Goddamn These Bright Blue Eyes

Tell Me Where You Are

"Chelsea, will you come sing your song?" my friend Troy was asking.
"Uhhh.... I guess so," I said. I hated singing in public. Partly because I thought I couldn't sing, and partly because the songs I wrote were ridiculous. I thought so anyways.
As we walked over to the group of people that were listening to Troy waiting for the next band to come on, I scanned the crowd looking for familiar faces. Sure enough, Travis was there. Great, I though. The song I was about to sing was about him. Then, I had a crazy thought.
As I heard Troy strum the opening chords, I looked straight at Travis. "I know that things will never change, you'll always be the boy next door..." I stared at him through out the whole song, hoping he would get some sort of hint, and he stared back. "Honestly it kills me." End song. Cue the applause. Everyone except for Travis clapped. He just smiled a little I-know-what-that-was-about smile, and I walked away.
Someone caught my arm and spun me around. I hoped it wasn't Travis and it wasn't. It was Josh though. "Nice song,"he smirked.
"Thanks," I said sarcastically. I looked past him only to see Travis still looking at me, with that same smile on his face. He lifted up and hand and beckoned me to come to him. I looked at him like he was crazy and made my way back to my friends. There was no way I was going to talk to him right now, not after he knew how I felt about him.

An hour later the last band had just finished. Travis had stood behind my friends, and I couldn't resist looking at him, just once. Still smiling. Of course. Outside I lit my last cigarette. I always smoked too much at shows. Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled away from my friends and to the alley on the other side of the venue. Once I got my bearings back, I looked at who had stolen me from my friends. Travis.
"I'm leaving in ten minutes, and since you refused to talk to me, yes, pulling you away from your friends was necessary," he stated before I could even say anything.
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:] comments? anyone?