Tearjerker Masochist

Silent Pasts Chase Betrayal



I finished my sticks and walked the dirty plates into the kitchen.

"Phury!" I called out.

I got a muffled 'What?' in reply.

"Where do you want me to put the dirty dishes?"

She appeared in the doorway, wearing old clothes and handling a scrub brush.

"Just put it on the counter, I'll get it later." She smiled goofily at me.


She turned back to look at me.


"Are you sure that you're feeling okay? Cause…"

I didn’t even bother to finish my sentence.

Turning away from her I ran upstairs, throwing the plates on the counter.

"Zee!" She yelled after me.

"No… She can't be, she told me she stopped!"

I stormed into her room and started ripping it apart looking for them.


And I found them, hiding underneath her mattress.

Why would she do this? Why? Am I not doing something?

You do nothing for her if you remember correctly, she's the mother figure, the older one, the more mature one.

So? Why would she turn back to these? She promised me that should wouldn’t!

Apparently she feels lying to you is an acceptable thing. You do lose it all the time. No telling what you could tell people when you're out of it.

But I would never do that to her. She knows that. She wouldn’t lie to me…

Oh but she is. And you know it.


Yes. Don’t you remember the park? There's things she's not telling you. Weather it's to hurt you or protect you, you'll never know till too late.

I can't do this. I cant. She wouldn’t…

You don’t have to. She already did it.

I calmly stood up the almost empty pill bottle in my hand and walked into my room.

Grabbing my bag I throw in some clothes and a bunch of my toys.

I need to leave.


I walked down the stairs and dropped my bag at the closet door while I pulled out my custom done leather jacket and tightened up my combat boots.

Time to leave.

I strode into the kitchen my face entirely blank.

Stopping in the doorway, to make her look up at me.

Swords on hips, and dressed in black, my hand held out straight.

"Zee, wha—?"

I opened my hand and let the bottle of pills clatter onto the floor.

She looked horrified for a moment before staring into my eyes.

"Zee, please, I didn’t—"

My eyes shifted to hers, locking on like it was homing onto a target.

"You lied to me again."

With that I turned on my heels and stormed out the door, slamming it as I walked to the driveway and found my car.

Unlocking my black mustang I chucked my bag in the back where I kept even more of my toys.

I slammed the door shut as I started the vehicle and pealed out of the driveway.

I need to go away.

Far away from everything.

Away from her lies.

Away from the memories.

Away from everything…

I drove down the highway in the fast lane, weaving in and out of traffic, hitting 100 mph and still pushing it.

My mustang was custom done for racing.

And I used it to my advantage.

I switched on some Lamb of God and blasted it to clear my head.

I don’t want to think right now.

I just need to get away.

Looking in my rear view mirror I saw flashing lights following me.

"Damn…" I cursed my self for forgetting about cops.

I gripped the wheel with both hands and pushed the petal down farther.

Time to evade the Po-Po.

I flipped up my headlights, taking off faster, watching the cops struggle to keep up with me.

Flipping off my music I switched on the cop radio.

Yes, I am aware its illegal, but I need it now, besides, it was Dad's.

And he left it for me after all.

Grinning I reached back behind me and pulled a grenade launcher up and rolled down my window.

Turning around I quickly aimed and fired at the cop cars following me.

Spinning back around in my seat I quickly swerved to miss hitting an oncoming truck watching the cops explode into flames in my wake.

Laughing sadistically I kept going faster, speeding recklessly into a Police barricade.

Lucky me my car is built like a tank with bulletproof glass.

Slamming through the barricade, sending the their Challengers flying, I drifted through a u-turn and took off in a different direction.

Weaving through the vehicles once again, pushing my mustang faster.

And then I skidded to a stop, spinning some 360's before coming to a complete stop.

Right in front of a National Guard Tanker.

"Apparently I ran this out too long if they already brought in the big guns."

I snickered.

Hearing more sirens, I looked in my mirror to see cops trapping me in.

