Only in Your Dreams



Nick’s P.O.V

After Mrs. Brown’s class, I saw the new girl leave the class in a hurry. I got out of my seat, and tried to keep up with her. I saw her at her locker, so I called her name. Once she saw me, she yelled and slammed her locker shut. She was about to walk away, so I grabbed her arm. She immediately turned around and yelled in my face.My beautiful face. I couldn’t help but smirk a little.

“You still haven’t given me your answer,” I smiled.
“Does it look like I’m saying yes?” she said pointing to her face.
I thought for awhile, “Yes?”
“Nice guess,” I could hear sarcasm in her voice. With that, she walked away.

I sighed. I guess I’ll just have to talk to her some other time. I felt a hand on my shoulder. “What’s wrong, babe?” I turned around and saw my girlfriend, Tiffany. “Nothing,” I replied. She took my hand and we made our way to the cafeteria. “I thought I saw you talking to the new girl,” Tiffany said, with an annoyed tone. “No, of course not. Psht.” I knew if I told Tiffany about the new girl she’d get jealous and do something about it, so I decided to just keep my mouth shut.

When do I ever?

Once we entered the cafeteria, my friend Chris waved us over to our usual table. Tiffany sat with her friends on one side of the table, while I sat on the opposite side. I didn’t feel like eating, so I just sat there listening to what the guys have to say. I wasn’t really paying attention to anything they were saying. I was too busy thinking about Tori, the new girl. She seemed different. I smiled at the thought.

Then, I heard one of them say Tori’s name. I immediately snapped out of my daydream and wasgenuinely interested in what they had to say. They started talking about how hot she was and was also betting on which one of them could get her into bed first. I smirked at the thought of me and her doing it. Chris betted on her for a hundred bucks that he could get her into his pants by this weekend.

I knew that she wasn’t an easy victim, so I decided to make a safe bet, which was two months from now.
♠ ♠ ♠
i know this chapter is short, but i have finals next week.
so study study.
will update hopefully by the week after.
You know the Drill.

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