Two Identical Mistakes

Chapter Four

Corrym POV

There's this feeling you get when you see My Chemical Romance live... it doesn't matter how many times you see them or where the hell your seats are, there is this rush that takes over every nerve in your body and makes you wanna jump and scream until your body can't take anymore. Then you just keep on jumping some more.

Most likely at this point I was screaming, jumping up and down and crying… though I had no physical awareness of any of it. All I knew was that my favorite band in the entire world was playing and rocking out right in front of me, everything melted away, every tiny little detail to my life, all the people in it, even the fact that the person singing (and dancing) their ass off was my dad.

"SCREAM FOR ME DETROITT!!!" Gerard yelled when the song had finished.
The entire venue erupted in a massive roar of violent fan girls, fans, and random adults that had come along to chaperone.

The next song they played was 'House Of Wolves" and I began to dance like a crazy person. Forgetting that I was smashed in between a metal bar and hundreds of fans, it wasn’t my best idea.

After rocking their hearts out on "Welcome To The Black Parade", "House Of Wolves", "My Way Home Is Through You", "Prison", "Give 'Em Hell Kid", "Kill All Your Friends", "Headfirst For Halos", "Dead!", "Desert Song", "Cancer", "Thank You For The Venom", and finally "Helena"... my magical concert moment was over and I was sent crashing back down into an arena filled with fans.

My entire life's knowledge (well what little of it I had managed to retain in the first place) came flooding back and I turned to make sure Kanya was still standing and alive next to me. Judging by the blissful happy face she had, she also was just remembering the rest of the world.

"That was fabulous! I didn't pass out either!" I laughed as we tried to push our way out of the crowd and into freedom from the cramped mosh pit.

We wove our way through the people, ducking and leaping almost as if in an ancient rain dance performed three thousand years ago by evil spirits that haunted the lands with their evil clutches of torture and misfortune, threatening the village people with fires and floods, and... and... Wait, what was I babbling about now?

Once we had freed ourselves, we paused on the wall to wait for the place to clear so we could get out easier.

"Did you see Gerard double-take at us during Prision that one time?" Kanya asked as we replayed the concert in our minds.

"Oh yeah! I thought I saw him do that!" I laughed," Did you see when Mikey was laughing at Gerard because he broke out dancing? Well… one of the times he broke out dancing,"

Kanya's eyes light up and she nodded with a little laugh. My eyes began to slowly wander across the building, scanning over the crowd and the peculiar color they had chosen to paint this place. My gaze ventured towards the stage when I caught sigh of the backstage door. There were two guards stamping a girls backstage pass which was what reminded me.

"Oh right, Kanya? Remember the pointy thing stabbing you in the boob right now?" I asked snapping her from her thoughts.

It took her a minute to realize what I meant when suddenly she figured it out.

"Oh right! Come on... let’s go! I'm actually kinda excited now." she laughed rather nervously as we both scampered in the direction of the backstage doors.

We waited until it was our turn for our passes to get stamped before pulling them from our bras. The guards hesitantly took them throwing glances at each other before stamping them and handing them back.

"Just go around the corner of the stage exit and the band should be right there," one of them informed us.

"Thanks," I smiled sweetly and led the way up the stairs onto the stage, high above everyone.

Roadies and union stage hands rushed back and forth, tearing down all of the equipment and packing it up in practiced speed.

"Move to one side," one of them ordered us as they came rushing by with a gigantic speaker that was taller then I was.

We pressed against the wall and let him pass before hurriedly running towards the inner area of the stage before we could get run over by something bigger. Or heavier.

It was a slightly long hall way with people rushing up and down it... then finally it came to a junkie open room with a few mis-matched couches, a mini fridge, a coffee table, and an assortment of requested foods. There was a door leading outside where all of the roadies and stage hands were rushing in and out, loading things onto the truck. Then I heard Kanya gasp beside me, on the other corner of the room was My Chemical Romance signing autographs for a few other lucky fans that had gotten back stage.

"Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit..." I panted fanning myself quickly before forcing down all my excitement, "Come on... let’s go. Let us enjoy the moment we have been waiting for all our lives. Were going to meet My Chemical Romance,"

Kanya and I quickly fell into step and practically danced towards the boys in the most perfect unison we could manage, and that was some crazy level of unison. Slowly, slowly, we neared our idols and Ray glanced up when we were about half way across the room. He half smiled at us and nodded, we smiled and nodded back. We had just exchanged more then we could have in a five minute conversation.

"Oh god, Ray Toro just smiled at us and knows who we are!" Kanya rushed, only breaking our unison for a micro second.

Suddenly Mikey, Gerard, Ray, Frank and Bob were all standing there in front of us, signing autographs for other fans and taking pictures.

"Oh dude! Look I told you!" Mikey suddenly exclaimed to his brother looking at him and then to us.

"Oh yeah! I saw you guys, you two are like joined at the brain or something," Gerard smiled at us and I instantly wanted to melt onto the floor, Gerard was smiling towards us... I felt like such a fan girl at this moment but trust me, if this were you, you would be acting the same way whether you wanted to or not.

"Oh, yeah we share a single brain cell... the only one we have at all really," I responded reminding myself that it would be weird to stand there gawking at him instead of just treating him like a normal person.

I really had to wipe these crazy fan girl thoughts out of my head, too much excitement in one day for me to think clearly perhaps.

"Oh wow! You guys look like the same person!" one of the fans smiled at us we came up to stand in line behind them.

Me and Kanya quietly laughed forcing down our real laugh... it was kind of a squeak mixed with a gasp for air and a dying car engine, not the best way to greet the people you had been waiting to meet all your life.

