Tearjerker Masochist

Dead Men Walking


Everyone just kept doing what they were before the loud crash rang out.

Like nothing was happening.

Guess I'm the only one who really knows that she's coming for me.

Seems that way, huh?

I smirked from my position on the floor, silently laughing.

Unfortunately, Johnny-boy saw me.

"Zoey…" He asked cautiously, "Why are you laughing…?"

All the eyes in the room turned to me.

When I spoke my voice was just a harsh whisper.

"Are you sure that you want to know the answer?"

Silence rang out in the room as the sounds of hastened footsteps neared the door.

"Yes, we're all sure." John finally replied, waiting for a response he'd never get.

I just smirked.

This was like an inside joke.

I was on the inside.

They were all on the outside…

And I wasn’t about to let them in.

The door was kicked open the same time that my back finally hit the wall that I had been slowly crawling towards.

"Give her back now and maybe we'll let you live." Phury stated, rage in her eyes as she glared at all present, including the poor officer that escorted her in.

I snickered.

"Took you long enough. Now they know things that they shouldn’t." I said looking up at my twin in her normal-people clothes.

"Too much of a pussy to just smash in here to get me?" I teased smiling softly.

Her face contorted slightly in anger.

"I'll have you know that-"

She never got to finish due to me gagging again.

Her eyes flew wide and she ran over to me, her hand on the back of my neck.

Blood gushed out of my mouth sputtered to get air in my lungs.

Finally I could breathe again, my body resting against Phury while she kept one arm around me as we stood in front of the now large group of cops.

"We need an ambulance. I don’t care if she's a criminal, she needs medical attention!"

Heh. Good old John.

Too bad he doesn’t know that wont help me.

I've already been diagnosed with a terminal case.

I already know what wont work, because I've tried it all.

"It wont do any good, Johnny-boy." Phury spoke up, her voice getting angry again.

John's head spun over to her as he saw her pass me a bag.

A bag that just happen to have all of my 'toys' in it.

Including my precious swords.

"What- W-who?" John stuttered over his words.

"Who is none of your concern… Yet. And it isn’t any of your business what's wrong with her. You didn’t have to watch." She spat venomously.

"Phury." I said gaining the attention of the entire room, my face completely emotionless.

"Its time to go now. I need my meds before something goes horribly wrong for Johnny-boy. Dad wouldn’t like it." I added as an after thought.

She laughed dryly before turning to the cops once again.

"Let us out or I'll kill you." She stated simply, eyes colder then ice.

John finally realized just who Phury was, but it was already too late.

"No!" He yelled, putting himself between the others and us.

"Phoebe! Zoey! You cant!" He shouted defiantly. "It's not too late!"

An spine shuddering laugh came unbidden from my throat.

"Not too late? It was too late the minute you stopped my car. Too late the minute they took us all away. It was too late when you never looked. It was too late when they ripped everyone we loved into literal bite-size pieces. It was too fucking late when Father decided to be friends with shit like you who don’t care."

Phury looked at me sadly.

We were both broken.

One maybe more so then the other, but still unfixable.

Phury wrapped her arm tighter around my waist, slightly pulling my shirt down, my necklace falling out.

Gasps were heard echoing around the room.

"No…" John said firmly. "You two girls can't be the killers…"

I looked up at him, my eyes full of sorrow.

"Cant we though?" Phury said. "Life doesn’t really matter to people. They just like playing God, like a little kid with a magnifying glass. We don’t do it for that. We live what time we have left getting our revenge."

"But nothing comes of revenge! Its empty hate once its done, there's nothing left." The Chief of police informed us.

"It doesn’t matter what's left." I said. "Because by then we wont be around anymore."

John's eyes widened. "Don’t! Suicide cant be the answer, no matter how much bad you've done in the world."

He was trying to dissuade us.

But we already decided.

"Its already been stated though." Phury said calmly, pulling out a gun.

"We get our revenge, and then she kills me." Phury smiled softy at the thought.

John gagged in despair. "No, girls please…"

I smiled widely, pulling up Twinkle with my left hand.

"No. Its you who doesn’t understand." I said kindly. "I'm already dying, so we have to get it faster so I'll be here to help her go."

My eye glared as my voice turned to anger.

"And you're getting in our way. So move before I annihilate you."

Needless to say, they didn’t move.

And so we killed them.

Every. Single. One of them, saving John for last.

I walked up to Father's so called friend, my face blank.

"You're nothing special, John." I said, "You cant even save one little family of four from being kidnapped. Two little girls from being forced to watch their parents get tortured and raped before dying. Before the same happened to them."

His eyes were wide as tears fell down his face.

At a nod from Phury I went on.

"You wouldn’t hear their story, just covered it up. And they learned to live on their own. To hide their demons, their past, their horrors. Those two little girls were broken, but some people came to fix them. And they were happy for the second time in their lives, they were truly happy." I continued.

"Until the bad men came back to play again. Until they had to watch as their loved ones got tortured before dying. Until they were forced to lose their last mementos of those loved ones. Until they were forced to watch horrors beyond your capacity of understanding be committed to the one person they had left before being thrown on the side of the road to die like fucking road kill."

I held my dagger against John's throat.

"You finally tell them our story. That is why you get to live. Not because you knew him. You live only to tell the world was happened and got covered up."

I leaned up to whisper in his ear.

"You're a dead man walking."

With that I turned and walked out of the station to hop in my black mustang before following Phury home in Mother's old Kia Rio.

This story is only just beginning. They hardly know anything.

Don’t worry.

"They will."
♠ ♠ ♠
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This is to compensate for Kara's lack of words.
She got kicked off. Not her fault. We still love her.
Now comment please.