Tearjerker Masochist

Take Me to My Sister


Changing into other clothes, I stood looking at myself in the mirror.

With my hair in a ponytail, eyeliner, an Avenged Sevenfold shirt, and skinny jeans, I looked normal.

I smashed my fist into the mirror multiple times, causing it to shatter. "Fuck normal," I spat.

I got into my personal favorite of all of our cars: a tiny little white Kia Rio. It was Mom's old car. But it was (somehow) still standing, and was the only car that wouldn't raise suspicion at the station.

It was also the only car that Zee refused to come in, so it had my secret stash of CDs hidden inside of it.

Popping in my copy of Green Day's Dookie, I drove to the police station, trying to control my shaking hands.

I really really hated whenever they were like this.

It threw off my accuracy.

And if there was one thing that I absolutely would not tolerate, it was an error in accuracy.

Walking into the station, I marveled at how little anyone paid any attention. I mean, here I was, one of the most wanted criminals in the entire United States, walking in a police station, and I was getting smiled at.

"Excuse me," I said politely. The cop held a finger up and continued to talk on the phone, writing on a pad of paper. I rolled my eyes and waited slightly impatiently.

He finally looked up and looked bored. "Can I help you?"

"Yes. My sister was brought here earlier."


"Zoey Perry."

"Oh, you mean the high-speed chase chick? No one's allowed to see her."

I raised an eyebrow. "Even her lawyer?"

"You just said that you her sister."


He looked over my body, taking in the sight of me slowly. "I highly doubt you're a lawyer."

"And I highly doubt you've gotten laid in the last year-and-a-half. Now let me back there, before I sue you for depriving her of her rights."

He didn't move.

I lost my patience, and shoved a mound of what looked like his personal effects over and onto the floor. It made a louder noise than I thought it would, the crash making the entire station go unnaturally still for a few seconds before they resumed their tasks.

He looked at me, sputtering his indignation.

I leaned forward, bracing myself on the edge of his desk. "Take me to my sister."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, guys. My computer situation is really weird lately.

I'm not sure when I'm going to be on, and for how long.