Dear You

September 5th, 2007.

Why can't I get over you?
Why can't I accept the fact that what we had -the smiles, the laughter, the love - is gone?
Why can't I let go of the fact that you aren't mine anymore?
Maybe it's because you were my first.
Maybe it's because of the way we left off.
I'm thinking now that it may have been easier for you to cheat on me,
just so I have something to be mad about.
Just so I can have the slightest bit of hate towards you.
But do I really want that?
Do I really want to hate you so that I can't stand being in the same room as you?
Hell, it would be a lot easier.
But I don't want it.
I want to talk to you, I want to hang out, I want to be friends.
Just like we both said we'd be.
But right now, I know that it can't be that way.
I felt too much for you when it ended.
I still do right here, right now.
But I know that you aren't the best for me.
You're my want, not my need.
I don't need you anymore.
I've gotten over that.
But it'd still be nice if you were in my life.
You're a good person, I know you are.
We just aren't right for each other.
It seemed that way for a time,
But maybe I was just a bit deceived.
♠ ♠ ♠
You can choose whether or not to pay attention to the dates.
They matter, but at the same time, they don't.

Enjoi. =)