Tearjerker Masochist

Painful Visits


"If you want to say something Zee, just say it."

"I don’t want you to fucking take anymore pills. Pain pills or other wise, okay?"

"What the hell, Zee? Don’t trust your own sister?"

"No, I don’t. Not when it comes to pills… I don’t want to lose the last person I have left." I whispered.

"Zee… " She said softly.

"I'm sorry that I care about you, Phury." I was upset, and my voice cracked a little bit.

She pulled over to the side of the road before reaching over and forcing me to look at her.

"Zee. If it'll make you feel better… I promise I wont take any pills. Unless you give me some and its just pain pills. Okay?" She actually had tears in her eyes.

She ment it.

"Okay…" A tear fell out my right eye, and I instantly got a huge stab of pain to my empty left.

"Ow…" I muttered quietly.

She doesn’t need to know it hurts still…

She doesn’t need to worry…

She doesn’t need to…

"Phury? Can we stop by this Diner for a sec? I need to pee." I asked.

She nodded. "Okay, Zee. I'll grab some take out and meet you back at the car."

I swiftly got up and went to use their restrooms.

Once in there I locked the door and clutched at the left side of my face where my eye used to be.

It hurt, smearing with pain already, the crying in the car made it worse giving me a monster of a migrane.

Almost incapacitating, but I still could see out of my right eye for now.

But then again, it could go at any second if the pain gets too great.

"Fuck…" I muttered still cluctched at it.

I had already promised myself that if I wasn’t going to let Phury have pills, I wouldn’t have any either to help her.

So how the hell am I going to get away without letting her catch on?

You can fool. She's your twin. Or did you forget?

I didn’t forget. But she's hopefully not paying any attention to that right now.

Just like you're not paying attention to numbing feeling in your gut telling you she's not in any pain? Yea, sure she's not.

She would've said something.

Are you sure about that? Maybe she just wants you to tell her it hurts. Maybe she wants to help, but not hurt your feelings.

Stop it. She doesn’t know!She cant.

Ah, but she does.

There was a knocking on the door.

"Zee? Are you okay?" Her voice was laced with concern.


"I'm fine, Phur. Be out in a sec." I replied.

Told you she knows. You cant hide it. Best just to tell her what's wrong.

Idiot! I already said I don’t want her to worry.

Yes, but a doctor isnt out of the way really. There's one across the street see?

I sighed. "Fine…"

I walked out and back to the car where Phury was waiting.

"Zee, are you sure you're okay?" She asked again, still worried.

"Uhm. Ya, I'll be okay… " I whispered. "But… Can we stop at the Doctors or something? Its getting worse and still bleeding a little…"

Her face twisted. "So that’s why you've looked paler then normal…" She murmured to herself.

"Okay, let's go. I don’t want you to be hurting…"

I nodded.

She knew that if I was asking for medical attention there was a problem.

Or possible problem.

I can take pain. A lot of it.

For me to ask to go… That ment I was seriously hurting.

I hated doctors. Any kind, it didn’t matter.

We pulled up to the parking lot and got out walking up to the door, and into the office.

People stared at us as we went up to the secretary.

"Hello. How may I help you?" She asked kindly.

"Hello. I'd like to get my sister cheaked. Her eye has been bothering her a lot since the accident and I want to make it's okay…" She's the perfect actress I swear.

"Oh, well. We can have some nurses look at it until the doctor is avalible. As you can see we arent too busy today."

"Oh, thank you so much." Phury said relief washing across her face.

"You're gonna be okay, see? The nice people are gonna help it feel better." She said to me smiling softy since I still had a half scared expression on.

I didn’t reply to her.

"Can I just have your names please? And then the nurses will be right with you."

"Oh, of course. I'm Phoebe Perry, and this is my sister, Zoey Perry."

With that we went and sat down over in the corner by the door, waiting.

"Hey." Some little kid came up to us. "Can I sit here, too?" She asked.

We were sitting on the sofa, me practially death gripping Phury's jacket shaking slightly.

"Sure." Phury said as she scooted over closer to me to make room for the little girl.

"I'm here to get my cast off my arm." She smiled brightly, showing us her pink arm cast.

"What are you here for? Are you sick?" She questioned Phury.

"Nope. My sister hasn’t been getting on so well since the accident we were in and I wanted to come make sure she'd be okay."

"Oh. Whats wrong with her? She looks scared…" She little girl leaned over to look at me and I shrunk back into Phury.

"She doesn’t like doctors very much. I kind of forced her here to get her eye looked at."

"Oh… Sounds like it hurt…" Phury nodded.

"That’s why I forced her to come. It hurt too much then it should."

"Zoey Perry?" Came the voice of the nurse from the door.

Phury stood up dragging me with her. "Come on, Zee. You want to get this over with, yea?"

I nodded and held on tighter to her arm following her out and into another littler room.

"Okay Zoey. Sit right up here and let me see what's wrong with you, kay?" Said the friendly nurse. Her name was Karen.

I got up and pulled down my hoodie.

"Oh my. Its all bloody… I'll be right back with the doctor. Don’t touch it." She exclaimed kind of nervously rushing out.

I looked at Phury pledingly.

"Don’t worry, Zee. I'm here. I wont let them hurt you unnessesarily." She promised.

The doctor came in and I tensed whimperd and pulled closer to Phury, who was standing by the bench next to me.

"Its okay." The doctor tired to assure me. "I wont hurt you. Now lets see this without the bandage on." She said.

"Would you like me to take it off or do it yourself?" She asked kindly.

I slowly let go of Phury to take it off myself.

I unwrapped it from my head and left the bandages on the bench next to me.

"Oh my goodness…" The doctor said flabbergasted. "Why didn’t you take her straight to a hospital?" She asked Phury slightly upset.

"She doesn’t like hospitals. She hates it here too. But at least here is bearable for her." Phury replied daring the doctor to contradict her.

The doctor, Page, sighed. "Well then… I guess I'll see what I can do."

After the exam, in which Dr.Page gave me some cream to help it heal over, a perscription to fill for the pain, and bandages to change the wrapping as well as the number of someone who could get me a fake eye, we went quickly to the pharmacy and got the perscription.

Dr. Page also told us something very interesting.

Apparently when I cry, my left eye cries too. Not the eye.

But the tearducts. Somehow they survived, but dispersed blood instead of tears now.

Wonderful huh?

"Well at least we know you're going to be okay now." Phury said opptomisticly.

I just grumped. The cream stung my face.

"Can we just go kill someone now?" I asked bitterly.

Phury smiled. "Of couse, honey. And here, have a lolipop."

She handed me a blue raspberry lolipop and we left once again for L.A. and Paris.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay, everybody cheer. The rain stopped so i could update!

Lets not forget to thank Karadoll for the unexpected update so that i could firstly.

And i'm so sorry. I forgot to thank our one commenter.


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