Status: This story is finished, but it does have a sequel.

Show Me What I'm Looking For


Ali’s point of view

“Good morning baby,” I heard as I opened my eyes to the brightness of the room. Great, still in D-07. John was crouched down next to me, his head on the mattress, he smiled. He was dressed in the same clothes for 2 days now. He barely ever left. He was usually here with Anny, but she slept over at my house at night. John, on the other hand, usually spent his nights on the couch by my bed.

“Hello, you’re still here?” I responded, moving over so he could lie down by me. He took off his shoes and got under the white hospital blanket with me.

“Yea, I was watching you sleep.” he smirked.

“As cute as that is John, it’s ever so slightly creepy. "

“Are you here alone this morning?” I added, as he flipped through the TV channels.

“Yea, my mom just left a couple of minutes ago; she brought you flowers and a balloon. Anny and Garrett were on their way last I heard,” he replied as he laid his lips to my forehead.

“Even your mom comes to visit me… When’s the last time my parents were here? 2 days ago for what… 20 minutes?” I replied, irritated.

“I know baby, but guess what? My mom was talking to your doctor and he said that if everything goes well, you will be leaving today!”

“Oh my God, really?” I said nearly jumping on him; sure it hurt, but it didn’t matter.

“Yea, so you’ll be home for the New Years party at my house tonight,” he replied. I was so happy to be getting out. I had spent Christmas here, but John, Anny and everyone were right by me the whole day, John sleeping here of course. I was a little bummed however, that I couldn’t go back home to visit my grandma, but Anny had postponed her flight so we would be spending an extra week together.

“So, when do I get out?” I asked as he turned on the TV.

“As soon as your parents get here to sign the release papers.”

“Great, I have to see them now,” I responded, crossing my arms.

He laughed, put his arm around me as we cuddled to watch Live with Regis and Kelly.

“Ali, John; what are you two doing?” I heard my father say, his voice waking us.

“Nothing, sleeping,” I explained as John sat up on the bed.

“We signed the papers honey, so get dressed; we are going home.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you guys,” I responded, coldly.

“What do you mean?”

“What I mean is I will not be spending New Years Eve with you both. You obviously are too busy to care about me, so I’ll be spending tonight with John’s family and friends. That’s what I mean.”

“Alicia, it’s a week you are in here. You missed Christmas, you are not going to miss New Years,” my father repeated.

“Oh really? You guys came to see me what… twice? You didn’t even bother to spend Christmas with me. Where as John stayed all night; Anny, Garrett, Kenny, Pat, Jared; they all came to see me at least once during the day. Not even my own parents could come, yet everyone else made it. John’s mom and dad and even his brother were here more often that you both—“

“Ali, enough—“

“Oh and another thing, I am sick and tired of you treating john like shit. He is the single most important person in my life right now and he cares for me much more than you two.”

“Is that it?” my mother finally said after a very long silence.

“Yup, so… you can both see yourselves out. Bye,” I responded just as Anny and Garrett were walking in.

“Ali, come one; let’s go. I brought you a change of clothes so you don’t have to wear that paper dress out,” she announced, throwing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt at my face.

John helped me out of bed and walked me to the bathroom where I washed my face and changed. I looked like hell; I was super pale, dark around the eyes and my lips were chapped. I didn’t pay much attention and walked away from the mirror as soon as possible. As soon as I opened the bathroom door, John wrapped his arms around me and crashed his lips against mine. I placed my hands on the back of his neck pulling him closer.

“As cute as you two are, it would be nice if we could leave the hospital today you know…” Anny added as she and Garrett waited by the door.

“What was that for?” I asked John as he snuck behind me and buried his face in my neck.

“I don’t know… It’s been a while since I could do that.” A smiled swept across my face; answers like that reminded me of why I loved this boy.

Shortly after, we got in the car and drove directly to John’s house where his mom greeted me with the biggest hug I could have imagined.

“Sweetie, it’s so nice to see you back on your feet. Did you get my flowers? Are you feeling better? Do you need anything? Are you—“she said, John cutting her off.

“Mom… Enough with the questions, she just got here,” he put his arm around me.

