You own my heart


As I stare at your name wrote in the stone, I wish I could relive that day.
I would tell you I loved you and kissed you.
We wouldn't have argued.
You would have held me in your arms.
You would have told one of your cheesey jokes and I would laugh like it was the funniest thing I heard.
We would sit snuggled up on the sofa watching morning T.V then you would try to work out how the toaster worked.
That's you so caring and kind but not great at technical stuff.

Later I would have told you you were late for work but you wouldn't have cared and stayed embracing me. You said you would rather stay in this moment. Finally you would have left and been that one minute slower and the car would have passed you instead of you storming out of the house angry and not looking for cars. It wouldn't have hit you, you would still be here.

You lay on the road, I came running out. The car had drove on-a hit and run. They didn't care about you. I had phoned for an ambulance and had to keep you talking while they came.

A puddle of blood formed around your head, you began drifting in and out of conciousness. You told me you were sorry and you loved me. I tried to stay brave and not cry but I am not brave like you. I held you hand and told you I loved you. Your breath began to get slower and slower. You told be to be happy and not to feel alone when you were gone.
"Don't talk like that, the ambulance will be here and you be watching the match on sunday" I replied through sobs.
You got weaker and weaker.You told me you would always be with me as I owned your heart forever.

It was then that moment that you closed you eyes. I began sobbing and screaming for the ambulance to come.
They did their best to bring you back but you were already gone.Why did you have to leave me? Why did we argue? It was over something so stupid and now you are gone. We were going to get married and have children you always wanted to be a dad. You would have been the best. Now it will never happen.

At the funeral everyone tried to cheer me up but their attempts were useless. They didn't understand, a part of me was missing. I sobbed as I stood at the front of the church and told everyone how much I cared for you,how much I loved you and how you were such a great person- so helpful, caring and handsome.I had lost you- you who completed me. You who always made me smile.

Now as I sit by your grave I realise. You own my heart.
You own my heart, forever and always.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so this was my first try at a romance story. I just sat down at my computer and typed it off the top of my head, it wasn't planned,
I think it turned out okay and I will try to explore that genre in future stories.