Status: This story is finished, but it does have a sequel.

Show Me What I'm Looking For


“Anny, wake up! It’s noon. We have to leave for the airport,” I yelled, yanking away her covers. Today was Friday and a very busy day it was. I had to get Anny on a flight home, baby-sit my neighbor’s kids and to top it all off, it was John and I’s anniversary and I had no idea where he was taking me. He wouldn’t tell me anything except that it had to be after supper since he was recording late.

“I don’t want to leave,” she complained, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

“Come on! You’re going to be late. I prepared your clothes and packed your suitcase. Go change and meet us downstairs—”

“Us?” She hesitated.

“Garrett and I are driving you to the airport. He got here 10 minutes ago, hurry up!” She instantly smiled and gathered her things and ran to the bathroom.

“Is she up?” He asked as I walked down the steps.

“Yeah, she’s getting dressed,” I smiled, but somehow be didn’t smile back. He looked beyond sad. “Garybear, what’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing, it’s just that— I don’t know, it’s hard watching her leave all the time. Nothing’s the same when she’s not here. I never thought it would be this hard,” I put my arm on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

“I know Gary, it’s hard, but I’m sure it’s worth it. Come on, don’t be sad,” I smiled and the room went silent.

“Why do I get the feeling you were just talking about me?” Anny asked as she stumbled down the stairs, carrying her suitcase.

“Because we weren’t,” I lied. “Are you ready to go?”

“I think so,” she said as Garrett approached her. He wrapped his arms around her, embracing her in a hug.

“I’m going to miss you so much,” he finally said, letting go and grabbing her luggage.

I felt like the awkward third wheel during the whole car ride to the airport. Once we were at the gate and waiting for the plane to board, I simply watched the news and texted Kennedy back and forth.

“Last call for flight 309. Please board at gate 23,” the loud speaker said.

“Well, that’s me,” Anny smiled as we all stood. She said her goodbyes to Garrett and then came to me.

“I’ll call you when I land. Take care of everyone at home and oh, have a great time tonight. Watch Garrett for me,” she joked and I gave her a huge hug. She then went through the tunnel and into the plane.

“Stop looking at me like that Ali, I’ll be okay. I promise,” he grinned and we slowly walked to the exit.

John’s point of view

Waking up late was something I would miss about spring break. Sitting here, playing video games with Kennedy, reminded me of the good old days. As we were on an advanced level of Halo, my phone started vibrating on the counter. I sprung up and raced to answer it.


“Hey, it’s me,” Ali said, her voice smiling.

“Happy anniversary baby. How are you?”

“Pretty good, are you at the studio yet?” She asked.

“Oh right, yeah I’m pulling into the parking lot right now,” I lied. It was the only way to keep her from finding out.

“Oh, so when are you going to be done?” Probably around 9 and I’ll pick you up then,” I responded as Kennedy shot me a confused look.

“Alright then, I’ll see you at 9, love you, bye.” I then hung up and looked back at Kennedy who had been starring at me during the whole conversation.


“Why did you tell her you’re in the parking lot when you aren’t?”

“Because… I lied Kennedy that’s why. She thinks I’m at the studio until 9 tonight,” I explained as I started the game and kept playing.

“And why are you lying about this?”

“Because instead of being at the studio, I’m taking Amber out to diner,” I said, looking at the TV screen.

“Hold on,” he said, pausing the game. “What the fuck for? It’s your anniversary with Ali and you’re spending most of the night with Amber. Dude, that’s messed up,” he said and of course, he was right.

“I know man, I know, but I can’t get out of it now. She’s the boss’ daughter—”

“Yeah, so? Ali’s your girlfriend. I’ve never been one to interfere in your relationship John, but that’s low. Especially since you know that Ali hates her so much and with reason,” he explained. Kennedy had this special power to make you second guess everything!

“I don’t love her any less! Plus, you just don’t know Amber like I do.” I couldn’t believe I was defending her.

“Do whatever you want John. It’s not my place to tell her anyways. I’ll see you later,” he said as he got up and walked to put on his shoes.

“Alright, thanks man, see you later,” I said. He nodded, disappointedly and walked out the door.

