Tearjerker Masochist

Avenged Sevenfold


'I have to get out of here.' I thought, shrugging on one of the hoodies from the pile of clothes I had and walking out.

I walked to a store, intent on getting a little food that we were out of. I noticed a lot of people staring, and sighed in frustration. 'Fucking cops.'

I walked and bought some hair dye. I'd never died my hair before; I rather liked my natural colors, but I could use a change.

Zee's not going to like this...

Well if she doesn't want me to get arrested, she'll have to get over it.

Since when has she ever cared about the threat of getting arrested? She'd just slaughter them all. Or, try anyway.

Yeah yeah. If she wants food, she'll get over it soon enough.

Just make sure she sees it's you before she attacks you. And youknow she will.

Yeah I know. I sighed and paid.

"You like Avenged Sevenfold?" the guy at the cashier said.


He nodded at my hoodie. "The band?"

"Oh," I blinked a few times to come back to the real world. "You could say that."

He paused. "Your boyfriend's jacket?"

I shook my head.

"Oh. What's your favorite song by them?" he asked, eyes slightly narrowed.

This dumbass is testing me! Who the hell does he think he is?!

"Chapter Four," I said coldly. "Not that it's any of your business."

He grinned. "Good song."

I didn't reply, hoping he'd give me my money faster. Didn't work. Instead, he slowed down, talking animatedly.

There was no one else in the store, so he didn't have to hurry and finish with me to get to the next one either.

After a few minutes he was called by someone, and finished with me so he could go help them.

About damn time.

I need to play with something.

The need didn't seem to pressing, and Zee was saner than she had been for a while, so I figured I'd just harass someone.

Hmm...who to do...

I walked past the park and heard Zee singing nursery rhymes eerily. I grinned, until I realized a guy was talking to her.

That's interesting...

I crept closer until I could see who it was. My eyes widened, and I dropped the bags. "Zee!" She stopped swinging.

"Zee! Get away from him!" I yelled, running to stand between them.

"Phury? What's your problem?" she asked in confusion.

"It's one of the guys that raped you Nothing. Just get away from him."

"I'm not around him. He's around me." She started to swing again, singing more rhymes.

"I remember you," he smirked.

I shoved him as hard as I could. "Get out of here," I hissed.

He looked up from his place on the ground. "Got stronger, did we? Maybe if you had done that sooner, R-"

I kicked his side. Four times. "You don't get to say his name," I hissed, bending down. "And if you do, I will rip out your tongue myself."

"Such a big threat for a little girl."

"Such a small dick for a big man."

His eyes flashed with rage. "Better start running, whore."

"From you? Don't make me laugh." I kicked his head hard, and he passed out.

I turned to see Zee looking at me calmly.

I hate when she's calm like that.

Something bad always happens.

"You should tell me what you're hiding. Now."


"Bullshit. Why'd you tell me to get away from him?"

"Undercover cop," I lied easily.

Because she's going to buy that.

"Tell me the truth Phury. First you piss me off on purpose, then you trash the bathroom, now you're spying on me?"

"I wasn't spying on you. I was walking by and heard someone talking to you."

"What were you doing out here in the first place?"

"I was going to harass someone."

"Without me?"

"Harass, not torture."

She glared, her red eyes glowing with anger. "You fucking bitch."

"I don't need to do everything with you Zsadist. I can do things on my own. Do it all the time."

Did you just-

Yes. I did.

For once the voice was quiet as we waited for her reaction.