Tearjerker Masochist

Torture of Memory


Ah Paris.

The wonderfulness of your burning hair makes my nose cringe.

But I love the sound of your screams.

I smirked and continue to destroy and mangle her body.

Bringing her closer and closer to death, but leaving it just out of reach.

This is what I live for in this moment.

Not Phury.

Not love.

Not revenge.

Not even for him.

Just for the thrill and adrenaline rush of killing.

It filled me like a drug, washing away all the pain I suffered.

Transferring it into the helpless victim before me.

Destroying, piece by piece.

Victim by victim.

Life by life.

Until everything disappears.

All the memories of him, of everything, are nothing but blank space.

"Well let's see. Now that I know Phury is walking around with her little boy toy, I feel better." I sighed in relief.

Knowing Ryan, he'll keep her safe no matter what. Even if it costs him his own life.

I pulled out my cell phone, quickly dialing a memorized number.

"Hello?" Came the voice on the other side.

"Kay…" I sighed his name into the phone.

"Zee! Are you okay? You sound upset…" He trailed off waiting for a reply.

"Yea, I'm fine. Just… Can I come over?…" I questioned softly.

"Tell me where you are, I'll come pick you up."

"No, its okay. I can walk. Be there in 5?"

"Okay, I'll be waiting. Love you." I smiled softly.

"Love you too, Kay." I said then hung up already on my way over to Kayden's apartment.

I needed him now. Before I broke down in the middle of the street.

Or worse in front of Phury.

5 minutes later I knocked on his door, and it flung open seconds later to a worried Kay.

"Are sure you're okay?" He questioned me again and he pulled me inside and into a giant hug that only he can give.

"I'll be okay as long as you're here." I mumbled into his shoulder.

I felt him smile into my neck. "Don’t worry. I'm not going anywhere."

He pulled away slightly and rubbed his thumb on my cheek, smiling softly.

"I love you Zsadist Aingeal Plague…" He trailed off, taking my hands and kneeling on the floor.

I gasped softly, air leaving my lungs in shock.

"I never want to lose you." He said looking up into my eyes.

"Will you marry me?" He asked pulling out a box, that he soon opened to show a beautiful silver ring.

I blinked, a tear falling down my cheek.

"Zee?" He stood up, waiting nervously.

I jumped on him, my arms around his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist.
"Yes." I replied smiling into his neck. "Yes, I will marry you Kayden Train Floyd."

We both laughed happily as he twirled me around his apartment.

Putting me down he took the silver ring and placed it on my finger. Perfect fit.

I smiled and reached up to kiss him.

Intense kissing ensued and probably would have turned into something more if my cell phone hadn’t started ringing.

"Shit" I cursed pulling away trying to catch my breath before answering.

"Hello?" I asked still out of breath.

"Zee? Why do you sound like you just ran a marathon?" Phury asked concerned. "Are all right?"

"Oh. Uhm, yea, I'm fine." I said my eyes bugged.

I may have just been discovered.

"Okay then, well, I wanted to let you know that Ryan and I followed you since we were bored and you never go anywhere. So let us in bitch."

She hung up as my jaw fell open in shock and I gagged.

"Zee?" Kayden was immediately worried.

"Uhm, I'm okay. She… Followed… Me…" I managed to spit out.

His eyes widened. "Your sister?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Shit…" He mumbled.

We had reason to be scared.

Phury doesn’t know I have a boyfriend, let alone a fiancé.

A knock came from the door followed by a yell.

"Zee! Open the door! We saw you come in!" Phury yelled.

I looked at Kayden and then we walked to the door slowly, and opened it.

"Jesus, Zee. You could have told me where you were going. It was hard following you here." She grumped immediately.

I just stood there, squeezing the life out of Kay's hand.

She wasn’t supposed to find out…

Phury finally noticed Kayden standing behind me and tilted her head.

"Who are you?"

"Kayden…" He replied hesitantly. "And I take it you're the famous Phury?"

She smiled. "Yea. This is Ryan, my fiancé."

By now everyone had migrated to the couch in his living room.

"So Kayden." Phury said, completely ignoring my nervous look, while Ryan had finally caught on, eyeing the ring on my hand in confusion.

"How exactly do you know my sister? What exactly are you're intentions?"


Kayden looked at me, asking if I wanted her to know.

I sighed. "Might as well. She'd find out soon enough anyway. I'm actually surprised she didn’t know earlier."

"What are you talking about, Zee?" Phury asked genuinely confused.

"I'm her fiancé." Kayden answered for me.

Phury's jaw dropped in shock as her eyes snapped onto my left hand, clutching Kay's…

And the silver engagement ring that adorned it.

"When did this happen?" She asked. "You didn’t have that on 30 minutes ago…"

"Uhm, about 10 minutes ago." I mumbled.

She gasped. "What?! How long have you two been dating?"

I looked at Kayden.

"About 2 years."

She grinned. "Oh so he's why you weren't more upset that I moved in with Ryan and not you!" She exclaimed happily.

I snapped back to reality to see Paris still screaming as I threw another knife at her, lodging it in her arm, sticking her to the wall.

Now I was angry.

That little visit to my past pissed me off.

I'd never see Kayden again.

I threw another steak knife into her gut.

I'd never see Phury happy again.

Hurled an axe into her theigh.

I'd never know the meaning of the word love.

Grabbing a knife a disemboweled her, listening to the resounding screams.

They will all pay for taking it away from me.

I wont let them survive.

I wont let them get away.

I wont let them take the only person I have left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my god. I am so sorry that i haven't updated!
My Internet was out for the last two weeks or this would've been out 2 weeks ago.
No lie. I'm so sorry!
Forgive me?