Myth of the Colour-less sky

Orientation + 1st Task (love)

There was once a time when all things in the sky were nothing but shades of black and white. Beauty was not present in people’s lives, because every time human kind looked up to the sky, it was as if they were looking into a mindless abyss.

A man named Victor longed for water. His family weren’t wealthy, and they hadn’t had water to bathe themselves or nourish their thirst. His town was dry and bleak, it was the highlands of Mouritanija, he has heard myths about how they sky was once filled with colours and joy was all around. As a little boy, but now a young man, he has longed to know about this unbelievable feat. No one knew much about this tale, but they all knew that it would be amazing if the sky was once more filled with colour.

Victor prayed to god for rain, but he knew, if it rained, the miracle of colour in the sky would happen. It was impossible for everyone to think that this would really happen. But Victor had faith in this myth, he believed it could happen.

One cold, harsh and windy night God appeared to Victor in his dream, he had told him that he is proud of his faith in this wonderful myth. He also told Victor that if he would like rain, and colour from above he would have to travel and complete seven tasks. These tasks will unlock the ever-hidden ‘rainbow’. Victor didn’t understand this awkward word that god had spoken, but he knew that it had something to do with rain.

He set out the next day only telling his parents he was going to retrieve water and ever lasting joy for the rest of their days.

His first task was to learn to love; this task included him appreciating the things around him. Victor was only 18 and hadn’t experienced the world yet. He was unsure of his decision to love, but then he came across a young woman who was named Matilda, she had dazzling long red hair, her eyes were as blue as sapphire and it seemed as if her smile was as big as the sea and lit up the world with her pearly white teeth. She was sitting there all alone with her silky white dress; it looked as if she was waiting for her handsome young prince. Victor walked towards her and fell in love with her immediately, she felt the same. He spoke to her in a soft and gentle tone telling her about his dream from god, and how he must recover this ‘rainbow’. He told her that he cannot stay for long and must leave as soon as he discovers love. She glanced over to him, and said “Victors, my prince, you already have”, She reached up to her head and tore out a lock of her beautiful silky red hair, “Take this and I shall always be with you”. Victor gave her a kiss and walked away slowly. “Goodbye my love, I will be back!” he yelled into the wind.