Tearjerker Masochist

Looks can be Decieving


She was lying to me again.

She was really upset with me for not telling her.

I know that.

I would be too.

But if I told her sooner, she wouldn’t have taken care of herself.

And that’s the most important thing, not me. She matters more then I do.

I grabbed a lolipop, suprisingly there were a few left, much to my delight and asked Jasper if he had gotten his mail today.

"No." He said. "Why?"

"Because I'm board. And if you havent gotten it yet. I'll go and get it for you!" I smiled childishy.

Just my luck. The sugar in the lolipop made me go into little kid mode.

Poor Jasper, probably scared shitless.

With that I walked out the front door to go and grab the mail.

Acutally, I skipped. Told you, sugar rush.

"Zee! Stop skipping! You look like your high on sugar!" Phury yelled from the window upstairs.

I just giggled. "But I am! I found the lolipops!"

"Oh jezz. We're all gonna die." I heard her mutter rather loudly.

Oh well. Her problem, not mine.

Well not my problem until I kill someone.

I giggled evily. Plans are forming in my brain.

I got the mail and walked, yes I actually walked, back inside.

"Jasper!" I called out. "Where are you! I have the mail for you!"

"Uhm, I'm right here…" He said from right next to me.

"Oh. So you are!" I handed him the mail. "Want to play a game with me?" I asked.

He looked slightly startled and maybe a bit afraid.

"Uh… Do I have a choice?" He asked quietly.

I shook my head. "Nope. You have to play with me."

He sighed. "What game were you thinking of?"

I grinned hugely. "20 questions!"

He groaned, but sat down on the oppisite sofa none the less.

"Okay." He said. "Would you like to ask first?"

I nodded. "What's your full name?"

"Jasper McGregor."

"No middle name?"


I giggled, and he glared at me.

"Well then, what's your full name?"

"Zoey Ann Perry." He humphed.

"Age?" He asked annoyingly.

"19. And yours?"

"21." He replied.

"Alrightly, so what's your favorite color?" I randomly asked.

"Forest green. What's yours?"

"Black. But sometimes I like neon colors. All of them!" I replied enthusiasticly.

I got a look from him.

"What? I'm different. Got a problem with it?"

"No… So, where are you from?"

"San Fransisco." Hopefully its safe to tell him that.

"Nice. What do you do as a job?" He asked.

Must lie. "Work in a gun shop." Not a complete lie. And easy to prove.

"What do you do?" I asked back, actually curious.

"Oh, uhm. Well, I'm a detective. Although, normally I just do private jobs at the moment I'm working on the Tearjerker Masochist Case for the police in San Fran."

Oh shit…

"Hey, you live in San Fran!" Wow, he's so slow. "Have you ever seen them or anything?"

"Nope. Me and Phoebe are pretty much the keep to ourselves types. Sorry."

"Ah." He sighed. "Oh well. I have to go cook dinner. You two like pasta, yes?"

I nodded. "I'm gonna go tell Phoebe."

"Okay, I'll call you guys down when its ready, Zoey."

I nodded again and went straight to the room where Phury was.

We need to get out of here.

And the only way I can think of to do so, is in style.

But then again, that's why I'm going to tell Phury.

She's smart like this.

I just like using force. It's what I'm good at.

"Phoebe…" I whispered.

"Yea? What's wrong, Zee?"

"We have a major problem."

"Which is?" She asked looking over at me from the bed.

"He's one of them."

Her eyes widened. "No…"

I just nodded my head.

"I got out his profession and his full name out of him before he told me. Dinner is pasta, by the way. Very hard to poison. I don’t think he knows."

She nodded taking in all the information.

"Okay, Zee. Unfortuately, there's only one way for us to do this. The hard way."

I grinned. "Yes." She said. "That way." Making my grin grow even larger and more sinister.

"Guys!" We both jumped at Jasper's voice. "Time for dinner! Come down before it gets cold, ya?"

"Coming!" Phoebe yelled back.

"Now?" I asked.

"Yes, Zee. Now. But first give me what you know, hun."

"Okay. His name is Jasper Bartholomew McGregor. He's a P.D. working the Tearjerker Masochist Case file out of San Fran."

"Alright. Not much to go on, but I'll see what I can work with. Let's go down to dinner, Zee. Oh, and bring a toy or two to keep him down." She smirked as she walked out the door.

I quickly grabbed some daggers and hid them on my person before hurridally following her.

"Alrighty, guys. Hope you like pasta." He said cheerfully as we got into the kitchen.

"Actually I'm not really hungry right now, Jasper. Sorry."

"Oh." He said kind of dejectedly. "Well, how about you Phoebe?"

She shook her head. "Zee, now."

He looked confused for the millasecond it took me to stab a knife into him and force him into the corner of the room, away from the windows.

"Wha- what?" He stuttered."Why are you guys doing this?"

"Because you know too much, Mr. McGregor. Way too much." Phury said calmly as she walked over to stand beside me.

"But… I didn’t do anything…" He continued to stutter painfully.

"No, not yet. But you would've if we let you go. You know too much about us for us to just let you go free. Plus, now you've seen us. It's impossible."

His eyes widened in knowledge. "No…" He denied.

"No, you two cant be the Tearjerker Masochist… You're too innocent…" He shook his head.

"Again you're wrong, Jasper." I said. "Do these scars and wounds look like we're innocent?" I showed him some of the scars on my legs and right arm.

"No, they don’t. It looks like you've been the victim."

"Very good." Phury praised him. "We have been the victims, way too many times. Hence why we know play that bad guy in the nightmares."

"However." She continued. "We don’t do what they did to us. We could never do something that horrible. Its just too… Oh what's the word I'm looking for, Zsadist?" She asked turning to me.

"I think you're looking for the word evil, inhospitable, inconceivable. You get the gist." I smirked down at Jasper who had slid down to the ground.

"Time to say goodbye, Mr. Detective." Phury said pulling out a gun.

He whimphered, and she shot.

Jasper Bartholomew McGregor, was no more.

We went around the house after I disemboweled him, by now my signature for killing, and splayed blood all over the place, ruining the house.

Wreaking it into pieces.

Saving only what we could use ourselves when we left soon after.

Such as the car, pillows, blankets, clothes, food, bandages, and other such items.

His house was well stocked.

Before we left, when everything was packed up into his big black hummer, with spare plates we carried with us on it, we called the cops.

"Hello, San Fransisco Police Department."

"Hello, officer." Phury said calmy on speaker phone.

"We'd like to report a murder."

"Alright madam, where is your current location? And your names?"

"Location is 57 Trinity Drive. Our name?" She asked as if confused.

"Yes madam, What is your name and condition?"

I stepped in. "Condition is perfectly healthy."

"What?" Now it was their turn to be shocked. "H- how?"

"Simple." I replied. "We're the murderers. Still want our name? Or did you guess it by now?" I asked eerily.

"T- tearjerker Masochist…" Came the gasped voice on the other end.

"Good boy." I cooed. "We just wanted you to know that Jasper here had a little accident with the kitchen knife and went crazy."

The officer sputtered.

"Bye-bye now!" I said cheerfully. "Have a nice day."

With that, I hung up the phone, and we pealed out of the residence, time to continue our previous acts.

Time for L.A. at last.
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Oh my gee. This is really long. I'm so sorry.

I just got really into it...

Is that sickening? That i thought it was really fun to write?

Gosh, maybe i am a masochist, too... Hmm..

Oh well, Comment us!

Lots of updates today, make sure you read them all.