Tearjerker Masochist


[Phury Nitemaere Plague]

The next day

"I can't believe you're actually doing this," Zsadist said disgusted.Neither can I.

I ignored her.

"To hang around them while we torture and kill them, but to actually go there voluntarily to do something like this?"

I continued to ignore her.

"You look ridiculous."

I ignored her again, knowing it was pissing her off. I rarely deliberately pissed her off, as a pissy Zsadist is something no one can control. Which is exactly what I needed.

"Phury Nitemaere Plague, you better the fuck attention," she hissed, grabbing my shoulder in a tight enough grip that if I was in my right mind would have made me wince. In my current state of mind, however, I barely noticed it.

"Fuck off Zee, I got shit to do."

Though it had the desired effect, it didn't make it anymore pleasant.

Her fist connected with my jaw, snapping my head to the side.

I rubbed it slowly. "That all you got? I think you're losing your touch Zsadist, no wonder they thought they were safe squealing on us."

She screamed out in rage and tackled me into the wall behind us, cracking my head against the stone.

She hit my face only a few times, instead focusing on my ribs and stomach. She knew how much I detested anyone, including her, getting near my stomach.

Then she pulled out one of her daggers and layed open my cheek.

I hadn't fought back yet, but now that she had the dagger, I had to get her to calm down. Dying wasn't a bad thing in my opinion, but I still had a lot of fun left to have.

"Zee. Zee! Calm down."

She took some more swings at my arms and chest, ripping my shirt and bloodying me further.

I dodged her strikes, not wanting to fight back unless I had to.

Fighting back would be a bad thing.

A very bad thing.

"Zee! Zsadist! Calm the fuck down and listen to me!"

I dodged some more before seeing her misstep. Using her mistake against her, I pinned her to the wall, and took the dagger away.

Surprise shocked her out of her blinding rage. "Phury?"

"Go take a shower or something Zsadist."

"What the hell's your problem, Phur. You know better than to push me."

"You wouldn't understand. Just... go calm down."

"Get me some shit while you're out."

I nodded.


"Ma'am?" The cop looked at me in shock. "Ma'am are you okay?"

I feigned terror. "Y-you have to help me."

"Ma'am who did this to you?"



"The Tearjerker Masochist," I whispered, eyes wide.

I was immediately taken back.


After handing them the tape and getting asked question after question, I was allowed to go home.

After swearing, of course, that I wouldn't tell anyone anything, and that I would come back any time I had more information.

Then I said that "Phury" had said that I would be used for further deliveries and messages.


"She said something about it would get you closer to them. Eat at you that you're so close, but so far away."

"This Phury, she's an arrogant bitch, isn't she?"

I shrugged. "I'd rather not think about her."

"Well, don't worry Kristen. We'll catch them soon enough."

"I hope so," I shuddered.

"You go home and get some rest now," he said kindly.

I nodded, wrapping an arm around my stomach and walking out slowly.

I got some new toys for Zsadist and went home quickly, stripping out of the clothes, wig, and contacts, and washing the blood and makeup off in the shower.

You're being stupid. You're trying to get caught.

No. I'm not. I know exactly what I'm doing.

Really? And what does playing Kristen, the poor messenger girl, have to do with anything?

It's something that has to be done.

This isn't a game Phury. You're going to get you and Zsadist caught.

This stopped being a game the moment I was pinned down, my baby ripped out of me, while Zee was forced to watch. She'd gone through enough, but the fuckers were relentless.

They're still out there. You need to not get caught so you can still kill them.

I have to do it this way or we'll never catch them. It's the only way to do it without letting her know they're still alive.

I turned off the shower and took a deep breath, stepping out.

Then I destroyed the bathroom, breaking, throwing, ripping things.

Just because I knew what I had to do, didn't mean I had to like it.
♠ ♠ ♠
You better comment. It took three tries (so far) to post this damn thing. -huff-

Edit: LOL, sorry. Wrong chapter in the wrong story XD

Comment and tell me i'm moronic. ;D