“It’s fine Mrs. O’Callaghan. Thank you for the flowers, I loved them. Actually, I was wondering if I could shower… I haven’t had a decent shower in forever and the sponge baths the nurses give aren’t ideal,” I said, noticing a small but clear grin creep onto John’s face.

“Sure honey, the towels are in the closet by the bathroom door, if you need anything else, just ask John. I’ll be at the grocery store getting some last minute things,” she said, grabbing her purse and leaving out the front door.

“I saw that…” I said, walking past him to get my towels.

“Saw what?”

“That smirk crawl onto your face when I mentioned the sponge bath…”

“So?” he said, leaning against the door frame.

“So I know what you were thinking of and drop it.”

“But it was such a nice thought,” he reminded me.

“Don’t play stupid now…” I said as I walked into the bathroom, putting two crisp white towels on the counter.

“You’re in love with this stupid, remember?” he said, moving his eyebrows up and won as he crept up behind me.

“Indeed I am, now get out I have to take a shower,” I announced, giving him a quick kiss.

“Oh come on…” he smiled. Oh that irresistible smile, it got me every single time.

“Out. Now.” I said, gently pushing him out and locking the door.

I set the water at the right temperature, prepared my towels and removed my pants and t-shirt. I reached back to unclip my bra but a sharp pain struck in my ribs. Apparently they weren’t completely healed yet. How the hell was I going to remove this? After trying many maneuvers, I came to a conclusion: someone was going to have to unclip it. Sadly, John’s mom was out, my mom wasn’t here. Basically, that left Anny. I wrapped a towel around me, shut the water and popped my head outside the door.

“John?” I called out.

“Yea?” he yelled as he walked to the bathroom door.

“Where’s Anny?”

“She went to get ice cream with Garrett,” he announced.

“Damn it, are they fucking… joined at the hip? Every time I’m looking for her, she’s with Garrett.”

“I know babe, what did you need her for anyway?” he asked tilting his head to the side.

“Nothing… Lady stuff.” It was the second time I used that line.

“Ali, the last time you said that, you landed in the hospital with a hernia and fractured ribs.

I’m not falling for that again. What’s wrong?” he repeated.

“I can’t tell you, it’s super embarrassing.”

“Oh come on, you can tell me anything,” he reminded me as he pulled me into a hug.

“I can’t untie my bra…” I mumbled.


“I said… I can’t untie my bra. It hurts if I bend my arms that way,” I looked down to my feet, embarrassed. He, on the other hand, found it rather amusing.

“See! You’re laughing at me,” I reminded him, slapping him in the chest.

“Alright, alright; I’m sorry. You know… I could unlock it for you,” he said as he walked back into the bathroom.

“There isn’t a lock on it John; it’s not like a safe or anything.”

“Fine… I’ll unhook it then,” he repeated.

“No… You’re going to see.”

“Ali, what other choice do you have? I won’t look I promise,” he said. I agreed and turned around so he could unclip it. He pushed my hair out of the way. That single move sent chills up and down my spine. Truth be told, I wanted him right here, right now, but now was neither the time nor the place.

“There, I did it,” he smiled, extremely proud of himself.

“Thanks,” I said turning around and fixing my towel.

“Babe… You know, I wasn’t saying that stuff earlier to pressure you to do anything you’re not ready to do. I love you and I’ll wait until you’re ready,” he said, pressing his lips to my forehead.

“I know John, thank you. Wait…Don’t go yet; say it again.”

“Say what again?” he asked, confused.

“That you love me,” I smiled.

“Fine… I love your face, I love your neck, I love your lips, I love that face you make when you’re mad, I love how you call me at 4 in the morning just to say hi, I love how you always try to please everyone before yourself, I love your laugh, I love your smile, I love everything about you,” he said.

“You’re amazing, you know that?” I added as he started to walk out the door. I pull his arm towards me. He turned around and pressed his lips to mine, wrapping his arms around my waist. With one hand, I held the back of his neck. His hand went up and down my back; mine on the other hand were locked in his hair as he pressed me against the wall for a moment. He then sat me on the counter as I wrapped my legs around his waist, our lips never parting.

