walked away giving Brian a fake glare as I started up a conversation with Zacky about his tattoo.

My sugar high soon ended and the game resumed.
I felt a pair of eyes on me. I quickly snapped my head around to see Johnny looking at me. I gave a questioning look but he walked over and pointed to my left.

I looked over to see a strange looking man staring at me also. He looked in his 40s or 50s. It was starting to scared me because he was clearly staring at my chest.

My eyes darted to Johnny with worry. He had a defensive gleam in his eye.

"Go along with this." He stated while whispering. I nodded confused still.

He grabbed my upper arm to show he wanted me to stand. He sat in my seat and then brought me down on his lap. His arms almost instinctively wrapped around my waist.

I checked where the man was and saw he was walking towards an empty seat closer to us. Thats when he smirked and restarted his staring.

I shuddered and turned to the group. Continuous death glares were sent the mans way.

"Well hey there darlin'." I herd suddenly.

"Uh ... H-hello?"

"Would you fancy a drink hot stuff?" The mans thick southern accent filled the area.

"Excuse me!?" I started to get angry.

I was cut off from yelling once I herd Johnny speak and saw Zacky stand up quickly. I started to panic.

"Sir. I will tell you only once to leave her alone." I herd Zacky state through gritted teeth.

"And y'all' do what? Hurt me?" The man chuckled sickly.

"I'll do allot fucking worse then that. Now leave!" Johnny growled.

"I don't think so son." The man started to reach towards me. I cringed but slapped his hand away. Then he lunged himself at me. I squeaked and felt myself being picked up.I looked up to see Matt holding me, face red with anger.

Johnny and Zacky? They were punching that man silly.

"You dick!"

"Fuck you! Don't you ever touch her!" Was herd.

My heart rate was through the roof. I saw a few staff members separate them and was escorting them out of the stadium.

There's no way I'm leaving those two to get kicked out. I thought to myself.

I ran after them along with Matt,Brian,and Jimmy.

Once outside I ran straight to the two and hugged them.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! But thank you!" I cried out.

"No that douche shouldn't have tried that shit with you. No man should do that to any woman." Johnny growled. Zacky agreeing. Pure hatred in their eyes as they glared at the man who was still in the hands of the staff.

"I owe you two. Anything. I just want to prove that I really appreciate this."

Matt grinned.

"Hey Kay. How about we all hang out again yeah?" Brian beamed.

"Of coarse." I smiled in reply.
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was this good at all? I'm like scared haha xD