Tearjerker Masochist

A Trip I Didn't Want to Take


I knew that watching Zsadist finally have her shot at torturing Paris would be entertaining, but that was just thinking about her enthusiasm and thinking about how she would do it.

I had completely forgotten to factor in how Paris would react.

As Phury lit the match, Paris watched in horror, and screamed when it was dropped.

But because her hair was saturated in hair spray, it went up fast. I nodded in appreciation as her head became a fireball. "All that long hair wasted," I said in mock sadness.

She screamed and pleaded, clutching at her head, and every once in a while at her body.

I blinked, and shook my head slightly.

The sight of her was stirring up memories that should be left alone. I rubbed the side of my head and tried to focus on Zee, but it wasn't working. Looks like I was going to have to take a trip down memory lane whether I wanted to or not.

I was eight-and-a-half months pregnant. No bueno. My fiancee Ryan and I were walking down the street, arms linked.

"You're such a dork, Ryan," I said, giggling.

"Me?" he acted offended. "Me? A dork? Clearly, my dear, you're blind."

"Oh, I'm blind huh? So if I wasn't, what would you be?"

"I would be amazing," he nodded.

"Oh please, gag me with a spoon."

I looked up to see Zsadist walking toward us. "Hey Zee."

"Phury. Dumbass."

"Aww, be nice to Ryan. He has a nice ass," I giggled.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm glad I have something to make you happy with."

"You have much more than that," I winked.

Zsadist pretended to gag. "You're happiness disgusts me."

I laughed. "Aww, don't worry Zee, we'll find someone just as screwed up as you one day."

She stuck her tongue out. "Mean."

"That's my job. I mean, I am your sister."

She rolled her eyes. "So this is who you ditched me to hang out with?" she pretended to pout.

"Yup. I figured you wouldn't want to make a run at three in the morning to go get more peanut butter."

She scoffed. "I would do that for you."

I raised an eyebrow. "At three in the morning?"

"...Okay, maybe I wouldn't do that for you."

Ryan and I laughed. "Nice Zee."

"Where were you two going?"

"We were just walking. We couldn't be in that stupid apartment anymore."

"You could have moved in with me, but you just had to go and get engaged," she shook her head.

"Your place is odd though," Ryan said. "There's like, no air."

"It's closed off from people," she shrugged. "I like it."

"Me too," I nodded. "Come darlings," I linked arms with Zee. "Now I want peanut butter."

She laughed at me. "Loser."

"So? I'm happy, leave me alone," I stuck my tongue out childishly at her.

She laughed. "OKay, I'm going back now. Bye."

I waved as she walked away.

"You're happy, huh?"

"Maybe," I said with an angelic look on my face. "I could have just been saying that."

"So even though you always said if I got you pregnant you would chop my penis off, you're still happy?"

I giggled. "You know I would never do that. Then I wouldn't be able to get laid anymore."

"Oh, thanks for the concern."

I grinned and leaned my head against his arm.

"I love you Phury," he said, kissing the top of my head.

"...Did you just call me Phury?"

"Yeah? That is your name, hun."

"No, I know that, it's just that you never call me Phury. You hate my name, remember?"

"I don't hate it. It's just really weird."

"So I guess that takes out naming him Rhage?"

He nodded. "Definitely. You name the girl, and I name the boy."

"I can live with that."

"And no freaky names that will get her made fun of."

"Don't worry about that. They won't make fun of her for long."

He shook his head. "Please just don't go too overboard."

"I can't promise that." He glared at me, and I reached up on my tip toes to peck him on the lips.

"You're lucky I love you."

"I know."

I blinked rapidly, trying to rid the tears that had built up.

That was the last day that we'd spent together. The next day was the day that he had been murdered.
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So this only took forever. -_-' Sorry