“Baby wait… What are we doing here?” he said as I went for his shirt.
“What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

“What I mean is, aren’t we going a little too fast?” He took my hands in his and kissed the top.

“I thought this was what you wanted—“

“Baby, it doesn’t matter if I want it or not, but we aren’t going to have our first time be in my bathroom when my mom is about to come back any minute, my dad and brothers are in the basement and you’re injured,” he replied, embarrassed.

“Uh, I hate it when you’re right. I feel so stupid,” I said, leaning my head against his chest.

“Come on now, take your shower and get ready,” he said, kissing the top of my forehead. I hopped off the counter and once again let the water run.

“John?” I called out as he was about to leave.


“I love you,” he smiled and closed the door behind him.

I hopped into the shower, washed my hair which hadn’t been properly cleaned since I went to the hospital and got out. The mirror was all fogged up, so I wiped it clean and began getting ready.

John’s point of view

As I waited for Ali to get out the bathroom, my mom asked me to set the table, so I did. We were expecting quite a bit of people, so I was planning on introducing everyone to Ali. As I put down a fork, my phone started vibrating. I looked at the screen. Unknown Caller.


“Hi, may I speak to John O’Callaghan please?” The voice asked.

“Yes, that’s me.”

“I’m calling on behalf of Fearless Records. My name is Andrew Johnson. I was wondering if it would me possible to meet with you and your band mates to discuss signing a contract and becoming part of the Fearless family,” he said just as Ali walked out of the bathroom and came over to me.

“Oh my God, yes that would be perfect! When?” I asked, Ali shooting me a puzzled look.

“How’s next Monday for you guys?”

“That would be perfect! Thank you, see you then!”

“Who was that?” Ali asked, towel-drying her hair.

“Oh just a little company called Fearless Records…”

“Oh my God, what did they say?”

“They want to discuss a contract with us!” I yelled as Ali jumped on me and my mom appeared from the kitchen.

“Are you serious? John, I’m so happy for you,” Ali said as she kissed me.

“Honey, that’s great! Does everyone else know?” my mom asked.

“I’m not sure. I guess I’ll tell them tonight,” I replied. My mom disappeared into the kitchen and Ali went to dry her hair, so I went downstairs to tell my dad who was just as happy as I.

“I’m proud of you son,” were his exact words. I ran back up to find that Ali was still not ready. I swear, her slowness probably set records, so I waited on the sofa for the guests to start arriving.

Ali’s point of view

By 7:30, the party had officially begun. John’s mom was serving up the food as everyone took their seat at the table. Over 30 people were crammed into the O’Callaghan household. Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmothers, grandfathers, family friends; even Pat, Garrett and Jared’s parents as well as Kennedy’s mom were here. Because there wasn’t enough room at the grown up table, we had to sit at the kiddy table with john’s obnoxious little cousins Leah and Brianna. The table was so low and the chairs were so small that it seemed like John had his legs by his face as he ate.

“John, who are these girls?” Brianna asked, looking to Anny and me.

“This is Ali, my girlfriend and next to Garrett, that’s Anny, Ali’s best friend,” he explained.

“Why are they here? They aren’t family…” leah asked this time. What annoying little girls. I secretly wanted to take their pigtails and choke them with it.

“Because we want them here, Leah. Plus, Pat and everyone aren’t family either, so drop it girls,” he said once more taking a bite of his diner. The girls eventually went upstairs, kicking my chair as they ran. They then left us alone in the basement.

“Guys, I have something to tell you. It’s really important,” John announced.

“What happened?” Garrett asked in between tickling Anny.

“Fearless called me before and said that they want to discuss a contract with us next Monday,” they all started yelling in excitement and started doing “we like to party”. This was so great for them, I couldn’t be happier. In the meantime, Anny and I sat on the sofa, catching up.

“What’s happening between you and Garrett? You’re always together. Always,” I asked as she started to blush.

“Umm… I’m not really sure. He’s just really sweet and he’s funny and really hot—“


“Oh come on! As if you haven’t noticed. Anyways I think…”

“You think…”

“I think I really really like him!” She blurted out as she stuffed her face in the sofa pillow.

“Aww! Anny that’s so cute. Don’t be embarrassed. You guys would be great together,” I added as I twirled her hair around my finger. She hated it and her reaction always made me laugh.

