But... What About the Band?

It's been a long time

So I've realized that if it weren't for Khadijah this story would not have even been updated since late 2008. Well there's no actual reason for not updating this (or actually any of my) stories but me being a big, fat, lazy bum. I'm so sorry for that and plus I've been grounded from using the computer during the week, which just to so happens to be when those creative juices get to flowing for me.

I've recently read this over thinking of things to write since I've somehow managed to forget the plot completely and I realized that I hate almost every chapter I've written up to date. It's complete shit like really, what the fuck was I on when I wrote them? Don't get me wrong though, Khadijah's parts are fine but as for me, it's a shame. I'm thinking that this story is going on HIATUS not that it hasn't been but now I've decided to officially say it. If I may do so I'd like to possibly rewrite this whole thing so it'll make sense to if not everyone then at least me. But that's all up to Khadijah and of course you guys.

Oh yes you guys, you few little readers you. That's another thing I've realized! We only have like four actually commenters and however many readers. I'll admit that it annoys me to no end when you read and not comment but by all means as long as you're reading it continue on. Don't stop because I'm a total bitch about these kinds of things. Well anyways unless Khadijah decides to update anytime soon this story is officially on hiatus until we (hopefully) rewrite this complicated little story of ours.