Status: This story is finished, but it does have a sequel.

Show Me What I'm Looking For


Ali’s point of view

“Since when does it rain this hard in Arizona?” I wondered as I lay in bed. I couldn’t seem to fall asleep. The storm wasn’t helping either. I hadn’t heard a thunderstorm this bad in a long time. It was now 1:33 am and I still couldn’t get to sleep and to top it all off I was getting hungry.

I wasn't going to just fall asleep without anything to eat. My stomach was begging for food. I got out of bed and softly opened the bedroom door that lead to the long hallway. As I stepped onto the hardwood floor, the wood creaked. I scrunched my face at the noise, hoping that nobody had heard that. I slowly and softly tiptoed my way down the hall and looked around and finally found the kitchen. I walked over to the fridge and opened it as I scanned through the items that were sitting inside. Finally, the figs sitting on the top shelf caught my eye and of course, I had to eat them. I loved figs.

"Hungry much?" I heard someone say from behind me, causing me to drop the figs.

“I am so sorry, Mr. O'Call-" I said. As I turned around, I saw John standing there with a huge grin on his face as he stifled with laughter.

“What are you doing?” He said to me as he helped me pick up what I had dropped.

“I was hungry, so I went looking for food. How did you hear me?”

“Well, you aren’t exactly the quietest person, plus I wasn’t sleeping. There’s no way I could sleep through this storm. What do you want to eat?” He asked as he checked the fridge.

“I was going to take these figs, but I don’t know if your mom was making something with them because there’s a basket full.”

“Actually, those are for when Pat comes over. He kind of has a fruit fetish. Sit down; I’ll make you my famous grilled cheese.” He said as he took out a pan from underneath the counter.

“Famous? I didn’t know you could cook.” I asked while munching on some grapes left out on the counter.

“There are lots of things you don’t know about me yet. We just met. Here, try this.” He said, smiling.

I loved his smile. It gave me butterflies every single time. I began eating the grilled cheese which was delicious. I think the secret was the tiny pieces of bacon inside. We kept talking until I was done eating. He put my plate in the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen.

“Are you going back to sleep?” He asked, as I drank a glass of water.

“I don’t know. What do you have in mind?” I asked.

“Well… I f you aren’t, we could watch a movie.”

“Fine… let’s do that instead.” I said, smiling.

We made our way down the stairs and into the basement. He turned on the television and got some blankets out of the laundry room.

“What do you want to watch?” He asked as he came out of the laundry room.

“I don’t know… I’ll let you pick since I made you watch Breakfast at Tiffany’s before.” I said, playfully.

“Alright, how about Superbad?”

“No, I’ve seen it so often.”

“Casino Royale?”

“I’m not in the mood for that one.”

“Fine… What about Across the Universe?”

“Sure! I love that movie.” I responded as we sat on the sofa.

We began watching the movie at 2:30 in the morning. It was still pouring outside. I could hear the rain falling on the roof as the wind was blowing it sideways. I was sitting on the left side of the sofa with blankets covering me almost completely. John was on the opposite side hugging a pillow. The movie began playing and we started watching it, exchanging the occasional smile every once in a while. After about an hour, I noticed that john had fallen asleep, so I lowered the volume on the TV and before I knew it, I was sleeping as well.
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Hey everyone=]

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