Status: This story is finished, but it does have a sequel.

Show Me What I'm Looking For


After a 30 minute bus ride, I finally reached destination, my new home. Only my dad’s car was in the driveway so I was somewhat relieved that I only had to deal with one of them. I made my way to the front door, turning off my Ipod as I walked. I rang the doorbell and my father opened the door within a couple of second.

“Hi Ali, how was your first day at school?” he asked, expecting me to have forgotten what happened about 19 hours ago.

“Long and boring, I don’t want to talk about it. I’ll be in my room,” I responded dryly.

“Alright,” he said, “but don’t forget, we are having our first family dinner tonight.”

I pretended not to hear and slammed the door to my room. As soon as I entered, I collapsed onto my bed leaving my schoolbag and books near the door. After a coupe of minutes of just laying there, I decided to go take a shower since I was all sweaty from the bus ride. Once I finished, I straightened my hair, put on white skinny jeans and a black American apparel t-shirt and plugged-in my Macbook. I really wanted to speak to Anny. I eventually signed onto msn, when suddenly I received a call from an unknown caller.

“Hello?” I asked, hoping this wasn’t a horrible prank phone call.

“Hey, it’s John. I found your number on Facebook. I hope you don’t mind”, he said, hesitantly.

“Oh, it’s you! No, it’s fine. Are you stalking me a little?” I responded, playfully.

“Of course not. Well, maybe a little. Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight. All of us are hanging out at my house watching movies and maybe a band practice. Are you interested?”

“That sounds awesome, but my parents want us to have our first family supper together, so I can’t make it, I’m so sorry! I wish I could get out of it!”

“Oh, ok then. Well, if you change your mind, call me. I hope you do! Bye.”

We said bye and hung up. Gosh, I really wish I could go! Stupid family diner wasn’t letting me. I sighed and sat back on my bed with my laptop on my thighs.

“Ali! Come down it’s time for supper.” My mom yelled at the bottom of the stairs.

6:47. I must have fallen asleep on my bed. I put my laptop back onto the table and marched my way down the stairs. I was hoping I could still make it to John’s house later. I sat at the table and my parents sat on opposite sides. It was weird seeing them together again but I guess I would have to get used to it.

“So honey how was your first day at school? Did you make any friends?” my mother asked me while putting some broccoli on my plate.

“It went fine and yes I met a couple of boys that I had lunch with.” I said, eating my potatoes. I loved potatoes.

“What do you mean boys? Do I need to remind you that you are not allowed to date until you are older missy?” My father replied, raising his tone.

“Excuse me, but who exactly do you think you are telling me what to do like that. It’s going to take more than 24 hours to gain back my trust.”

“Listen to your father Alicia! You are not to be doing things with any boys, do I make myself clear?”

“Doing things? We are just friends! You make it seem like I’m sleeping with all of them!” I said, yelling back at them.

“You probably will the way you’re going about it!” my father replied.

“I’m not a slut! What’s wrong with you people? I’m new at school, I try to make friends and you guys flip out over who they are! You moved me down here and now you’re trying to ruin whatever new life I’m trying to start. I’m out of here.” I said, storming out.

“Where do you think you’re going?” My mom yelled at me.

“Anywhere but here.” I grabbed my purse, a change of clothes and a toothbrush. I was on the verge of tears, but I had too much pride to let it show. I didn’t know where I was going, but all I knew was that I couldn’t stay here. I slammed the door behind me and started walking.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys!
This is a shorter chapter, but I haven't updated in a while and I didn't want to leave you guys hanging too much!

I'll add the next chapter within the next couple of days!
