Myth of the Colour-less sky

2nd Task + 3rd Task

Next followed his task to recover harmony.
He noticed a group of villagers trying to build a bridge, which would connect them to their neighboring town. They all couldn’t agree on which type of wood they should use. Then a riot broke out in the town and there was violence and rage everywhere just because of a disagreement about wood. As Victor was walking through this once peaceful town he noticed a sad boy sitting on a log of wood, his sadness brought a tear to Victor’s eye, he knew he had to take action. He spoke to the town about what they were doing and how it is wrong. The town realized that their ruining everything, and as Victor said, they must work together to accomplish something great. And so they did, they used the old and delicate piece of wood that the sad boy was sitting on to build the needed bridge between their town and the next.

The town rewarded Victor for his great words with a piece of wood carved into an orange and green coloured spear. He tied his red lock of Matilda’s hair to this orange spear. The orange reminded him of the harmony he restored in this town and the green was the inside hearts of the towns people thanking him for his touching words and leaving them in peace.

Once again, he set out to complete his third task to make the ‘rainbow’. As Victor was climbing dim hills and constantly stepping in damp rain puddles. He notices a gloomy looking man from a distance, he walks over towards him and asks politely “Are you alright sir…?”, his eyes look lost in despair as he is looking up at Victor. “My mother has died, and now I’m all alone”, Victor was shocked for his loss, for he also knows how dearly he loves his mother. He starts mumbling words like “it will be ok, she’s in a better place” but that didn’t help.
He knew that this was hard for him, but he was lost in his own words, he doesn’t know what to say. Victor asks what the man’s name is, “Joseph… Joseph white” he answers. “Joseph, come with me” Victor says as he is walking towards the top of the world, where the ocean meets land. Joseph quickly follows him, when he climbs up to Victor, he is stunned, right in front of him is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, all that is ahead, is a ball of firing gas shinning upon the never ending ocean. Victor looks at Joseph and says “Joseph, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and think of the greatest memory you have of your mother”.
A couple of minutes later, Joseph opens his eyes and whispers, “before she died… she told me she loves me, and will always look after me”. “Exactly. Like as the waves make towards the pebbl'd shore, so do our minutes, hasten to their end. She will always be with you where it counts the most, your heart, so live on, just like this never ending ocean” Victor says .
Joseph feels comforted and is ready to move on, he took a piece of a yellow scarf that his mother knitted for him, cuts it off, and gives it to Victor to thank him for helping him to be happy once more.
Victor kindly accepts this offer and ties it around his orange spear as he says goodbye to Joseph.