Ali’s point of view

“Alex! Put that down right now and go play with your sister,” I yelled out just as I noticed him picking up something made of glass. Babysitting the Collins children was one of the hardest things. They always found a way to tire me out.

“No! I don’t want to play with her,” he replied. He had such a hard head.

“Fine, then go play with your cars, just please don’t break anything,” I practically begged. He just shook his shoulders and went into the living room and I began preparing supper. Minutes later, my phone began vibrating on the countertop. I quickly wiped my hands clean and answered.


“Hey, it’s me,” Kennedy said.

“Kenny! How are you?” I asked, eager to finally be talking to someone older than eight.

“Pretty good, you?”

“I’m loosing my mind! These kids are driving me crazy!” Suddenly, I heard a large crash coming from the living room. Still on the phone, I ran to where the noise came from and sure enough, Alex had thrown his cars at a glass vase causing it to shatter into a million pieces.

“Alex! What did you do?”

“It’s still Kennedy…”

“Not you hold on!” I said, shoving my phone into my pocket.

“You told me to play with my toys, so I did,” he grinned.

“Sweetie, why must you make my life so difficult,” I asked desperately. “Go to you room until I call you down to eat.” He quickly ran up and I slid my phone out and called Kennedy back.

“So what happened?” He asked.

“He threw his stupid cars at his mother’s glass vase and it’s in pieces right now. Oh my God, I’m going to explode. Seriously, I have so much to do and I’m barely getting started. Plus, they aren’t even cooperating. I’m never going to be hired again—”

“Stop rambling. Calm down and tell me where they live; I’ll come help you out,” he suggested.

“You’d do that? For me?”

“Of course Ali. It’s not like I have anything planned today anyways,” he laughed. I then gave him the address and kept preparing supper.

15 minutes later, the doorbell rang just as I was pulling something out of the oven. Alex and Kyra came running down the stairs, curious.

“Who’s that?” Kyra asked as I pushed past them and unlocked the door.

“It’s my friend Kennedy,” I responded, pulling open the door. He smiled and came in.

“Isn’t Kennedy a girl name? Ha ha! You’re a girl, you’re a girl!” Alex chanted around the house.

“Well Alex can be a girl name too so go sit at the table and stop making fun,” I explained, rolling my eyes. They both ran away and sat at the table just as I ordered.

“Hello, finally. They’re a little hard to keep up with I see—”

“A little?” I smiled, desperately. “They are driving me nuts!” He laughed and we all took a seat at the table while I served up some food.

“Ali, is Kennedy your boyfriend?” Kyra asked as she picked through her vegetables.

“No sweetie, he’s just a really good friend.”

“Then where’s your boyfriend?” Alex asked politely. They were both so sweet when they weren’t throwing tantrums.

“Well, right now he’s probably at the studio recording, right Kenny?”

He looked down at his food before adding, “Uh, yeah, right. He’s at the studio,” he hesitated. Something wasn’t right as soon as I heard him speak. He was the worst liar on the planet as far as I knew. Only Pat was worse.

“Guys, finish up and go up to your room please. Your parents should be home soon,” I suggested. I had to talk to Kennedy alone. He obviously knew something I didn’t.

“Okay, bye Ali. Bye Kennedy,” the kids said, giving us each a hug. As soon as they ran up and I was ready to blow, he was saved by the bell so to speak. The front door opened and it was time for us to go.

“Alicia, do you need a ride home tonight? I’ll be more than happy to drive you,” Mr. Collins asked as I slipped on my shoes.

“No sir, thank you. My friend is going to take me home. See you all in two weeks!” He nodded and I said bye to the entire family. We then got into the car and drove off.

“Alright, spill the beans Brock. What do you know?” I bluntly demanded.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about Ali. Now, stop harassing me and listen to the radio,” he replied, annoyed. I decided to let it go and instead, I dialed John’s number. No answer.

“Why isn’t he answering? Crap, it’s like he’s practically screening my calls!” I then shoved my phone back into my purse.

“He’s probably still at diner. I mean—”

“What did you say?”


“Kennedy Brock, what did you say?” I raised my voice.

