Tearjerker Masochist

Differences Unable to be Overcome

[Phoebe's POV]

I hurried to the hospital as fast as I could without causing a traffic accident, and hurried to the front desk. "Can you tell me what room Kayden Floyd is in, please?" I panted.

"Are you family?" the receptionist asked in a bored tone.

"Not yet," I admitted. "He's engaged to my sister."

"Only family can go in."

I glared at her. "Look, lady, I realize you're only doing your job, but I need that room number."

"Only family can go in," she repeated.

I huffed in impatience. "Lady, you're starting to piss me off."

"I hear that a lot."

"Maybe you should give the people what they want then," I hinted.

"Only family," she repeated stubbornly.

I forced myself to calm down, taking slow, even breaths. "What's your name?"


"Brenda, if you don't tell that fucking room number, you aren't going to be happy."

She didn't budge. "Unless you're family I cannot help you."

I huffed once more and pulled out my cell phone, calling Zsadist.

"Cell phones-"

I silenced her by covering her mouth with my hand. "What room are you in?" I snapped it closed triumphantly. "Thank you, Brenda for wasting my time."

I looked at the look on her face that said I still wasn't going to be able to get up to the room, and rolled my eyes. "You're a dumbass," I told her, hitting the button on the side of the desk that opened the doors into the rest of the hospital, and walking breezily through the doors.

As I walked closer, I noticed someone speaking.

"Guess what? I'm not really sick. Isn't that great?" Figuring that it was someone in a bed, I did my best to ignore their private conversation, and entered Kayden's room.

"You're gonna be a Daddy, Kay. You have to get better so you can take care of it." Zee choked out, her voice dying down in sobs, just holding his hand to her face.

"Thanks for sharing the news, Zee," I said, my hands curling into fists. "It's always nice to only know things because you accidentally walk in on them being confessed to someone in a coma."


I held up my hand to stop her. "My name is Phoebe Perry. Until you change your's back and decide to treat me like a sister again, don't bother calling me. I thought we could put this behind us. I was wrong."

Without another word, I left. Driving across town, I arrived at a small record store. "Phoebe, you're early," Jared, the owner, said in surprise.

"Yeah. I know it's your anniversary today, so I decided to liberate you."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll take over the store for today. Inventory, customers, the whole shebang. Go have a good time."

He grinned. "Thanks a million, Phoebe. You know you're the only one that remembered?"


"Although why am I surprised? You're the dependable, responsible, considerate one that always goes the extra mile to help everyone."

I smiled a bit uncomfortable. "Thanks, Jared. Go on go. Oh, and tell Lucy happy anniversary."

"Will do." He tossed me the keys with a grateful smile. "Have a good day."

"You too."

His compliments circled in my head, forcing out all other thoughts. I sighed.

This was going to be a long day.