Status: This story is finished, but it does have a sequel.

Show Me What I'm Looking For


A couple of weeks had gone by since then and things were going great; my hand had completely healed, I had finally gotten adjusted to the continuous heat and everything was falling into place. I was also speaking to Anny on a regular basis.

Today was a Monday morning which meant that like every other Monday morning, I had school. Routine had already set in, so I just made my way to the bathroom and took a shower so that I could be at school as early as possible. Once I got there, I made my way to my locker and began getting my books for my morning classes.

“Hey Ali,” I heard a voice say from behind me. I didn’t need to turn around to realize that it was John and he was leaning on the locker right next to mine.

“John hey! I meant hey John.” Idiot, I’m such an idiot.

“It’s okay. Anyways, we have biology together are you ready to go?” he asked as I closed my lockers.

“Yea, I’m all set!”

We started walking to class while talking along the way. Things between us were going great. We were only friends, for now at least, but it was much better than nothing at all. I loved spending time with him; whether it was during band practices or if we just went for walks, I loved every minute of it. We finally got to our classroom where we sat down and Mr. Montoya began his class.

John’s point of view

We were all just sitting there in Biology as Mr. Montoya rambled on about the digestive system or something. Ali was doodling in her notebook and I was trying to finish a song; basically, no one was paying attention. I happened to look at the door when I noticed the principal entering the classroom.

“Good morning class, just a reminder that tomorrow is our annual canoeing day over at the lake. So please pair up in teams of two, bring your bathing suits and be at school by 7:15 so we could leave at 7:30. Thank you.”

Oh crap, I had completely forgotten about that trip. I looked over at Ali who looked just as confused as I did. I explained to her the whole field trip and she agreed to come. I really wanted to be with her for the canoeing, so we could be alone and I might tell her how I felt, but I still had to think it over. The rest of the day went by smoothly; lunch was fine and I had math and English after lunch which all passed by as a blur, but before I knew it, the bell rang and I practically ran out of class hoping to catch up with everyone.

“Hey Kenny, have you seen Ali?” I asked him as I met up with him at his locker.

“Yea, she just left’ she had an appointment after school. Sorry man.”

“It’s okay. Did the principal talk to you guys about tomorrow?” I asked.

“Yea, I’m going with Jared and Pat’s with Garrett. Who are you going to be with?”

“I don’t know… I was going to ask Ali, but it might freak her out…”

“Dude, you haven’t told her yet?”

“No… I don’t know how or when or anything really.” I responded.

“Just ask her on a date or something. Call her tonight and ask her to be with you tomorrow and then while you’re on the river, you just ask her.” Kennedy answered. He made it all seem so simple.

“Alright, alright; I’ll think about it. I got to go now though. Bye, see you tomorrow.”

I took my bag and my keys, made my way to my car and drove off. Once I got home, I decided to start on my homework load since I wouldn’t have time tomorrow night. I began with Biology, but before I knew it, it was supper time. We had hamburgers and some salad which we all ate except for my brother who was pretty much “allergic” to anything green. By the time I finished helping out with the dishes, it was 7:30, so I walked back upstairs and dialed Ali’s number.

“Hello?” She said.

“Hey Ali, it’s John. Am I bothering you?” I demand.

“No, no of course not, I just got out of the shower actually. So, what caused you to run across my number?”

“Nothing really…” I was stalling. I still didn’t quite know how to ask her.

“Really? So you just call people for no reason?” She responded sarcastically.

“Of course,” I added while playing along. “No but seriously, I was wondering if you were with anyone for tomorrow…”

“No actually, why?”

“Well, I was wondering if you wanted to be with me. Maybe. If you want. No pressure.”

“Yea sure, that would be awesome! I can’t wait. We’ll be canoeing buddies!” She joked.

“Yea sounds great! Alright, well I got to go now; I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bye Ali!”

“Alright, see you tomorrow, toddles!”

After I hung up, I decided to start getting my stuff ready and to go to bed earlier than usual because I would have to wake up much earlier as well. I packed my bathing suit, sunscreen and lunch money. I then took a quick shower and went to sleep knowing that tomorrow would be an amazing day with an amazing girl.