Tearjerker Masochist

Blue Raspberry Lolipops



I've always wanted to go to L.A.

No not for the amazing shoes they carry.

Not for the sights, or casinos.

For the celebraties.

And not just any celebraties.

Paris Hilton.

Nicole Richie.

Brittany Spears.

Oh yea, you know what I'm talking about.

I would just love to go and slit their skinny anorexic preppy throats!

However, Phury has never let me… Until now, that is.

"Phury, did I mention how much you're my favorite twin?" I said angelically.

She just chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. You're only saying that 'cause we're going to L.A. to have some fun for a while."

"Damn… She's on to me…" I muttered.

She laughed. Oops… She wasn’t supposed to hear that… Oh well!

I smiled childishly and dug through my bag of sweets.

Yes, a killer has a bag of sweets. Why?

Because I have mental issues, and sometimes act like a 5 year old.

"No!" I cried, my eyes watering up.

"What's wrong, Zee?" Phury asked looking up from the wheel.

"There's no more blue raspberry lolipops… " I sniffled as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"It's okay, Zee. Don’t cry!" She said trying to calm me down. "There's a gas station coming up. We'll go in the store and find you some blue raspberry lolipops, okay?"

I sniffled. "Okay…"

"Here we are!" Phury exclaimed as she pulled into the gas station parking lot. "Now lets go get your lolipops."

I smiled and got out of the car, running around to her side and grabbing her hand like a little kid.

I was having kid issues today. I sighed.

"Hello." The man behind the counter said to Phury.

She just smiled back in hello.

We searched the isles and came up with nothing.

I was starting to get upset, I really wanted a blue raspberry lolipop…

"Phur…" I whined. "I don’t see any…" I sniffled.

"Aww, don’t cry now, Zee. You have to be a big girl, okay?"

I nodded and whiped my face on my sleeve, getting rid of the tears.

"Having trouble finding something?" It was that guy at the counter again.

"Oh, yeah." Phury said. "Do you have any blue raspberry lolipops? I promised her some since she ran out of them…"

The guy looked over at me.

"Don’t worry, honey. I'll go see if we have any in storage." He talked to me like I was stupid… That pisses me off.

I immediately glared at him.

"Don’t talk to me like I'm stupid." I said through my gritted teeth.

Phury's eyes momentarily widened.

I was gettting pissed with this guy. He's going down.

Phury quickly wrapped her arms around me.

"Zee, no. You cant." I struggled against her.

"But he talked to me like I was retarded! I'm not!" I protested, still wiggleing.

"Yes, I know your not, Zee. But if you hurt him we'll just go right back home, and not go to L.A. at all." She threatened me.

If she was anyone else, I'd have killed her for that.

I huffed. "Fine." And she let go of me.

"But you do realize he's on the phone, with what sounds like the cops, so we should kill him and run?" I asked.

"Shit… " She murmured. "Zee, I change my mind. Kill him, then meet me back in the car. We're leaving a.s.a.p."

I grinned and nodded, quickly going back behind the counter to find the man.

"Hey, what are you doing back here?" He questioned, still on the phone.

"Put the phone down." I said calmy. "Hang up now, and maybe I'll let you live."

His eyes widened in fear as he put the phone on the receiver, hanging up on the police.

"Did you tell them where you were?"

He shook his head. "Good boy."

I smiled evily, pulling out a dagger.

He started stuttering. "B- but you said-"

"I know what I said. But being a killer, I tend to lie, hmm?" I said while I started humming a nursery rhyme.

And with that I disemboweled him before ripping out his throat.

I looked down at my clothes.

Not a spek of blood. Phury will be proud.

I started to leave, only to see a bag…

A bag of blue raspberry lolipops. I grabbed them and ran out to the car, hopping in.

"Clean sweep?" She asked, looking at my blood-free clothing.

"Yep." I said. "And look what I found!" I smiled excitedly holding up the lolipops triumphantly.

She grinned. "Good! Now let's get out of here before the cops arrive."

We pealed out the the gas station, and continued to our destination.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoa, its really long...

Sorry! I just got into it.

When it's between this and homework, things happen. *Evil giggle*

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