Tearjerker Masochist

November 18


Near the end of Zee's torturing of Paris, she seemed to get angry.

Before, she was just enjoying herself, living in the thrill of the kill, as she always did.

She must have started thinking of something. That would explain why she paused, even if it was only for a second or two.

Not many things could piss her off that badly.

To avoid any painful recollections myself, I studied her face as she did it, and what she used as she went on. There was only one thing that would piss her off to that extent.



When she thought of Kayden, it was next to impossible to calm her down.

I watched as she finished with Paris. The last thing she did was to spit on her face.

"Not so fucking pretty now, are you?"

I giggled, took the video camera and got closer to Paris. "Aww, don't be mean Phury. She's still pretty on the inside. See?" I zoomed in on the blood from the ax, and the aftermath of her disemboweling.

"Yeah, fucking gorgeous," she snorted.

I winked, and set the video camera back on the table.

"What are you doing?" she snapped.

"Things that need to be done. Go take a walk, Zee. Cool down. Go trash some of her stuff."

She swept out of the room and slammed the door.

I wanted to go after her to make sure that she didn't do anything to hurt herself (whether it was on purpose or an accident), but I knew that that would only make it worse.

I looked after her for a second, then sat in view of the frame, and smiled, clearing my face of all worry for Zee.

"One of the things you keep asking about me and my sister is why we do what we do. Some people say that we're just insane, and that we do it for fun. But did you ever think that maybe we do it for more than that? Like... maybe we do it to get back at the demons that plague us?"

I got up here, and raised my shirt to show the long, vivid scar that disfigured my stomach.

"November 18. Mine and Zsadist's birthday. You knew that. But you refused to help us. Zee was raped and tortured. The only help she got was from her fiancée. He was slaughtered in front of her.

"I was there, and tried to help her. I was also eight-and-a-half months pregnant with twins. My fiancée tried to help me. He was torn apart... literally. They raped me in front of Zee, in front of the body of the only person that wasn't Zee that I ever trusted. Then, they took a knife and cut out my twins, and killed them too."

I paused for a millisecond, to regain control and not let any emotions show, though they were close to boiling over.

"That would have been enough for anyone to go through. But a new set of people came, and we went through the beatings and rapings again."

I lowered my shirt, sat back down, and leaned in, linking my fingers.

"And yet, nothing ever came of this. It should have been all over the news. It wasn't even mentioned. So I'm going to tell you one more time."

I leaned in more, and set a smile on my lips that was sure to send shivers down their spines.

"Back the fuck off."

I turned it off, and went to go get Zee so we could go home. I had a lot of editing to do before I went and had another little visit with the police.

That was one of the things that I was proud of. My editing skills.

Ryan had always said that I should do movies, but I never did.

I made movies now. Jus not the type that he would have liked.

I put my hand on my stomach as I'd done so many times when I was pregnant and looked up at the sky.

"I hope you're happy up there, Ryan. I know I don't believe in God or Heaven, but you did. And for your sake, I hope you get a little piece of heaven just for you and the twins."

I looked down, blinking rapidly and wiped my face.

I was not going to cry.

Never again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, by the way...

My 17th birthday is the 18th. =D

Just saying. -wink wink, nudge nudge-