“He’s at diner with Amber tonight, that’s why he’s not answering and why he didn’t take you out earlier.” I was crushed. My jaw nearly hit the ground. Never had I felt so low and so betrayed. Not only did he go out with her, but he conveniently lied about it to my face. The ride was silent for the rest of the way. I was simply busy fighting off the tears.

“Thanks for the ride Kenny. I won’t tell John you told me so you two will be fine. Bye,” I said, wiping a tear from my cheek.

“Wait Ali, I just want to say that you don’t deserve to be lied to and John’s an idiot for doing this. Come on, don’t cry. Come, give me a hug,” he smiled and I crashed into his chest, wrapping my arms around him and he did the same.

“Thanks, but I’m probably not as great as Amber—”

“Amber, she doesn’t even compare! She’s so horrible that she has to stick with people that hate her, including me,” he mocked as we finally let go of each other.

“I just hate her. Anyways, I’ll see you tomorrow. Thank for everything,” I smiled and waved goodbye. Once I opened the door to my house, I ran upstairs, noticing that no one was home once again. I changed into my pajamas and collapsed onto my bed.

John’s point of view

“I had a great time tonight John,” Amber said as I pulled up to her house.

“Yeah, me too actually,” I smiled. I wasn’t even lying; I genuinely had fun with her tonight. We had a simple supper at this great little Italian restaurant and then for a walk. It was beautiful. We really go to know each other.

“Alright, I’ve got to get going. I have to go pick up Ali.”

“You’re still with her? Are you sure you don’t want to come in?” She said, biting her lip.

“Look um, I think it’s great that we’re friends, but Ali’s my girlfriend and I don’t plan on the changing anytime soon.”

“Shit, sorry— I feel so stupid. Okay, well, have fun tonight I guess. See you later,” she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. It made me uncomfortable, but she then got out of the car and I could finally go get my girl. I was taking her to the go-cart racetrack were we had our first date and then I would surprise her with something I wrote her and we’d take it from there. As I walked up her driveway, I checked that I had her present in hand. I’d gotten her a simple locket with the date of our first date inscribed in it and I wrote her a letter. I then rang the doorbell and waited for her to answer.

“ Hey baby, happy anniversary,” I said, leaning in for a kiss.

“Hi,” she said, turning her back and walking away. She was already in her pajamas, sitting on the couch.

“Are you ready to go?” I asked, but I knew far well that something was wrong.

“Nope,” she responded as she flipped through the channels.

“Okay, what’s wrong now?” I sighed.

“Why don’t you explain to me, John, why you have wiped lipstick on your cheek and your clothes smell like my perfume yet I haven’t seen you all day. You lied to me.”

“About what?”

“Oh cut the crap cake, John. I know where you were tonight and it wasn’t at the studio!” She yelled.

“Alright fine, I went to diner with Amber, but it didn’t mean anything and the only reason why I didn’t tell you was because I knew you would react like this!”

“So you lie to me instead! What kind of a relationship is this if you have to lie about things?” She said as tears began flowing down her cheeks.

“You know what, fine! I’m sorry, okay? Can we please just forget about this and go?”

“No John, we’re not going to forget this. Every since we met her, we’ve had more arguments than ever before. I’m sick of it!”

“So what do you want me to do? I can’t just stop talking to her; she works for the label damn it!”

“You know what? Just go, I can’t talk to you right now,” she yelled and for the first time it hit me that this could all end and I didn’t want it to.

“Fine, I’m out of here,” I put down the letter and the little blue box and stormed out. I got in my car and drove off. Once I was home, I nearly ran to my room and slammed the door shut, ignoring whatever my mom was trying to tell me. I buried my head in my pillow and blanked out.

Kennedy’s point of view

Long drives always seemed to clear my mind. It’s just me, my car and the never-ending road. Stop thinking about her Kennedy, she’s your best friend’s girlfriend, I thought to myself. I couldn’t believe I was feeling this way. Like somehow I just magically fell in love with her overnight. It seemed like that anyways. I was setting myself up for disaster, but the worst part is that there’s nothing I could do about it. John loves Ali. Ali loves John and I love Ali. What a fucked up love triangle.
♠ ♠ ♠
New chapter :)
Leave me comments!
This story is coming to an end, but there will be a sequel.
