Tearjerker Masochist

Decipher Me Slowly


The interrogation continued for quite some time just the same way.

"Where did you go?"

"Who were you with?"

"How did you get those scars?"

"What happened to your eye?"

"Who taught you to use a sword?"

It went on and on.

And I answered none of it, sitting in complete silence.

"Why were you speeding in the first place?"

"Where you running away from something?"

Yes, my past, my present, my future, my twin, my life.

Of course I didn’t actually say that though.

It's none of their business.

Are you sure it doesn’t have anything to do with them?

Yes I'm sure. They only thing they need know is that Mother and Father are gone. Dead.

They don’t need to know that you and Phury were kidnapped? That you were abused, raped and tortured while your fiancés were killed before your eyes? They don’t need to know that Phury's twins got brutally ripped out of her womb and utterly destroyed with Phury, Ryan and you watching? You don’t think they need to know that you have MPD and other medical issues that could kill you? That the bastards got off scotch-free and are running around in the open because they have connections to get the whole thing covered up? You don’t think that they need to finally know your fucking story?

Unconsciously a single tear fell from my right eye, trailing down my cheek.

They'd lock me up. Give me pills to make me forget… I don’t want to forget what they did to me… To Kayden… To Phury… Or even that knucklehead Ryan. They'd say I was lying. That it was all in my head and throw me in a loony bin… Without Phury.

The voice stayed silent as a second tear followed the first, catching the attention of the current interrogator.

True. They could. But I don’t think that they will. You're the daughter of the beloved Officer Perry remember? You're Zoey Perry, the traumatized little girl they all loved. Not the killer Zsadist Aingeal Plague. They didn’t know of the real you then, they wont know now.

The voice actually spoke some truth. They didn’t know I was a killer. Just that I knew how to use guns and swords…

And if you think about it, wont Phury come to find you soon anyways? You know she'll break you out pretty damn quickly and beg your forgiveness. She'll have to tell you everything… Not that you don’t already know, but that’s not the point.

The officer looked at me with a confused look, as if he didn’t understand.

Another came to the door, and they whispered.

No more secrets?

No more secrets.

The Police Chief walked in quietly and stared at me, my eyes still unmoving, the tears still slowly following one after another.

Time to tell them?

No. Just tell them enough. Not all of it. But a little snippet.


"Zoey?" Jon's voice questioned softly.

My eye snapped onto him, finally reacting.

"You don’t know…" I whispered. "You just don’t know…"

The Chief nodded for Jon to continue.

This was the best response they got from me so far.

It implied something was being hidden.

You're not ready to hear my story in entirely.

"What don’t I know, Zoey?" Jon asked nicely.

I cocked my head quietly to the side. "What they did to us."

I paused. "Everyone should've known, but nobody knows. They paid them all off to be quiet. Their friends let them do it as payment of debt…"

By now the confused looks on everyone's faces were almost permanent.

That’s not even half of it…

"Zoey… What are you talking about?" Chief felt the need to speak.

"Things you don’t know about. Things you didn’t care about. Things that came to pass without your knowledge, the things that you should've known about a long time ago but didn’t."

I spoke in riddles.

Let them decipher it themselves.

I always speak in riddles anyways.

Someone always figures out my sayings…


"Why are you speaking in little riddles?"

I looked up at the man.

Don’t recognize him.

"You cant fix stupidity, only ignorance; because while ignorance can be remedied by knowledge, stupidity cannot be fixed by anything. Thus I am like stupidity in form, unable to be fixed. While you can be solved with knowledge."

The man got frustrated and slammed his hands on the cold metal desk before me.

"That's not an answer!"

I simply blinked.

"The blogs are always there at your fingertips. Always there, but not always seen. Not always known. Why is that? Is it because it's on private and only certain people can view the blog? Or is it that it can't be found because it's purposely hidden and covered up? Digging must be done for answers."

People dragged the aggressive officer out of the room.

The Chief slowly following after, stopped when he heard a noise.

A wrenched sob shook my body to the core as tears of blood fell with the bittersweet ones to mingle on my chin before falling to the table and floor.

"He wasn’t supposed to die." I choked out to my silent awestruck audience, stopping them in their tracks.

"He wasn’t supposed to find out about it. They weren't supposed to find us!" My face twisted in pain at the memory as tears continued to flow.

"Everything was happy again. Everything was as normal it could be without Mother and Father. All memories gone, hidden away deep inside."

"Zoey…" Jon's sympathetic voice broke me out of it and into a rage.

"Shut up!" I screeched at him standing up. "You weren't there! You didn’t save us! You didn’t even fucking look for us! You left us all to die in that fucking hell hole consumed in suffering!"

Finally I calmed down my breathing and sat down again, my head on my arms.

"Heh, 'Forget not your past, for it will always come back to haunt you, no matter how hard you try to escape from it'…."

I started gagging, coughing up blood before almost passing out cold on the dark floor.

Phury, I need you…

A large crash was heard from somewhere not far off.

Here she comes for her other half.

I smirked letting out a shaky laugh.

"So you do need me after all…"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the wait.
Kara keep promising to update, then didnt.
Its very fustrating i know.
So i just did a second one.
You know the drill, i do two, she does two.
Be ready for her!
Comment us please! We love to hear what you all think of it.