Tearjerker Masochist

Zoey & Phoebe


I left and went downstairs to find Jasper.

"Jasper?" I asked.


"Do you have any Advil? Phu- Pheobe needs some…"

He nodded and went to the cabnet tossing them to me.

"Thanks." I went back upstairs to give Phury the Advil.

"Here Phury. Oh and I'm calling you Phoebe while we're here. Cant be too careful." I smiled glumly. "And you can keep calling me Zee, I told him my name was Zoey."

She nodded and took the Advil.

"Hey, Zee?" She asked as I was about to leave and let her get some rest.

"What Phoebe?"

"How's your-"

"Its fine. Get some rest."

With that I left.

She can't know until later.

Until she's better or she'll worry about me…


I turned and saw Jasper.

"You can trust me you know." He said, he glanced at my bandage. "Might want to change it. Blood is showing through."

"Oh." I reached up to lightly tap it with my fingers. "Thanks."

I went to the bathroom and changed the bandage before finding Jasper again to ask where the nearest park was.

I needed a swing.



I walked over to the swings careful to keep my hood up the whole time.

Don’t need some little kid getting freaked out by my head being wrapped up in white.

Parents would call the cops to make sure I was okay or some shit.

Don’t need that.

I found the park and went straight to the swings.

Then I saw the bird.

It was just sitting there on the bench by the swings.

I decided to sing him a rhyme.

"A Little Cock Sparrow
Sat on a tree,
Looking as happy
As happy could be,
Till a boy came by
With his bow and arrow:
Says he, "I will shoot
The little cock sparrow

"His body will make me
A nice little stew,
And his giblets will make me
A little pie too."
Says the little cock sparrow,
"I'll be shot if I stay,"
So he clapped his wings
And then flew away."

I sang the rhyme, but not in my usual creepy context.

It was just a rhyme, not something to be scared of. Just to be pretty.

Some little kid came over and sat on my right on the swing.

"Aren't you too old to be playing on the swings?" He asked.

I smiled softly and began to move the swing back and forth.

"No. You can never be too old for the swings."

I grinned and laughed quietly as the wind blew though my hair as I swung, my hood had fell back revealing my face.

"That’s not what I heard." He stated stubbornly.

"Oh yea?" I turned to face him. "Then what exactly did you hear?" I asked curiously.

He gasped. "Wha- what's wrong with your eye?" He stuttered, his eyes wide and staring.

I instantly pulled my hood back up and turned away.

"Nothing." I lied. "Just had a little accident. I'm fine."

He didn’t trust me, running off to his Mother.

I got up and started walking away quickly.

I can't let them find out who I am.

As it is, I want to kill the boy.

But I can't. Phury would be upset with me.

"Wait!" The little boy called out behind me.

I didn’t turn around as I started running back to Jasper's house and my injured twin.

I can't be caught.

I can't.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its kind of short.

But it was nessesary.

Dont kill me please!