Dear You

October 5th, 2007

You know, I realised something today.
All that time where I was the ragdoll...
You always had the chance to stop me.
You had the chance to stop my head from nodding and say "You can say no, I won't be mad"
but you didn't.
But neither did I.
Unless we were in the same boat as I.
Unles we both didn't realize that I was handing myself over to you.
Which I doubt, because you've got some years ahead of me.
But hey, at least you aren't the five year old trapped in the 19 year old's body.
No; now you're the stupid 16 year old trapped in the 19 year old body.
This is how I see your life now;
Going out every night, going to sleep at five in the morning, waking up at 7:30 in the eve, just to go out again to drink and smoke whatever you smoke.
Not having a job and it doesn't exactly look like you're trying to find one.
To be honest, I don't understand.
I see your potential.
I know you're a good person.
You have things to look forward to.
I just don't understand why you would just throw your life away like that.
Just like how you threw away me.