West High Boarding School For Immortals


I stood up from my bed with a yawn. I stretched my sore arms, and began to walk around the room to wake up my sleeping foot.

I looked over at my closet surrounded by piles of cloths, making it impossible to close the closet door. I paused a moment, sucking on my lip ring (what I always did when I am being thoughtful) "O.Kay..." I paused, gathering my thoughts together. "I want a coat; not a skimpy one, a big fluffy white coat rimmed with fake fur." I continued on telling the closet that I wanted a black shirt; I didn't care about the design. I asked for faded out ripped tight jeans. And to finish it off a black knit hat and gloves with the fingers cut off.

The closet sputtered with life, and out of the mess the cloths i had wanted slowly came out of the mess on a conveyor belt. out the cloths with a groan. I couldn't blame it, it was a hardy load, but hey. I giggled at it and went about putting it on as well as putting on makeup and etc.


I pushed through my door that opened straight to the outside world. I smiled as the ice-cold snowflakes whipped through my face. It was odd.. I liked the pain; it reminded me that i was alive.

I trudged through the snow, my shoes crunching on the newly fallen snow. Somehow the snow seemed sorta... gross.

I flipped my jacket's hood up over my face as i slowly came closer to Kira's Dorm. Best friends forever. I looked down at my arm, now covered in layers of cloths. A tiny scar was hidden beneath that mess of cloths, marking the first day they had become best friends.


I knocked on the door slowly, rapping on it with my fists. When she didn't come immediately I just pushed the door in. using all my weight against it i broke the lock and the door slammed against the wall.

I looked up at the surprised Kira with a smile. I pulled one of the two boards i had carried to the dorm off my back and slammed it down onto the floor with a crack.

All the snow on the board came off it from the impact swallowing the floor in white. I grinned at her. "Lets go hover boarding."
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