Americas Pastime Can Bring More Than Fans

Your Out!

I woke with a start.
I herd someone in the room next to mine shriek " Thanks morning breakfast dude! "

"What the hell?" I mumbled incoherent words as I trudged to my door to see why this person was so happy.

I peaked my head through my door to see a girl, a few inches shorter than me. She had long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She had a wife beater on that had Gir from Invader Zim on it.

I studied this girl for a few seconds and I instantly recognized her.

I jumped out of my door, making her head whip in my direction.

" Caitlin?! I screamed. Her eyes widened. She looked at me with caution as she started to slowly lean towards her door. She was holding a plater of food.

"What's it to ya' ?"

"Didn't you go to St. Lawrence High School in New York!?" I questioned while jumping up and down a little.

"What the fuck? How do you know me you --...." She paused and got a good look at me.

I saw hesitation in her next words.


I was about to respond when she dropped her food plater and tackled me.

" Kaylee?! Is this really you!? Its been so long! You really did change like you said you would!" She beamed. She kept talking while we hugged in the middle of the hallway.

"Yeah I have. I told you so. You haven't changed a bit!"

"Oh man and your still taller than me! God damn it!"

Caitlin was my very best friend in middle school and high school. We drifted apart after graduation.
She invited me into her room. We sat on her bed and discussed our lives and told stories about family and friends. It was so good to see her again.


"Hey Cait. Would you want to come to the bar with some of my friends tonight?" I asked randomly as we watched you tube videos from her laptop just like old times.

"Hell yeah!" She shouted.

I smiled knowingly. I definitely knew which of the guys were her type. This night is going to be so much fun.
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HAHA idea just came to me
you deserve to be in my stories Caitlin xD