Status: This story is finished, but it does have a sequel.

Show Me What I'm Looking For


Ali’s point of view

Monday morning, time for school. I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I rubbed my eyes and bounced out of bed. I was kind of exited to go to school. I couldn’t wait to see John and everyone. I gathered my clothes and made my way to the bathroom, took a shower and put on my make-up. I decided to wear shorts and a white V-neck t-shirt; it was going to be boiling today and it would be suicidal to be stuck in long pants. Once I was done getting dressed, I made my way down the stairs, ate a Poptart, slipped on my low-tops and walked to the bus stop.

It was a 10 minute walk to the bus stop and I was the only one there, waiting. The sun was already very strong. So strong, I thought I would pass out. The cars were passing by so fast except one that seemed to be pulling over near me. I was starting to freak out when suddenly, I noticed it was John. He flashed me a crooked smile which nearly sent me into cardiac arrest and rolled down the window.

“What are you doing here?” He asked. He was either not paying attention or clearly blind.

“Oh you know… hitchhiking.” I added sarcastically. “I’m at a bus stop, what do you think I’m doing?”

“Oh right. We’ll I’m driving to school. I have to pick up Patrick. Do you want a ride?” He asked while his eyes squinted. He was adorable.

“Yea, thanks!” I said as I got in the front seat. I put my bag on my lap and attached my seat belt. We drove off a couple of seconds later to pick up Pat and then made our way to school. Once we got there, I got out of the car and Pat and John trailed close behind. We soon met up with the others and chatted a little before it was time for class. I had biology with John and Jared, so we made our way to the lab while the others went to their classes. The bell had rung when we walked into class and everyone was sitting down. We apologized for being late and sat at the last available places.

The teacher began speaking and announced to us that we would be dissecting a pig heart today. Great, just what I needed to start off first period on a Monday morning. He paired us up in teams of two and I ended with a girl named Jessica. Luckily for them, John and Jared were paired up together and were at the counter right next to us. We were nearly done, so I started washing the scalpel while Jessica finished up the report. I wasn’t paying any attention to what I was doing; I was too busy talking to John. We laughed a little, but I then noticed that his face changed and became much more serious than I had seen in a while.

“Ali,” he yelled as he dropped what he was doing, “your hand is bleeding!”

“Oh my God! What do I do?” I said repeatedly, starting to feel very dizzy. John ran to get the teacher, but by then, the classroom was spinning and my mind went blank.

I awoke I’m not quite sure how long after. There was a nurse next to me, so I guess I was in the nurse’s office. I looked over at my hand and it was covered in bandages. I then sat up on the table and rubbed my eyes. I was still a little dizzy, but nothing too bad.

“Hun, you lie back down now. You’re in no shape to get up.” I heard the nurse say. “I’ll let you’re friend in to see you now.” Great, now not only did John think I was a run away wild child, he also now knew that I faint at the sight of blood. Fantastic, I just wanted to go home and hide from everyone, I was so embarrassed.

“Hey,” he said as he approached me. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine, don’t worry about it.” I then touched my head and felt a huge bump on my forehead.

“Oh my God,” I yelled, “I’m disfigured!”

“Yea… You kind of hit your head on the counter when you fainted. Don’t worry it barely shows.” I could very well tell he was lying.

“Stop lying, it looks like I have a third eye in formation.” I said as I covered my face with my hands. He started laughing and flashed me his amazing smile.

“After you passed out on the floor, Mr. Montoya called the nurse and her and I carried you to the infirmary.”

“And you waited for me all this time?”

“Yea, we’re else would I be?” He added.

“That’s so sweet of you.” I said. We just stared at each other until it got awkward. I looked away long enough to notice that the nurse was making her way to where I was. She checked me out and told me I was free to leave and also said that I should spend the rest of the day at home. I decided to call my mom and she picked me up. I said bye to John and got in the car.

“Sweetheart, what happened?” my mom asked as soon as I put a foot in the car.

“I cut myself with a scalpel in Biology class.”

“What about your head? It’s so swollen.” She added.

“Oh, well I fainted at the sight of blood and hit my head on the counter.”

“Oh my, Ali, you have to be careful. Anyways, I have to go back to work. Are you going to be okay alone at home?”

“Yes mother. I’ll be fine. I’m not a child.” I answered in a some what annoyed voice.

She dropped me off at home and I immediately changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt, tide my hair in a bun at the very top of my head and sat in front of the television. I did not plan on moving from there unless I felt a sudden urge to use the bathroom. I gathered a couple of old Disney movies from some boxes we still hadn’t sorted out and got comfortable in the sofa. I put The Little Mermaid in first and began eating some chips which was much harder to do with one arm than I had expected. I put some ice on my forehead and began watching.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short update!
Sorry guys for the long update.
I wanted to extend the chapter a little but i decided to put it up anyways.
