Goddamn These Bright Blue Eyes

Tonight We're Making History

Even though there were beautiful boys on the stage playing amazing music, I couldn't help myself from sneaking glances at Travis. And the worst part was every time I looked at him he would look at me and smile. God I was a sucker for that smile. When I tuned back into what was happening around me, people were clapping, and I joined them.
"Thank you eveyone! We're A Tale Of Deception! Come buy our merch!" the lead singer said into the mic. I looked back, but Travis was gone. He must have went outside already.
Waiting for people to leave so we could make our way to the crowd one of my best friends, Rachel whispered in my ear, "I get dibs on the guitar player." I just laughed at her.
Finally, we made our way outside to smoke a much needed cigarette. I hadn't eaten anything that day, and I had no money to get a candy bar, so my hands were shaking. After a few drags, my shaking hands and pounding heart slowed, not much, but enough so that it wasn't noticeable anymore.
I looked around for Travis and spotted him with his best friend, Josh, and a group of guys that I didn't care for. Since I got there, he never noticed me outside, but inside when it was just the crowd, the music, and him and me, everything changed.
I read this thing online once that said "If a guy looks at your for more than a second he's definitely thinking something." Whenever our eyes made contact, I hoped to God he was thinking about me, because he was all I could think about.
I was dragged back into reality when I felt someone poking my arm.
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i think i'm going to make the chapters short. sorry if you actually read this, it's easier for me to think that way.