Tearjerker Masochist

Descent Into Darkness


I was determined not to make a sound.

I was not going to scream.

But the pain from my ribs was insistent. So was the pressure on my leg that was keeping me pinned.

The gas fumes weren't helping any either.

My vision started blurring, and I tried one last time to unpin myself.

My ribs burning, the pain finally overwhelmed me and sent me hurtling headfirst into darkness.


Next thing I knew I was being carried over someone's shoulder.

I couldn't hold back the scream this time.

"Shit," a voice said, and I was put down gently.

I looked up to see a pair ofgorgeous brown eyes looking into mine. I jumped, my hand reaching out instinctively to drive my heel into his throat. As he fell away, coughing and trying to breathe through his bruised windpipe, I managed to get up and start limping away.

Though you could literally see the bone in my left leg, I was bleeding heavily, and I had multiple ribs broken, through sheer force of will, I managed to find Zsadist.

"Zee," I called out, but even I could barely hear me.

You're losing too much blood. You need to stop.

you think I don't know that.

"Zee!" I yelled as loud as I could. It still wasn't very loud.

She saw me collapse and ran over, eyes wide. "Phury! How'd you get out?!"

"Guy. Got me out."

"A guy?"

I nodded. "Zee, it hurts."

I hated that I was being such a baby, but the tears kept coming.

"Don't worry Phury, we'll fix you," she said, kneeling down.

"How? No hospital. No supplies."

"I'll figure something out."

"Love you."

"I love you too Phury."

Once again, I descended into darkness.


The next time I woke up, I was on what felt like a bed with pressure on my ribs and leg.


She looked up from staring at the door.

"Phury! You're awake!"

"How long have I been out?"

"Since yesterday."

"Where are we?"

"You remember that guy that got you out?"


"His house."

My eyes widened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two from me, then two from Selene XD

Hey, Selene here. Here's the guy the pulled Phury from the car!


Hearts, Selene