Tearjerker Masochist

Playtime Again

[Zsadist Aingeal Plague]

"Beep!" Oh yay, the gates to hell have been released!

I laughed evilly as Phury let me into the compound. Time to play with the little mice.

We knocked on their door after going down the hallway disabling and destroying the security. "Room service." Phury called out.

I stifled a giggle. "We have your food order sir." She continued.

"B- but, we didn’t order any room service or food… Did we honey?"

I grinned and kicked in the door. "Surprise, surprise my darlings."

They immediately cowered and tried to run away. But we already had them cornered. And cornered in their own safety I might add, so nobody will even know that they got found for a long, long time.

Besides, Phury locked and sealed all of their exits already. She is just so smart. I love my sister for that. She's got the brains; I got the strength and insanity.

Now don’t get me wrong, I'm smart too. I just chose to ignore it, meaning I just want to be insane in peace.

By this time the lovely couple were cuddled up together in the corner of their bedroom.

"Oh, how sweet." I cooed. "The happy couple is cuddling together in their last hours. Touching… Not."

Their once hopeful expressions turned to pure fear.

"Oh hey Zee?" I turned my head to Phury over in the bathroom.

"Lookie what I found!" she exclaimed happily. "A new toy for you!"

She handed me a flat iron and I smirked. Oh this was going to be one hell of a night.

Well, for them anyway. For me it's just going to be fun, fun, fun.

I grabbed the guy and tied him to the sofa. Yeah I know, most people would say shouldn’t you use a chair? But no! That's why those people aren’t successful murderers like me. A chair people can escape from if tied to, however, a sofa is just simply too big to handle.

Phury then proceeded to tie the girl's arms together then hang her from the ceiling.

Quite amusing really, she looked just like a piñata…

"Oh…" I said excitement reaching my voice. "Do you have your baseball bat with you Phury?" I questioned.

"Yeah Zee. You know I don’t go anywhere without it. Why?" I grinned.

"May I borrow it? It would be perfect for my game!" I exclaimed happily.

She had a party confused expression on but handed me the bat anyways curiously watching to see what I would do, while she set up her video camera.

"Phury, why are we video taping this?" She looked at me for a sec before continuing.

"To give to the news so they can air it and so that your other playmates wont start blabbing like these did. These two didn’t play the game right. They cheated. " She explained.

"Oh." I said. "Okay." And with that I took the first swing at the girl.

She tried to scream, but I had some of my trusty duck tape with me so there was no chance of her being overheard. I love that stuff, it's so fun.

The guy on the sofa was crying and struggling to get up and help the girl, but obviously he couldn’t. He was tied to the sofa after all, so all he could do was watch on while I played, grinning manically.

After awhile. That got boring.

"Oh! I want to play pin the tail on the human!" I squealed excitedly grabbing the man and untying him dragged him to the wall and stuck him there with duct tape before nailing him there.

"Oh Zee! That’s beautiful! It's like a nasty reincarnation of Jesus! The pope shall love it darling!" She cooed.

I smiled. I love it when she gets like this. Her mind goes like mine, and we literally think exactly alike. One of our twin perks.

But sadly they were starting to bore me. All that crying was just pissing me off now.

"Okay people. Time to say bye-bye alright?" I whispered childishly.

Their eyes widened and they started to scream again as I slowly cut off fingers, toes, and other such limbs before disemboweling them alive laughing all the way.

"Ring around the rosy, pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, they all fell down…" I sang ghostly in the silence of the dead.

With that, I took the ashes from the fireplace and scattered them all around the dead bodies, and we left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading. Sorry if it seems short... it was 3 pages in word.


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