Tearjerker Masochist

Clean up & Nursery Rhymes

[Zsadist Aingeal Plague]

What the fuck… She's hiding something… She wouldn't have made me angry for no reason, she knows what she was doing pissing me off like that. *Sigh*

But why?

That’s what I don’t know…

*Crash* "What the fuck?"

I ran to the bathroom only to find Phury smashing everything in sight, cursing out like a mad woman.

I ran over and wrapped my arms around her holding her while she shook with anger.

"Phur, what's wrong Hun?" I whispered, "You're not normally the violent one… I am. This isn’t like you honey. What's the matter?" I cooed softly.

She was clearly sensitive about something.

Again, what is it?

I took her to her room and made her some hot chocolate with the little marshmallows. They always make her feel better.

Then I popped in "The Nightmare Before Christmas" DVD and left her to watch her favorite movie while I cleaned up the mess in the bathroom.

"Zee?" I heard her whisper.

I turned to find her by the door watching me clean up. "What, Phur?"

"I'm sorry…" She said quietly, "I didn’t mean to ruin the bathroom… I just got really upset all of a sudden…"

A teardrop fell to the floor and my face softened as I got up and hugged her.

"Don’t worry about it Phury. I'm taking care of it. You go back and finish your movie okay, love?"

She nodded and left. "But I'm supposed to take care of you…"

I ignored that last comment. She said it so softy it was as if I wasn’t supposed to hear it…

I sighed and finished cleaning up the bathroom, again singing a song eerily.

"Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share…"

I giggled and went to play with the toys Phury brought me home when she went out earlier.

I opened the bag and found some new daggers and knifes as well as a really big gun. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but it looks very fun.

I got dressed in a bright neon pink tutu and a skintight yellow long sleeved shirt. Pulling on my lime green tights and my combat boots I walked out the door, grabbing a key and my phone on the way.

"Phury, I'm going to the park!" I yelled back into the house.

"Okay, Zee! Just don’t be too long, you know I worry!"

I smiled like a little kid and walked to the park, sucking on my blue raspberry lollipop.

Arriving at the park I hopped on the swings and started pumping my legs to go higher quietly singing a song to the streetlights lighting the park.

"I had a little nut tree,
Nothing would it bear
But a silver nutmeg,
And a golden pear;
The King of Spain's daughter
Came to visit me,
And all for the sake
Of my little nut tree.

Her dress was made of crimson,
Jet black was her hair,
She asked me for my nut tree
And my golden pear.
I said, "So fair a princess
Never did I see,
I'll give you all the fruit
From my little nut tree."

A man came over to me about an hour or so later.

"Why do you sing that?" He asked as I had continued to sing my rhyme, "And why is such a little girl out all by herself?"

I just smiled and started singing again.

"It's raining, it's pouring
The old man is snoring
He went to bed and he bumped his head
And couldn't get up in the morning

It's raining, it's raining,
There's pepper in the box,
And all the little ladies
Are holding up their frocks."

I continued to quietly sing the song over and over as I watched the man get frustrated at my lack of answers.

"Zee!" I heard a yell, immediately stopping my swing to listen.

"Zee! Get away from him!" Phury yelled frantically running over to stand between me and the mystery man.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it seems short, it was 3 pages in word...

Plus Kara promised to update later if i did now, so you can see where i'm going cant you?

Comment and we'll update. One of us will. Promise.