Tearjerker Masochist

Paris, but not Nicky


"Hey Zee?" I asked, turning my head slightly toward hers while keeping my eyes on the road.


"Did you happen to take any of those breadsticks?"

"What breadsticks?"

"Those breadsticks that Jasper made. Did you take any?"

"No. Why?"

I shrugged. "They just looked good."

"Phury, no."

"What?" I asked innocently. "It's just a question."

"We are not turning back to get some damn breadsticks."

"I never suggested that."

"But you want to."

"I do?"

"Yes, you do. And don't say that you don't, because I know that you do."

I shrugged. "I'm fine. It would have been nice to have them, but I'm not going to turn back just for some breadsticks."

She groaned. "You're going to turn back, aren't you?"

"I just said that I wasn't going to."

She nodded. "You're turning back."

"Do you want me to turn back?" I couldn'f figure out if she was trying to use reverse psychology on me or not.

"No. I want to kill Nicky and Paris."

"We're not killing Nicky," I said, shaking my head. "Just Paris."

"Why not Nicky? She's almost as annoying as Paris is."

"But Nicky and Joel Madden have that kid."

"Oh yeah... I forgot about that."

"Yup. So no killing of Nicky. If she didn't have the kid, we could, but she does."

We've killed mothers and fathers before, but always with a reason. If we were going after someone just because we don't like them, we made sure that they didn't have kids. And if we just absolutely had to kill them, their kid was at least a teen.Which is more than Zee and I got.

"But still, even without Nicky and Britney Spears, Paris is still enough.... for now," she smirked.

I laughed. "You just killed someone, a cop no less, and you're already so bloodthirsty?" Cops always satisfied her the longest.

Probably because I didn't let her kill cops a lot (it would raise too much suspicion), and because of her history with them. It wasn't exactly perfect.

I drove down the road, biting my nail, propping my head up silently.



"How's your eye...er, where it used to be?"

"It's fine. Kinda gives me a headache, but not a bad one."

I nodded. "Good."


"i can't really feel anything right now. I took some pills earlier."

She looked at me sharply. "You took some pills?"

"It'll be fine Zee. Just a few pain pills to help me get through the day."

"Except you're not supposed to take pills, remember?"

"I'm not going to start popping pills again Zee, don't worry about it."

"You said that the last time, but you did anyway. And it almost killed you."

"Well, i was stupid. I'm not going to be stupid again."

"You've been acting weird lately."

"If you want to say something Zee, just say it."