I laughed with an evil tinge to it.

"They got me."

"Put your hands up and step out of the vehicle!"

I laughed.

Fools, did they really think that's how I'd let it go out?

"This is your last warning! Put your hands up and step out of the vehicle before we shoot!"

As if.

I sat there smiling, not a chance in hell.

Thanks to my tinted windows I could chill.

"This is the Washington State Police department, I'm officer Jaeger. Please step out of the vehicle and no one will shoot."

"Oh please… Are they fucking kidding me?" I scoffed.

That’s when I heard the radio go on.

They were going to shoot out my tires anyways.

Growling I flipped around and my revolver at the cops through a small crack in the window, efficiently stopping them.

I was met with entire silence.

The radio signal came through again.

"This is officer Jaeger, apparently you know have a police radio in your vehicle. Could you please tell us your name?"

I smirked.

"Now why would I do that?" I whispered to myself.

"I looked through the records already. Officer Kenneth Perry please, please step out of the vehicle."

I froze.

They knew Dad's name.

I started shaking slightly, I can't hurt them.

Dad wouldn’t want me to.

God damned it.

I pulled the hood over my head and pushed my swords into my back holsters making an 'X' I may need them.

I opened the door and stepped out of my car head down.

"Put your hands in the air!"

I didn’t.

Looking up I glared at the demanding officer, my hood falling revealing that I was in fact, not only not Kenneth Perry, but also a girl.

I heard a cough from my left.

Turning I found Dad's old friend, Officer Jon Baritus.

"Might want to get that looked at Jon. Wouldn’t want to randomly keel over would you?"

My voice was harsh and soft, yet I had a smart-ass undertone.

Jon's eyes widened.

"No…" He whispered.

"Little Zoey?" He stammered, his gun falling to his side.

I just smirked.

Some jackass decided to shoot at me despite their words.

I reached under my jacket and pulled Twinkle out of its sheath and deflected the bullet quite to the astonishment of all in attendance.

I turned to look at the person who shoot at me.

"Bad idea." I whispered, before whipping out a dagger with my other hand and throwing it, hitting the cop dead between the eyes.

"Zoey! Stop!" Jon yelled for my attention.

Eventually, they got me in cuffs and made me 'Assume the position' to remove all my toys before 'Searching' my mustang.

The whole time the only thing I said was "Put even a scratch on my blades and I'll kill you when I get out." Towards the officer carrying my swords.

Quickly after that I was transferred to the state jail.

When we got there, I chucked into the big cell that had all the prisoners bunched together.

Lucky me, I'm the only girl.

Walking off to a corner I stood there, arms crossed waiting for them to come and drag me away for questioning.

That’s when I noticed a sign on the wall.

"In loving memory of Officer Kenneth Perry and his family." I spat out the last word.

They didn’t even bother to try and find what happened to us.

I was old enough to remember that much.

"Zoey?" Jon was calling, time to go.

I scowled at him as he led me to the interrogation rooms before making my face completely emotionless.

Once in there it was time for business.

"Zoey Ann Perry?"

I didn’t respond.

"Do you know why you're here?"

Still I remained silent.

The officer sighed. "Zoey I cant help you if you don’t talk."


"Alright then. I'll talk. Zoey, where did you go? You were only 7 when you disappeared."

He paused and took in my appearance, all my scars, my hardened gaze, and the bandage around my head, blood seeping out by my eye.

"Zoey… you have to speak to me. Where are your twin and your mother and father? If you're still around so are they."

Time to reply, he's on the wrong path.

"Mother and father have long since passed." I spoke monotonously, my voice giving away nothing.

"What about Phoebe?"

I lapsed back into silence, continuing to stare in front of me.

He doesn’t need to know where she is.

She might not need me anymore, but she's still all I have left.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry for not updating!
My life is so busy right now, and i know that's a horrible excuse, but i got a snowday today from school, so here i am, giving you guys an uberly long update.
Enjoy and please comment us.
It keeps us going.