Run Baby Run

I Want Another Drink

We arrived and the bon-fire was already pretty big with music loudly coming from a portable stereo and alcohol coming from all directions I wasn’t one to drink much but I knew once I had one I always wanted more and I always ended up extremely drunk. This time when asked if I wanted a drink I decided I would have one! but I would limit myself and not I repeat not get drunk.

“I want another drink” I slurred around 5 or maybe 7 drinks later
“No I think you have had enough” Josh laughed holding me up for support “I think you need to sit down” he said directing me over to sit next to Justin “Now sit and be good” he jokingly said before walking away
“Hey Justin” I slurred again taking the drink from his hands and downing it he placed his hand around me as we were sitting on a log and I still couldn’t keep myself up right
“So how have you been? Got yourself a new girl friend yet? I questioned and he just looked at me with a blank face he had had a bit to drink but was still relatively sober
“Umm no I have…” and he was cut off by my lips connecting to his in a aggressive and rather strange kind of kiss it was as though neither of us knew whether we wanted to stop or keep going and me being drunk kept going.

From a small distance away Josh watched as he saw the girl he had fallen for making out with her ex-boyfriend.
“Hey she’s rather drunk do you?”
“Oh crap, im really sorry you had to see that” Josh was cut off by Amus
“Nah don’t worry about me it okay” he lied “Lets just get her home before she decides she wants to go swimming or something like that”

By this time Justin had pulled away and was just kind of sitting there bewildered. While I was just trying to hold myself up and not fall backwards off the log I was sitting on.

“Hey Maree how about we get you home so you stop making out with your ex” Amus gave a dirty glare to Justin who still just sat there.
“Come on” Josh said holding me up as I leant all my weight onto him how he managed to walk amazed me
“Hey im just going to go say bye to Shawn and tell Bell there Is a key under the door for her and Justin whenever they decide to come home” Amus told Josh as he started to head up the beach with me.