Tearjerker Masochist

Icey Fire


I got up out of the car and went to use the bathroom.

I really did have to pee, but besides that, my eye was still killing me.

Removing the band-aid I reapplied the cream after cleaning off some green pus that I was pretty sure shouldn’t be there.

I sighed. "That's probably gonna come back to bite my ass later, huh?" I said to myself.

"Oh well… "

It didn’t help matters that Phury was hiding something from me.

I know she is. Some stupid gut feeling tells me so.

She's my twin; I can't help but know and worry.

Finishing up I put everything away and went back to the car to see Phury fiddling with the radio again.

She does that when she's bored or hiding something, but I know she wont tell me.

"Hey Phury…"


"How much longer until we get there?" I asked impatiently.

She smirked. "A few hours. Don’t worry, Zee, you'll get your shot at them."

Well… That's reassuring.

I turned around in my seat as we drove along the highway searching the backseat.

"Zee, what are you looking for?"

I turned to glance at her before going back to my search.

"My hoodie. It's freezing." I replied, goose bumps on my skin.

She gave me a slightly scared look.

"What?" I asked irritated that I couldn’t find it.

"Zee… Its like… 75 degrees…" She explained. "You shouldn’t be cold."

I halted in my search still freezing my ass off. "What?"

She now had a worried look on her face.

"Zee… Are you sure that there isn’t anything wrong with you eye socket?" She asked.

No, she can't know.

"No. It's fine… Still sore, but that's to be expected…"

"Alright…" She said, her voice still laced with concern as I found my hoodie and shoved it on.

"Phury. I'm fine. Can we just go and kill Paris now?" I begged ignoring the pain.

She nodded. "Okay…"


Finally we arrived at Paris's mansion.

And fuck me if it wasn’t huge.

Seriously, I knew she was stuck up and pampered, but this is ridiculous.

We grabbed all of our shit and walked to the door, ignoring the doorbell I kicked in the front door and walked in, Phury behind me.

"Paris darling, I'm home!" I screamed in a singsong voice.

We heard a squeal before a ball of pink threw itself at me, latching onto me.

"Oh Nicky! Thank god you’re here! I just broke a nail and I need to go get it fixed as soon as possible!"

"Get. Off. Now." I said my voice hard and menacing.

"Whaa?" She said as I shoved her off me and onto the floor.

"Don’t touch me you filthy whore." I spat at her helpless and now shaking form.

"Zee." Phury interrupted. "Wait until I get the camera up will you? Pull her up to her room for this while you wait."

I glared over at her for a second before what she said clicked.

I smirked. "Sure thing, sis."

With that I dragged Paris by the hair up the steps to her room.

Lucky me, it was on the top floor.

Not so lucky for her hair however.

I threw her screaming onto her bedroom floor ripping of a few chunks of hair in the process.

"Alright, Zee. Go ape shit on her ass." Phury stated as she set up the tripod.

"With pleasure." I grinned.

"But are you sure you don’t want a go first before I get out of control?" I asked.

She thought about it.

"Sure, I'd love to. You're so considerate sometimes love." I just smiled.

Phury grabbed the AK-47 and released a round into Paris's legs.

The little girl screamed.

Serves her right.

Stupid bitch.

She'll get what she deserves.

With that I picked up the box of matches and watched as she stared in horror as I lit it…

And proceeded to drop it on her head.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took me a while to update.

Dance, work and school projects are keeping me bogged down.

Update if you want us to update.