“Need I remind you that I actually live 2000 miles away from here? How exactly is that going to work? And stop that right now if you ever want to see your finger again,” she announced slapping my finger out of her hair.

“Anny, I’m sure it could work out. Plus, you’re here every long weekend and I could drag him along anytime I go visit you.”

“I don’t know Ali, it’s like when I’m here with all of you, I truly feel at home and when I go back home, it’s like a huge part of me is missing.”

“Anny, you know what you should do then, move here—“

“Oh come on Ali, have you never met my mother? She would never allow it!”

“Look, let’s just enjoy the night. We’ll think about this later,” she nodded and went to sit by Garrett just as John was coming over to see me.

“Ali, come upstairs. I want to introduce you to some family,” he pulled me up the stairs where I got to meet most of his aunts and uncles, some family friends and his grandparents on his mom’s side.

“Alright, so I saved the best for last… or the worst; depends how you look at it,” he said as we walked to the living room.

“What do you mean?”

“Well let’s just say that grandma Sam isn’t the sanest of the O’Callaghan’s, but she insists on meeting you so here we go.”

In the living room was sitting a little old lady with bleached blonde hair. She was wearing a cream colored shirt with sparkles on it and sequin black tights. Botox was her middle name and was sporting big black sunglasses which caused her to resemble a fly.

“Grandma, this is Alicia, my girlfriend. Ali, this is my grandma,” he said as I shook her hand.

“It’s so nice to meet you. John has said so many nice things about you—“

“Oh really dear, like what?” Crap. He hadn’t really said anything. I guess it was time to bullshit.

“Well… That you are his favorite grandmother and that you’re outgoing and—“

“Wow John, I like this one! What did you say your name was sweetheart?” she asked as John just stood there not knowing what to do.

“Alicia, but you can call me—“

“She’s pretty this Alicia, John. Personally, I think she’s out of your league—“she said as she grabbed my face in her hand.

“Okay grandma…” John cut in, annoyed.

“Oh Cornelius, let me talk to her. So dear, how do you like Arizona?”

“Well… It’s definitely hotter than I’m used to—“

“Right, right. Anyways, are you two being safe?”

“Grandma! Stop it right now,” John yelled as he turned red. I could feel my face doing the same.

“Oh come on now John, I wasn’t born yesterday. I know how kids your age have needs. I was young too once. I remember when I was seeing John’s grandfather,” she turned to me this time. “Oh how we longed for each other. Of course contraceptives didn’t exist back then, so we waited—“

“Alright grandma, we are going to go.”

“It was nice meeting you,” I said as we walked back to the stairs.

“So how did that go?” Anny asked as we walked to where everyone was. Pat was sitting at his drum set as Garrett threw drumsticks at him. Kennedy was concentrating on finishing his plate, Jared was outside smoking and Anny was watching Pat.

“Well…Grandma Sam gave us a sex Ed class and told us how she wanted in John’s grandpa’s pants when they were young,” I added sitting on the sofa as John sat by me.

“Oh my God, really?” Anny yelled out, laughing.

“She’s a strange lady. One time, she tried to get me to wash her back for her as she showered. Dude, I still get horror visions,” Garrett announced as everyone squirmed in disgust.

“Okay guys… She’s still my grandma. Let’s go upstairs. The ball is about to drop.”

Needless to say, we all ran up the stairs just in time. At the strike of midnight, everyone jumped up and yelled out ‘Happy new year!’ John and I shared a New Year’s kiss as he lifted me and twirled me in the air.

“Happy new year baby, I love you,” he said.

“I love you.”

“Oh my God, Anny and Garrett?” I looked over to where he was pointing and sure enough, Anny and Garrett were well into a kiss.

“I think they’re cute together,” I said, my arms around John’s neck.

“Here’s to us, baby,” he said, lifting his glass up. Hopefully, this was going to be a good year.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys =\
totally bummed cuz the AP tour isn't coming here right now.
Umm.. here is the newest chapter!
Hope you like it.
Feedback is adored, especially right now. I could use some good news.
If you have any ideas of where the story should go from here, let me know please!!