We forgot all of our earlier confusion about telling Gerard and what people would think and just had fun with our moment. We took pictures with each of the boys and had them sign our shirts as we all laughed and talked for the duration of the backstage time allowed.

"Alright people, time is up. You need to come now," one of the guards ordered and everyone quickly started to say good-bye and thank you too the boys making their exit as slow as possible... but we stuck by Ray.

"You two, you need to come now," the guard ordered looking at us rather scary.

"No it’s ok; I need them to stay for a while. I'll escort them out later," Ray explained earning him some confused looks from the rest of the band.

The guard looked us up and down once before leaving us, probably against his better judgment.

"You’re special! Ray Toro liked you so much he wanted you guys to stay for longer," Mikey laughed heading in the direction of the food table to get coffee for himself.

"Yeah," Ray smiled after the boys and ignored their puzzled expressions they tried to hide from us, "come on you two, let’s go talk over here."

He led the way over to a set of couches that left us out of ear shot of the rest of the boys. We couldn’t help but smile, why had we been dreading this again?

"Alright, so you two know about as much as I do right?" Ray asked though he kept his voice friendly yet quiet.

"Depends, we know that we are Gerard's daughters and were here to tell him that... thanks for that by the way," Kanya quickly explained for us.

"Ok then, yeah we know just the same. Now I have to warn you, I really have no idea how Gerard is going to react to this. I mean, I'm the only one that knows about you guys and it shocked me when I found out. Whether he wants to keep you a secret or anything when it’s all said and done, I’m not really sure. So I'm going to let you tell Gerard, try to convince him all you can but don't force it on him... this is kinda weird and sudden. I'll come in and talk to him afterwards. As of what happens after that... we'll jump off that bridge when we get to it," Ray explained as best he could.

Both of our faces probably read the same thing, "Oh shit... now were scared again" because Ray instantly smiled and stood up offering a hand to each of us.

"Don't be scared really, the worst that can happen is Gerard is a little confused for a while and he doesn't say much," Ray assured us, pulling us to our feet.

"Ok... thanks so much Ray, we could never do any of this without your help," I thanked him graciously trying to rack my brain for the practice sessions I had with Kanya, but every single second was entirely wiped from my brain. The only thought that screamed in my head now was "Fuck, what happens now?"

Kanya POV

My sister and I walked hand in hand towards Gerard, with Ray at our heels, smiling at Gerard.

"Um hello Gerard, can we talk to you for five seconds?" Corrym asked as normally as she could.

He glanced up at Ray and instantly smiled back down at us (thank the Lord Gerard for Ray) before answering.

"Sure, let's go talk over here," Gerard suggested leading us away from the main area to a part of the wall covered in sharpie marker from previous bands that had played there.

"Oh dude! Green Day is on here!" Corrym smiled pointing to one of the siggies on the wall.

My goddamn ADD sister! I nudged her in the arm reminding her of our purpose and then turned my full attention to Gerard who had settled himself against the wall with a cup of coffee.

"Alright then… where to start. I really have no idea how were going to say this or what your going to think of us when we say it but there’s only one way to find out," I concluded buying myself a second to take a breath, though I was interrupted mid-breath by Corrym blurting out "We’re your daughters from Kira Magee,"

Gerard chocked on his coffee and the hot liquid sprayed from his mouth as he coughed again.

"Oh god Gerard! I'm sorry!" Corrym hurriedly apologized reaching towards him but letting her hand uselessly hover in the air.

"Its fine, I'm ok," he told us wiping his mouth with his hand before looking at us again, "alright now are you guys for real, Ray isn't in on this is he?"

"No, it’s not a joke, really. Corrym and I are 13 years of age each. Both of you were 17 when you broke up... well when she left you because she was pregnant with us. We just sorta found this out the other day," I explained as best I could as we saw confusion drawn heavily across Gerard's face.

"Wait, so... hang on. How do you know this?" he asked in utter disbelief forgetting his coffee in his hands.

"Well because of this," Corrym started pulling out her birth certificate and a picture from her pocket, "our mom gave us these a few days ago and they seem to be legit..."

"Since when did you think to bring that?" I whispered quizzically at my sister as Gerard took the papers from her hand and looked them over.

"Well I was going to tell you but I was worried you might think it was a bad idea carrying such valuable stuff around with us to the concert," Corrym defended, and in truth I knew that’s what would’ve happened in the end.

I peered over Gerard's hand and looked at the picture he was holding. It was a realllly old picture of him and my mom in each others arms smiling for whoever was taking the picture.

The three of us stood there in un-moving silence for what felt like hours before Gerard finally said something.

"Why didn't she just tell me?" he asked barely above a whisper.

"I don't know... I don't know why we weren't allowed to know either," Corrym responded quietly obviously driven as mad by the silence as I was.

"So did you two just come to the concert because of this or did you actually wanna see the show?" Gerard asked awkwardly filling the silence.

"No no no no, were huge MCR fans. We had these tickets the minute they went on sale..." I instantly regretted saying that, he must think that his daughters think he’s hot or something... now that would be awkward.

"Oh, well I'm glad. That's much better then if you hated our band then suddenly found out you were related directly to it," Gerard made an effort to smile at us knowing we were nearly just as freaked out as he was.

We all laughed lightly and it was a sweet, sweet, sound. I had never been so glad to hear anyone laugh in my entire life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whooo! I usually dont update twice in one day, I'm way too ADD for that. Today I didnt go to school because I got a cold from Frank Iero (yay!) so I had some time!
Thanks again to everyone that reads and comments and subcribes! *gives skittles*
Oh and another thanks to Frank Iero for getting me out of a day of school and putting on the best show I've seen next to 4-20! (ok, 4-20 and the Leathermouth show were about tied...)