When It All Falls Apart

I Wanted Her to Stay Awhile

‘What was I thinking he’s probably trying to get nice with for MaryBeth’ I thought while looking around the living room. As you can probably tell I don’t have much of a self esteem but being made fun of your whole can do that to you.
“Yo! Big Ann you better not be stealing my room” called my sister.
“First dibs bitches!” Alex yelled while running up the stairs.
With one look at MaryBeth I made a run for it but was soon tripped and stepped on by whom I assume was my sister. Not even bothering to go upstairs anymore I went outside to help my mom.
“Yo! Momma D what do you need me to take in?” I yelled once out the door taking a quick look to see if Jonathan was still he but no luck.
“Just start taking boxes in to the room its labeled for.” she said back.
After a hour of running in and out of the house (mind you no help from the siblings) my mom and me got pretty much everything inside.
“I’m hungry” pat said after we were all settled in the living room.
That was soon followed by three other “yeahs”. We agreed the best place to eat would be the mall, don’t ask me how because I wasn’t even asked. About 15 minutes later we arrived at the mall food court. With $10 given to us by our my mom she walked off with Patrick.
“I’m not hungry” I said to MaryBeth, “wanna go look at the stores?”
“yeah but first I wanna go to Arabica” she said. ‘God is she addicted to those or what’ I said okay as I turned to ask Alex if he wanted to come with us but soon found that he was gone. So with just one shrug given we took off to Arabica. The thing with me and my sister is that we are only 2 years apart so we’re close but I’m still to young to hang with her. But one minute we’ll be fighting and name calling the next we will be laughing and having a good time. But now since we moved I think the whole family is going to become closer. Plus you know what they say ‘ a death can bring you closer to even your worst enemy’.
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sorry this one is boring and short so i'm going to post number 3 up to but no more until i get comments on this story even if its about how you dislike the story.
title credit: the way she moves, forever the sickest kids