Status: This story is finished, but it does have a sequel.

Show Me What I'm Looking For


School had started all over again since fall break and getting back into a schedule was really hard. Sure Anny and I were grounded during that week, but what my parents didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. We snuck out nearly every night, getting back home at ridiculous hours and sleeping all of the following day. On the last night, my dad did catch us when Garrett drove Anny and I back home. Of course, knowing my parents, I was still serving up my sentence four weeks later. Anny had obviously flown back home and saying bye to her again was extremely difficult all though I did promise that I would visit over the Christmas holidays.

Today was Wednesday, right before Thanksgiving weekend. Being Canadian and all, my mother and I never really celebrated, but this year, she was determined to do it the American way complete with the turkey and all its trimmings. As I got ready for school, John texted me telling me that he was waiting in the driveway; he was picking me up almost every single morning. It gave us some time to be alone, away from the parents and the homework and the friends that were sometimes in the way. I put on a grey skirt and a fuchsia colored V-neck t-shirt which I paired with a pair of plain flats. I then flew down the stairs, grabbed my schoolbag and walked out the door which I locked with my Little Mermaid key. His smile still made my knees weak yet I couldn’t look away.

“Hey baby, missed you,” was the first thing that greeted me as I stepped into the car, closing the door behind me. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine as he placed his hand on my thigh and I played with his hair.

“Missed you too,” I said as we both pulled away. He just smiled and pulled out of the driveway towards the school. When we first showed up at school together as “the new couple of the week”, everyone was shocked and rumors started spreading, but as the weeks kept going, we were old news and everyone had moved onto new things. We were late for class again, so I just ran out of the car, gave him a quick peck on the cheek and ran towards my classroom for the wonderful world of math.

“Miss Alicia, late again; so nice of you to join us,” my teacher announced to me as I took my seat.

“Sorry sir, it won’t happen again,” I responded. It would obviously happen again, I thought to myself.

“That was the last straw, please excuse yourself from my class and go see the principal.” My jaw dropped. I was going to be grounded for the rest of my life. I picked up my books and walked to the principal’s office, hoping they wouldn’t call my parents.

John’s point of view

As Ali ran towards her class, I did the same for mine. I grabbed my English books from my lockers and headed straight for room B-204 in the new building. As I walked in, the teacher was already handing out some papers, so I just took my seat and tried to follow.

“Mister O’Callaghan, please explain to me how you managed to be late 6 times in 2 weeks,” she yelled out from behind her desk.

“I’m sorry Miss—”

“I’m sure you are; which is why you will go explain to the principal just how sorry you are, right now Mister O’Callaghan.” I couldn’t believe she was this mad, but I guess I deserved it. I gathered up my things and as everyone in the classroom stared, I made my way to the principal’s office. As I pushed open the door, I noticed Ali sitting there, chewing her gum and catching up on some reading.

“What are you doing here?” I asked her as I made my way to the empty chair next to hers, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead.

“I could ask the same, Mister O’Callaghan,” she said, making a face and rolling her eyes. She was obviously mad.

“Calm down Ali, she’s probably just going to give us detention for a week and—”

“Call my parents and then they’re going to ground me for life and then I won’t get to see you or anyone until I’m an old lady and forget about visiting Anny forever!” She took a couple of deep breaths and soon after, the principal called us bought into her office.

“Just let me do the talking okay?” I suggested. She nodded her head and we both took a seat at her desk.

“Mister O’Callaghan and Miss D’Angelo; what a pleasure to have you both in my office this morning. Both your teachers have reported that you’ve been late almost everyday in the past two weeks. Care to explain why?” She announced as she looked over at my hand which was holding Ali’s.

“Ah, young love… Is this why you both have been late these past weeks?” She questioned again. We both looked at each other and nodded. The principal smiled and looked through her papers.

“I should be calling your parents… Some of these papers suggest that you were skipping whole classes last week,” she announced, but before she had a chance to finish, I cut in.
“Looks Mrs. Peterson, this was all my fault. You can call my parents and ground us for days, but please don’t call Ali’s parents.” I pleaded.

“No Miss, it’s entirely my fault! I take forever to wake up in the morning and even longer to get ready. If it’s anyone’s fault here, it’s mine,” she cut in.

“Alright, alright; I’ve made my decision. You will both be in detention starting next Monday until Wednesday, but I won’t call your parents. Think of it as my Thanksgiving present to the both of you. Now, I don’t want you two late again.”

