Camping For Dummies; With Joe Jonas...

We're in this together

Well,I'm still here,roaming around in the forest..i left Jonas.He was sleeping,and MAN can the kid snore!
The forest is very nice,very peaceful really,its actually really fun!.I've never been camping or really in the forest.until now. My mom made me go on this class trip. at first i didn't wanna but then i started to think i can just stay in the cabin for the whole trip..THEN i find out that its part of a stupid credit! so i HALF to go out if i don't wanna fail high school!..and look where its got me!.

"Kadie!... Kadence!?" *Thud* He seems worried..probably fell because he saw another owl..
"Yes Jonas?" I yelled back walking back to the camp area and coming through in the clearing to see Joe on his stomach.
"oh my god Kadie!,Don't do that!, i though you left me or something!" he actually seemed worried.
"Don't worry Joesph,We're in this together..even if we hate each other" I laughed lightly and helped him up to rest on a flat rock.
Whoa.What was that?.. does he seem sad...
He nodded"Thanks"
"No problem"
We sat in silence for a while of course i had to break it..

"'s you're ankle?"
"It still hurts like hell,but it will get better over time...hopefully"
*Crack...crack crack..*
"What the hell?"
Then it came into the clearing...a huge grizzly bear
"Holy Shit" I whispered
"Ssh..maybe if we don't talk or make a sound it won't realize we're here.."
So i did what i was told,we stared at the bear in utter fear and amazement as it walked around the camp.then it spotted us.Shhiiiitttt.

The bear stared at us..just staring not doing anything then it snorted breathed heavily and walked off. Joe and I just sat there staring at the spot where the bear disappeared.
"Ha.ha....hahhaahahahaa" Joe started to laugh
"What are you laughing at Jonas!, we could have died damn it!"
"hahahahahah.i know!!!!! hahahahaha!!" He kept laughing,then I started to giggle...then laugh historically with him.

I don't think we laughed because it was funny, I think it was just because..well..we were almost killed by a bear..maybe by fear i donno..and i think its because we haven't laughed with each other for so long..haven't been around each other know what I mean? we forgot about how good it felt to be around each enjoy each others company....CRAP!..did i just say that! Damn it Kadence!! I Can't fall for Jonas! Two times i have and he's hurt me both times!
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I'll make the next chapter longer for ya'll
And Can you tell me what you think :)
I would reaallly appreciate it :D