We got up, thanked the principal and walked out of her office, smiling. For the first time in a long time, she was actually being nice to students.

Ali’s point of view

The rest of the day flew by and after the last class; we all went to John’s house for a band practice.

“Hi Mrs. O’Callaghan,” I yelled out as she greeted me. Over the last month, we had become super close; she was practically a second mom to me since I was almost always at John’s house. I then noticed that John’s mom was already back in the kitchen and baking away for tomorrow. We then headed downstairs and I sat on the sofa as I waited for them to get ready.

“Pat, stop texting and go set up your drums!” Jared yelled out at him as he took his guitar out of its case.

“Shut up, it’s important!” he replied, typing away. Kenny then yanked his cell phone out of his hands and went through his inbox.

“Is it really necessary to have texted Anny 87 times today?” John and I laughed and started chanting the K.I.S.S.I.N.G song like immature little children. He started to turn red so we stopped embarrassing him and gave him back his priced possession. He then took his place on his little stool and John was called over to start. Giving me a kiss on the cheek, he left my side on the sofa. They played all of their songs, which by now I knew all the words too as I texted Anny. She told me about the friends back home and some of the gossip that was going on at my old school. When I asked her what was happening with Patrick, she avoided the question and started asking about Thanksgiving. Suddenly, my phone started to vibrate the way it does when my mom is calling. I sighed and pushed the green button, knowing she would be furious to find out that I’m not home and locked up in my room as usual.


“Alicia Marie D’Angelo, where in the world are you? I asked you to come straight home after school to help out with the cooking and the cleaning! Why aren’t you home? What’s that racket I hear in the background?” she asked as I tried to come up with the answers to all her questions.
“I’m at John’s house, mom. They’re practicing. What is it?” I responded, annoyed.

“Don’t you use that tone with me young lady.”

“Alright, I’m sorry. What is it that you want?” I repeated to her.

“You need to get home right now and help me set the tables, go clean up your room and vacuum the upstairs.”

“Tables? How many people are going to be there exactly? We don’t know all that many people here,” I said as I got up and went to the bathroom so I could hear better.

“Your father’s co-workers are invited and I want to make a good impression. Oh, since you’re there, you could invite John and his parents over as well if they are available; I’m making so much food!” She requested. I couldn’t help but cringe at the thought of John’s parents and my parents sitting around a turkey. It had ‘awkward’ written all over it, but at least I would get to spend the day with John. I told my mom that I would ask as soon as I hung up. By the time I did, they had finished practicing and were watching TV, sitting on the sofa. I told John that I had to go home and he volunteered to drive me back. I said bye to everyone and we both ran up the stairs into the kitchen to say bye to John’s parents.

“Alright Mrs. O’Callaghan, I’m leaving. Bye! Thank you for having me,” I said to her as she removed some pies from the oven. Pumpkin obviously, for Patrick.

“No problem sweetie, anytime you want to come back, you’re more than welcome,” she said as John places his hands on my shoulders.

“Oh, my mom wanted to invite you all for Thanksgiving lunch tomorrow at our house around one o’clock. She’s making the turkey and everything to go along with it and it would mean the world to her if you could make it,” I said to her.

“Are you sure it’s okay? I wouldn’t want to impose on your mother.”

“No, no it’s fine! She’s making so much food, we could feed an army,” I reassured her.

“Alright then, we’ll be there around one. Tell her that I’ll bring the desert!”

I agreed and John and I left the house and hoped into his car. He drove me home the way he usually does and as he pulled into my driveway, he leaned in and kissed me.

“Okay stop John, my dad’s going to come outside,” I said, pulling away from a ridiculously long kiss.

“Oh come on, it’s dark outside; he wouldn’t be able to see anyways,” he said leaning in again, smiling. No use resisting, I caved.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he bought night vision glasses,” I responded pulling away again.

“Fine, you’re right, bye baby. See you tomorrow.” I kissed him on the cheek and left the car as he pulled out of the driveway and waved goodbye. I entered the house to the sound of my mother vacuuming as my dad sat in the living room, watching TV. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to clean my room. When I was done picking up the clothes that formed a carpet from the floor, I dusted all of my furniture and put some of the loose papers away. After I was done, I got on the phone with John until three in the morning, until my mom burst into my room, in her lovely pink plaid flannel pajama set, ordering me to shut the phone and go to sleep. I said bye to John, hung up and fell right asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the newest chapter everyone!
I should be adding the next part sometime next week.
comments are loved :]